Woman Wonders If She Was Wrong To Air Step-Family's 'Dirty Laundry' At Thanksgiving Dinner

Ashley Hunte
Ham, potatoes, and pie for a Thanksgiving feast.
Unsplash | Jed Owen

Thanksgiving is a really weird time of year. On one hand, you get to visit your family. On the other hand, you have to sit around with family members you might not get along with that well. It can be especially tough when you feel like you have no choice but to interact with them.

One woman took to Reddit after having a pretty negative experience at her step-family's Thanksgiving dinner. The family would berate her for not being married or having kids, so she decided to air their dirty laundry at the dinner table. A week later, the step-family is still bashing her over text. The woman asked the Am I The Asshole community if what she did was wrong.

She Shared Her Story Using A Throwaway Account.

The user shares how her step-family constantly berates her for being single and childless.
reddit | throw_93758

The Long And Short Of It Is That Her Mother's Family Can Be Pretty Rude.

A Thanksgiving pumpkin pie.
Unsplash | Diliara Garifullina

The user shared that her mother, who is married to OP's stepdad, insisted she came to the Thanksgiving dinner. She has four step-siblings, each married and with kids. OP is single and doesn't want kids, which makes her sort of the odd one out.

One of her step-brothers announced that he and his wife were expecting another child. This prompted the other step-siblings to begin asking when OP, who is approaching 30, would start having kids. They stated she needed to start soon because "time was running out."

OP had enough of their constant, invasive questions. She finally called them out for being broke, alcoholics, and cheaters. It basically silenced the dinner, and the step-family began berating OP over text for the next week.

The Reddit Comment Section Felt That OP Was Not In The Wrong.

Users applauded OP for her response.
reddit | SnooDoughnuts4671

For many commenters, the way the step-family was treating OP was wrong to begin with. Despite the fact that, for at least a decade, OP has stated she does not want kids and is comfortable being single, they continue to pressure her into finding a partner and becoming a mother.

Users Stated That The Step-Family Could Dish It, But Clearly Couldn't Take It.

Users agree that the family got what they dished.
reddit | MariaLynd

They were fine prying into OP's business but didn't like being called out about their own. But, as some users pointed out, this means that OP can probably skip family holidays from here on out.

Users Were Curious As To Which Step-Siblings Were Alcoholics, Cheaters, Or Broke.

Users joke about family.
reddit | missassysamosa

Though, as other users joked, they all could've easily fallen into each category.