Man Tries To Sit In Empty Plane Seat A Woman Bought For Herself

Ashley Hunte
An empty row of seats on an airplane
Unsplash | Alexander Schimmeck

If airplanes were made for comfort, they wouldn't have so many seats crammed into the aisles. As it is, sitting next to a stranger who might not respect your personal space is bound to make you wish you'd never left solid ground to begin with.

A Reddit user by the name of Tessy23 took to the popular Am I The Asshole sub to ask if she was in the wrong for buying an extra plane seat, and then not letting a man sit in it to be next to his girlfriend.

The user shared her story, and the fact that she bought the extra seat because of her weight.

A woman tells her story about how two people on a plane did not respect her space.
reddit | Tessy23

Because OP is obese, she finds sitting next to people on a plane uncomfortable.

A packed airplane full of seated customers.
Unsplash | Suhyeon Choi

In the post, the user discusses how she buys two plane tickets when she isn't flying with her boyfriend because she feels uncomfortable having to touch the person sitting next to her. It's as much for her own comfort as it is for the people around her.

But during this plane trip, a man went and sat down in the extra seat next to OP in order to sit next to his girlfriend, and refused to move when she asked. He finally did move, but only after OP talked to a flight attendant who then got him to leave. Both the girlfriend and the boyfriend were visibly upset, and the girlfriend insulted OP under her breath. That had OP wondering if she was being the bad guy there.

As most commenters would agree, she did nothing wrong.

One user shares their perspective as a former flight attendant.
reddit | MolassesFragrant342

The seat may have been empty, but that didn't make it free. One user, who happened to have worked as a flight attendant, sided with OP and said that she was entitled to keep the seat empty since she paid for it.

OP also mentioned that the attendant on her flight was incredibly nice and accommodating.

Other people pointed out how entitled the couple was on the flight.

Most people agreed that OP was entitled to the extra seat she paid for.
reddit | 31anon5

After all, OP paid for the seat. For that couple to try and act like it was theirs for the taking is incredibly rude. It doesn't matter why OP needed the extra seat, it was hers and not up for grabs.

Some commenters offered tips for how to stop people from trying to steal your extra seat.

Users discuss how to keep people from sitting in your plane seat.
reddit | NoxWild

Some mentioned how OP could put up a sign or physically block the seat. Others mentioned how certain airlines have signs for you. Either way, there's hope that this won't happen again to the user!