This Optical Illusion Reveals If Someone Is Organized Or Independent

Lex Gabrielle
Optical illusions
Unsplash | Robert Zunikoff

Optical illusions and eye tests can showcase a lot about a person. Many times, our mind works in various ways in order to get us to visualize and see something outright.

However, some optical illusions have multiple images jam-packed into one. These try to see what center of your brain works best and harder in order to analyze what kind of person you are.

Many optical illusions are subjective.

Optical illusion

Many optical illusions provide the opportunity for multiple people to acknowledge them and interpret them in different ways. This allows individuals to feel they see different things from different perspectives. One person may see a dog, while another person may see a bird.

These types of optical illusions are known as ambiguous images.

Optical illusions
Unsplash | FLY:D

Ambiguous images are images that have more than one interpretation, but each is pretty obvious and clear at first glance. However, our eyes cannot see two things at once, so we are inclined to only see one at first.

One of the most famous ones on the internet was the "blue dress."

blue or gold dress
Know Your Meme | Know Your Meme

The viral blue or gold dress was an ambiguous image that everyone came to know, with some people seeing a blue dress and others seeing a gold dress. It was a hot topic of conversation at many family dinners.

Whether you see one image or another is very subjective and personal.

thinking gif
Giphy | BET

While there is no one way to determine why we see one image or another, studies suggest memories play a role in what we see. In fact, our memories can trigger responses in our brains to see one image over another.

Recently, one TikTok user, Charles Meriot, shared an optical illusion that tells a lot about your personality and who you are.

Unsplash | Mourizal Zativa

Meriot shares many ambiguous image optical illusions on his TikTok channel, showcasing different ways to interpret each image that he shows.

In a recent one, with over 2 million views, Meriot says many either see a factory or a woman.

optical illusion tiktok video
TikTok | TikTok l charlesmeriot

If you see the factory and smoke first, Meriot claims you are calculated, organized, and driven. However, you also sometimes have problems opening up to new people, as well.

It's not clear why this is the case.

optical illusion tiktok video
TikTok | TikTok l charlesmeriot

Although there is hardly a correlation between a factory and being calculated and driven, one may infer that it means you have a business-oriented mind and you are thinking about success and opportunity.

The other image one can see is a woman.

optical illusion tiktok video
TikTok | TikTok l charlesmeriot

Meriot says if you see the woman it means you are both independent and aggressive. You don't always show it right away, but you also don't mind being reassured by the people who are close to you.

Many on TikTok, however, saw something else.

While the only options that Meriot gave were the factory and the woman, many people on TikTok claim they saw eggs and bacon. The comment section was flooded with requests for what it means if that is where their mind wandered.

As it turns out, ambiguous images are everywhere.

Meriot's entire TikTok channel is filled with "what did you see first" videos, using ambiguous images to showcase how your brain and your personality can match up to showcase more about who you are.

As for us, our brain hurts.

headache gif
Giphy | It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

While optical illusions are fun and intriguing, they can also be a huge headache to stare at and try to find one or the other image that everyone else sees. Does anyone else agree?