Woman Shares Hack To Help Keep Our Gardens Green All Summer

Lex Gabrielle
Unsplash | Robin Wersich

For many people, gardening is a hobby and a passion. Planting things in the yard—whether it be florals or vegetables—is a staple of some people's lives. Not only is gardening a great way to spend time, but it's also a way for people to get outside and create something beautiful.

However, gardening can be difficult if you're not entirely sure what you're doing, so it's important to consult those who have experience with the soil.

While many people try their hand at gardening, it can be challenging.

Unsplash | Crystal Jo

While many people give it their all when they are gardening, it can be difficult and challenging to keep a garden fresh, growing, and not "overgrown." When the weather isn't great and the temperature drops, maintaining a garden is frustrating at best.

There are many ways you can, however, keep your garden thriving.

Unsplash | Pelargoniums for Europe

Specifically dedicating certain "tasks" to specific months and times of year—based on weather—will make sure that your garden is going to look its best.

In January and February when the weather is cold, experts say that you should use the "cold days" to trim shrubs and hedges. You won't be disturbing wildlife because of the weather. In February, it's also a good time to mulch flower beds and shrubberies.

In March, Spring arrives, so it's time to get to work.

Unsplash | Noah Buscher

With Spring finally arriving in March, you should actually begin planting. First, definitely mow that lawn and get it prepared for the summer. And, make sure you're "gentle" with that first cut of the season.

In April, you start tending to those weeds.

Unsplash | Boris Debusscher

April starts to bring forth the warmer days, so your lawn is going to start growing a bit more. You should get into a weekly lawn-mowing session in April, and then also get the weeds handled a bit towards the end of April, the beginning of May.

In May, those bugs start to pop up on your veggies and plants.

Unsplash | Elias Morr

Those veggies and plants you began putting out in March, well, they're coming on up now. And, in May when the weather is very warm, the bugs start to appear. You want to be sure to focus on "debugging" all those crops you have out there.

June officially brings us summer.

Unsplash | Eco Warrior Princess

With summer coming in June, your flowers will begin to pop with color and light, so you want to stay on top of your watering cycle. The hot days in summer will make it so your plants get dried out easily in the sun. Investing in a sprinkler may help your garden overall.

Mowing should increase come July.

mowing the lawn
Unsplash | Rasa Kasparaviciene

Kelly Watt from Darren Watt Landscaping claims, "Mowing may increase to twice a week depending on weather conditions. You can apply another nitrogen-rich lawn feed to keep the lawn luscious and green."

August, however, is a quiet gardening month.

Unsplash | Vincent Keiman

August, while a summer month, isn't really a gardening month for many people. It's a dryer month and also a time when people spend their days just lounging and not really planting much.

September is the beginning of the fall, which means—trees.

Unsplash | Jonathan Kemper

Experts say September is a great time to start planting new trees and bushes, rather than veggies and flowers. By the spring, these new additions will be grown and helping your garden thrive.

Those cold winter months are basically a "free escape."

Unsplash | Aaron Burden

Once the winter comes through, you basically are "off" from gardening entirely. Experts say just to be cautious of falling leaves and clean up by raking and piling them away. Otherwise, most gardening takes a breather from October-December.

Overall, gardening is a cycle!

Unsplash | Filip Urban

From month to month, there are different tasks that should be focused on throughout the calendar year. In order to keep your garden fresh and flowing, you want to focus each month on each weather-related task. Sooner than you realize, your garden will be perfect!