Woman Goes Viral For Shutting Down Conversation About Her Size: 'I Don't Congratulate Weight Loss'

Rae Batchelor
Feet standing on a scale.
Unsplash | i yunmai

Pretty much every woman knows the struggle of someone trying to rope you in to a conversation about weight or weight loss whether or not you actually have any interest in taking part in that conversation. This is especially true for anyone who's plus-sized, because it is often assumed that you must be trying to lose weight or interested in hearing advice on how to do so.

One woman on TikTok found an incredible way to shut that kind of conversation down.

In a video that has gone viral, one woman combatted the way another woman confronted her about her size.

A woman gesturing at herself.
TikTok | @whats_eating_erica_j

"I just started teaching at a new yoga studio about two months ago, and one of the people who work there approached me behind the front desk and asked me a question," Erica began her video.

"This person proceeded to tell me that they are a holistic nutritionist," Erica explained.

An empty plate with a frowning face drawn on it.
Unsplash | Thought Catalog

She said the woman told her that "one of their clients has already lost 70 pounds, to which I replied, 'Oh, OK' because I don't congratulate weight loss. I think that's very creepy and weird to do in our culture, so I haven't done it in years," Erica continued. "She was a little taken aback by that and then said, 'And she's kept it off!' And I said, 'Oh, OK.'"

"'I'm just curious if that's something you want to learn more about and take part in?'" Erica said she was asked.

A woman speaking.
TikTok | @whats_eating_erica_j

"And without missing a beat, I have never heard this come out of my mouth in my entire life, I said to this person, 'Thank you so much for asking. I'm actually not interested in weight loss.' To which they replied, 'Oh. Oh... okay.' Like someone [expletive] on the floor."

Erica explained it was important for her to share the moment online.

"I've been wanting to share this because I think, for me, when I chose not to take it so personally — and it did hurt my feelings — I was able to step outside of the situation and hover above it and be like, 'OK, I feel like we could engage in these conversations with each other and have beautiful learning moments when we don't take everything that people say to us to heart.'"

You can watch Erica's video right here!