20 People Who Can Legit Put 'Attention To Detail' On Their Resume

15 mannequins loaded into a car, with two strapped to the roof
reddit | djangohimself

Some people are incredibly observant, with a keen mind for detail. Others? Not so much.

Today, we're not dealing with the latter group. Instead, we're going to focus on the people who have such impressive attention to detail that they should probably win a medal or something for it. Nothing here is earth shattering, but it is all incredibly satisfying to see.

"Chaotic scene that’s actually a sturdy handrail."

Handrail made to look like person walking a dog
reddit | MyHangyDownPart

For the most part, people are content to just let handrails look like handrails. But looking at this pic, it isn't hard to envision a world where every handrail looks like something it isn't.

"Saw this electrician van. The logo is a plug, lightbulb and a smiley face all at same time."

Electrician's logo combines a plug, lightbulb and smiley face
reddit | Canjuice

There are plenty of corporate logos with hidden meanings and hidden designs. That said, it's especially impressive to see a logo that combines three disparate things — plug, lightbulb and smiley face — into one cohesive, on-brand design.

"Fireworks reflection off my car."

Fireworks reflected on a glossy car
reddit | peterpeterny

When fireworks are going off, it seems like everyone aims their phones at the sky to get blurry, terrible pictures of the display. But for those who dare to be different, looking at the ground can produce much more memorable pictures.

"This chiropractor’s logo."

A chiropractor's logo showing a spine morphing into human figures
reddit | ChronophobicGnomon

This chiropractor has not just an awesome name for their business, but an awesome logo as well. It may show a spine morphing into dancing human figures, but it's also an homage of sorts to the famous illustration The March of Progress.

"The WiFi symbol at this Italian Burger King is a stylized hamburger."

Wifi symbol at a Burger King made in the colors of a burger
reddit | thatsabruno

At this point, the wifi symbol is as recognizable to us as the walk/don't walk symbols on traffic symbols. At the same time, giving it these subtle colors immediately brings hamburgers to mind.

"This creative billboard campaign for Koleston Naturals."

Billboard uses cutouts to change its look depending on time of day
reddit | Dr_Zol_Epstein_III

Anyone who's watched Mad Men probably thinks they could come up with a pretty good ad campaign if given the chance. Then you see an ad campaign like this and just have to tip your hat to the professionals.

"Chernobyl snow globe."

A Chernobyl snow globe, with snow replaced by ash
reddit | Gorbushka666

It's going to be a long, long time before Chernobyl is safe for human habitation. With this snowglobe — err, ashglobe would be a better descriptor — you can carry Chernobyl around with you. It has all of the whimsy and none of the deadly fallout.

"Time cover on America's obesity epidemic."

Time magazine cover on obesity: contiguous states are a face, Alaska is a burger
reddit | Minimum_Focus_2857

The map of the United States doesn't look like anything other than, well, the map of the United States. But flip it on its side, turn Alaska into a burger and put it in the Gulf of Mexico, and you can have some fun with things.

"A birdhouse that is a miniature version of this actual house."

Birdhouse that's a miniature replica of larger house
reddit | nathanemke

It likely isn't cheap to get a custom-built birdhouse that perfectly mimics your actual house. But if even one person can take a pic of it for cheap internet points, it all becomes worthwhile.

"Parked my car perfectly in the morning so that it would still be 100% in the shade by the afternoon. This is peak Arizona parking."

Car parked perfectly within shadow
reddit | Theycallmemrmoose

I've spent a lot of time in Arizona, and that heat is no joke. A car that's left out in the sun becomes just about as hot as the sun, so strategic parking in the shadows is advised.

"Washed and dried sheep."

Pictures showing before and after of a sheep being washed
reddit | sailorjupiter28titan

If you've ever wondered how the dirty wool you might see on sheep in a farmer's field and the fluffy, white wool you get at Bed, Bath & Beyond come from the same creature, this pic does a decent job of showing us.

"Tabletop disguised as TV to promote safe shipping."

Tabletop in a TV box to promote safe shipping
reddit | lmikles

If you take just a glance at this, it does look like a TV box. Mission accomplished in that regard. But if you actually study the box, it becomes incredibly confusing trying to ascertain what it contains.

"We ordered Chinese takeout and they handed us our food in a pickle box instead of a bag."

Chinese takeout arranged neatly in a box
reddit | yeetcapsule

If it was just a couple of dishes placed haphazardly in this box, it wouldn't be noteworthy at all. But there's something about the Tetris-like placement that's incredibly satisfying.

"The Colosseum in Rome, Italy."

The Colosseum viewed from a leafy hill
reddit | Poxanarian

The Colosseum is one of the biggest tourist attractions in the whole world, and the immediate surroundings feel like a tourist-infested concrete wasteland. I don't know where this pic was taken from, but it shows an angle that's rarely seen.

"After ordering some shrimp, customer returned the plate like this."

Shrimp shells and tails stacked on plate in orderly way
reddit | toriaces

If you're anything like me, you leave your shrimp tails in a big, disgusting, shameful pile on the plate. It isn't like I'm about to change my ways, but this pic shows us that there is, in fact, a much better way.

"Look closely at the headlights of the Jeep Renegade. Mind blown!"

Headlights of Jeep Renegade showing a miniature Jeep grill
reddit | DefNotABot

I love it when products include little Easter eggs, and here's a great example. The vast majority of people who own this Jeep will never see what's hidden in the headlight, but that just makes discovering the Easter egg feel that much more special.

"My kid’s fake cash register has fake inputs on the back."

Toy cash register has fake inputs on back
reddit | allsfairinwar

Too many kids' toys make no sense. I mean, what's up with those push-around vacuum things with balls in them? This toy aims to be a realistic cash register, and it clearly delivers.

"The attention to detail in keeping the pattern in the tile."

Tiles showing perfect alignment of pattern
reddit | MonkeyOps53

It's one thing to line tiles up correctly. It's quite another thing to line up the patterns on tiles correctly. Whoever this anonymous tile layer-outer is, I salute them.

"Someone cut down this tree with a mortise and tenon joint."

Tree cut down using a mortise and tenon joint
reddit | HotConcrete

In case you didn't know what a mortise and tenon joint was, it's an ancient way of connecting pieces of wood. It's nice to see that modern arborists haven't forgotten the old ways.

"My car can only fit 15 mannequins if two are strapped to the roof."

15 mannequins loaded into a car, with two strapped to the roof
reddit | djangohimself

Why would you want to fit 15 mannequins into and on top of your car? Why would you have 15 mannequins to begin with? I can't answer those questions for you. All I can do is show you this pic.

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