Hey Moms: Celebrate Your Small Wins Too

Sarah Kester
Unsplash | Omar Lopez

If you were to look up "Mom" in the dictionary, you may not see the word "wonder woman," but you should feel it.

After all, moms are strong, courageous, passionate, and warm. And you don't need one holiday a year to remind you of that! Or, a big gesture, like a mother lifting up a car to save her baby.

The small wins matter, too. Here's why.

#MomGuilt has been on a rapid increase over the years.

Sad woman
Unsplash | Claudia Wolff

According to Healthline, this is when a mother feels like they're not doing enough to be a good mom, or they're worried about "messing up" their kids.

The shame from this often makes it more difficult for these women to reach out for help.

Mom with son
Unsplash | Nathan Dumlao

It's difficult not to compare yourself to other mothers who embody "having it all," whether that be on social media, mom circles, or the "put together" PDA moms at your child's school.

Mom guilt is especially rampant for working mothers.


A 2016 study of 255 parents found that working moms may experience more guilt over their work interfering with family than working dads do. Allowing these feelings to internalize can cause stress, anxiety, and depression.

Reducing these feelings could mean asking for help or unfollowing mommy bloggers who make you feel bad.

Mamma Mia
Good Housekeeping | Amazon

There's another important technique to try that doesn't get talked about often enough: celebrating your small wins!

See, while big milestones are important — like throwing a successful birthday party or seeing your child graduate from high school — the little moments are just as meaningful.

This could look like getting your child to sleep at a reasonable hour.

Kids in bed
Unsplash | Isaac Del Toro

As any parent knows, this deserves a major pat on the back! It's also a major win for your self-care as this gives you extra time to take care of yourself.

Remember: you can't pour out of an empty cup.

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Good Housekeeping | Universal

This is why it's so important to celebrate the personal accomplishments that are outside of the responsibilities of your kids. You're a person, too, after all.

You might nail a new recipe you wanted to try or ace a test for a course you're doing.

Happy woman
Unsplash | Ivana Cajina

If that's the case, consider getting a babysitter for the night and go out and celebrate this win.

Or, spend the night inside, catching up on your favorite shows or relaxing in a hot bubble bath.

There will be days when your greatest accomplishment is getting out of bed.

Giphy | RTL

That's okay. Parenting is a challenge and sometimes what you learn over time is to take the good with the bad.

Getting out of bed means that you did something; it can't be a zero-day after that.

You're not a failure for small wins.

Unsplash | Jessica Rockowitz

For brushing your hair after not touching it for several days, or for putting on makeup for the first time in a month.

Even your so-called failures aren't so bad, like forgetting your child's dentist check-up or failing to get the laundry done. You're always more than enough.

So, to all the moms out there who are struggling, please know that you're not alone.

Meryl Streep

Also, know that you're learning something new each time you take a step back. This can lead to two steps forward the next time.

Embrace your strength and give grace to your failures. The more you come to realize that small wins for motherhood are some of the greatest wins for women, the better off you'll be.