'Pregnancy Isn't An Excuse To Be Lazy': Husband Shows His True Colors After His Wife Gets Pregnant

Valeria Cova
Text from a Reddit thread
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No matter how much time you spend with someone, sometimes you never get to really know them, as it happened with this woman on Reddit who saw a new side of her husband that she had never noticed before.

We get a little bit of context at the beginning of the post; she explained that she and her husband have been together for five years, three of them as a married couple and that it was time for them to start forming a family.

After some tries, she got pregnant, which was great news for all of their family. Her mother and mother-in-law were thrilled by the baby and planned a big baby shower to welcome them to the new family. However, as the pregnancy continued, things started to go south between her and her husband.

The OP described that her husband can be very lazy sometimes but that it is part of their dynamic. She said that it all started after one night when she asked her to do her routine of checking all of the lights he leaves on before bed because she was tired, but that he refused and told her that it was her job to do it every night.

She added that after this situation, he started lecturing her about what she was expected to do as a woman and soon-to-be mother, telling her that nothing between them would change even though she was pregnant, saying that it wasn't an excuse to be lazy and that he didn't plan on helping her with the baby rather than providing them.

Though she justifies that he never yelled or raised his voice, he treated her very differently than he used to. Finally, one day she snapped and told him that she would have wanted to know that he felt this way before getting pregnant with his baby.

The husband took it really bad and went to his mother's house; however, when the OP explained the situation to her mother-in-law to try to solve things and find some comfort, she told her that he didn't mean it that way and that she should apologize and not be too sensitive.

'It Is A Mother's Job To Deal With It'

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A Blessing In Disguise

The OP was significantly affected by the situation but made an update thanking all of the users for helping her see the circumstances from a different point of view, stating that she opened her eyes to many behaviors her husband had had in the past that she ignored.

Commenters were sharing their own heartbreaking stories about their relationships changing after the arrival of a child or even about how their parents were in abusive relationships that sparked years after they got together and how this affected their childhoods.

Users were spreading words of encouragement, telling the OP that she is still early in her pregnancy and that she has options, such as abortion, even though it might be difficult for her. Still, they affirm that she should leave her husband before it is too late, as he was showing a taste of their future together.

She Still Has Time

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