Someone Finds Taco Bell Sauce Packets On All The Front Doorsteps Of Their Apartment

Ashley Hunte
A Taco Bell establishment in the early morning.
Unsplash | PJ Gal-Szabo

A Reddit user recently came across a strange sight in their apartment complex. Somebody, at some point in time, gathered a bunch of packets of sauce from Taco Bell and placed one in front of each door in the hallways of the user's apartment. Mystified, the user decided to snap a picture and share it with the Mildly Interesting community.

In regular internet fashion, the post sparked debates and conversations, ranging from if somebody would want to find a sauce packet at their doorstep, to what kind of person would leave the packets on the ground like that in the first place.

User BossBark Shared The Photo Earlier This Week.

Packets of Taco Bell sauce are laid out on the floor in front of apartment front doors.
reddit | BossBark

The picture seems innocuous at a glance. It shows a carpeted hallway with a few doors leading to different units. But when you look closely enough, you can see the sauce packets on the ground, one in front of each of the four doors pictured. There's also a fifth sauce packet in the middle of the hallway, far away from any of the doors.

The post has received a lot of positive attention in the days since it was first uploaded. It's gained over 24 thousand upvotes, and a few awards to boot. Hundreds of people couldn't help but share their thoughts in the comment section of the post.

Many Users Took The Chance To Tell Jokes Or Offer Theories On The Mysterious Sauce Appearance.

Users joke about how a drunk person may have left the packets on the ground.
reddit | cavscout43

There were plenty of theories about who could've left the sauce packets, though most of them were joking or being sarcastic. Some thought it could've been the work of a drunken neighbor who left the sauce packets after a night out.

Others Joked That Santa Claus Came Early.

Users discuss if this would be a good or bad surprise.
reddit | tk306

Depending on who you ask, the sauce packets are either a good thing or a bad thing. For many users, they'd happily gather all those sauce packets and celebrate like it's Christmas morning.

Many Pointed Out That It Could Be A Prank.

People debate if this was intended as a prank.
reddit | maddythemadmuddymutt

If you walk out of your front door without looking down, you may step on a sauce packet and make a huge mess. Multiple users theorized that this could be the handiwork of a prankster who's hoping some people will end up stepping on the sauce packets.

And If That's The Case, Somebody Would Have To Clean It All Up.

A user who works as a janitor points out how much work this could cause cleaners.
reddit | spacecadetbobby

Though the idea of finding a surprise sauce packet at your doorstep might be exciting to some, others find it pretty annoying, especially if they're the ones who'd potentially have to clean it all up.