Couple Sparks Debate With 'No Plus-Ones' Rule At Wedding: 'Cheap And Tacky'

Rae Batchelor
A bride and a groom hold hands.
Unsplash | Jeremy Wong Weddings

Planning a wedding is no simple task. Not only do you have to worry about the venue, the food, the dress, the suit, the bridesmaids, the groomsmen, the cake, and the music, you have to deal with the biggest stressor of all: the guest list. How big do you want your wedding to be? How small? Should Great-Aunt Cathy get an invite or should she be kept away from the open bar? These are tough questions to answer and one TikTok couple has stirred up a bit of controversy with their answer: they simply aren't allowing their guests to bring a plus-one along with them to the event.

TikTok user @kroskxx, whose name is Kaytlyn, shared a video about her upcoming wedding's controversial rules.

"Hyping ourselves up to tell our wedding guests... no plus ones allowed, there's a dress code, kids aren't invited, and we're not giving out favors," the video reads over her and her husband posing in various positions. The first rule seemed to catch a lot of people's attention, and in a way that was very divided.

Many people in the comments were not on board.

"I think not allowing a plus one is cheap and tacky," wrote one commenter, while another added that "if I wasn't allowed to bring my partner to a wedding then I'm not going to that wedding lol."

"Not having a plus one stresses me out as an introvert," one commenter shared.

Some people, though, were more in favor of the move.

"Love this. Weddings have become so much more about making guests happy than the actual couple," wrote one commenter.

"Can you imagine a wedding that's actually FOR the bride and the groom?" another added, while many commenters wrote, "It's your wedding, do what you want!"

The video, which amassed 943k likes and over 7000 comments, clearly made an impact on the people who saw it.

Eventually, Kaytlyn made a follow-up video explaining the no plus-ones rule.

What do you think? Are plus-ones a polite way to allow your guests to feel comfortable and included that should be necessary for a wedding, or are they a formality that not every wedding requires? Personally, while I don't know if I would attend a wedding if I wasn't allowed to bring a plus-one, I would never try to tell someone who they could and couldn't invite to their wedding!

Let us know how you feel in the comments!