Man Feels Left Out When His Mother Chooses Neighbor's Daughter Over Him

Sarah Kester
Man looking the other way
Unsplash | Drew Hays

There's a reason parents are told not to pick favorites between their children.

All it does is cause children to feel left out and for them to build resentment toward the Chosen One. What happens if the favorite child isn't even a blood relative?

That's the dilemma facing a man on Reddit who says that his mother is actively choosing the neighbor's daughter over her own family.

Here's The Full Story

AITA story on Reddit
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His Mother Always Wanted a Daughter

Instead, he explained that she ended up with two sons and six grandsons. That's a lot of boys! So when a young woman moved in across the street from his mother sixteen years ago, the woman immediately took to the then-two-year-old girl, Lily.

Since the woman was a single mother at the time, the OP's mother offered to help take care of the little girl while her mom worked and studied at school. This eventually led to a deep bond between the OP's mother and Lily. The OP explained that his mom was born and raised in Italy and that his dad was French.

After being emotionally involved for years, the OP's mother eventually became financially involved by contributing to Lily's private school education. Meanwhile, the OP's son and his nephew only received $300 for school. The mom also took Lily to Europe for eight weeks.

As you can imagine, this has caused the son to feel incredibly replaced by Lily. Everything came to a head when they recently visited the mom's house with their sons.

"We planned on staying for a few days because we live 8 hours away," the Redditor wrote. "I was parked in the driveway, then right before dinner my mom told me I needed to move my car so Lily could park in her driveway."

When the man said that Lily could park on the street, the mom said no and that the driveway is Lily's spot. Instead of complying, the man told his sons to pack their bags and they drove the eight hours home.

"My mom has been calling me since last night asking me to come back and saying I overreacted to being asked to move my car," the OP wrote. "I refused and my sons and I are celebrating without her."

Now he's wondering if he was in the wrong for leaving when his mom told him to move his car. As a result, he took his story to Reddit to get some input.

Many People Felt Sorry For The Non-Favorite Son

AITA reactions
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They Understand That the Son Has Years of Resentment Built Up

AITA Reactions
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Moving The Car Seemed Like A Weird "Power Move"

AITA reactions
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H/T: Reddit