Stephen King's Microwave Salmon Recipe Might Be The Scariest Thing He's Ever Written

Taylor Sakellis
Unsplash | Caroline Attwood

I'm going to say something that might be controversial, but I'm going to say it anyway — if you feel comfortable microwaving fish in public, we may have an issue. Look, I love a good salmon or seabass just as much as the next person, but some things just shouldn't be nuked.

It's okay if you disagree with me, though, because author and apparent foodie Stephen King is a big fan of microwaved fish.

Microwaving fish is a universal sin.

microwaves fish
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I don't care who you are, no one likes the lingering microwave fish smell. And if you choose to do that in a communal space like an office or staff room, you're just asking for people to give you the side-eye.

However, if you are someone who thinks nuking fish is a respectable thing to do, it's safe to say you're in good company.

stephen king wilderness hat
twitter | @stephenking

Acclaimed author and literary icon Stephen King is apparently a massive fan of microwaving salmon.

Like, to cook it from raw.

Like, instead of an oven.

Taking to Twitter, the "It" author inexplicably shared his go-to dinner reciepe.

The instructions include getting a salmon filet from the grocery store, seasoning with olive oil and lemon juice before WRAPPING IT IN DAMP PAPER TOWELS, and nuking it for three minutes.

"Eat it," he concluded. "Maybe add a salad." Oh yes, because a salad would only make this BETTER!

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I think I'm going to have to take a hard pass on this one, Stephen. Don't take it personally, though — we can't all be Gordon Ramsay, right?