19 Things That Instantly Make People Angry

Sarah Kester
Digital Spy | NBC

It doesn't take much to get people upset these days.

With so much going on in the world, there's a long list of problems to choose from. That's likely what inspired Reddit user u/Disastrous-Article30 to do some digging and pinpoint exactly what it is that makes people tick.

Be prepared to get fired up over this list of 19 things that instantly make people angry!

Getting blamed for something you didn’t do

Unsplash | Andre Hunter

It's completely the worst since a) it means people don't trust you and b) they think the worst of you. Everyone deserves the benefit of the doubt until actual evidence can prove them guilty.

Hitting your head

Unsplash | engin akyurt

"When I hit my head on something. There’s this pipe right around head level near my washing machine and utility sink (I’m not even tall…it’s an old house). I bump my head on it an embarrassing amount of times. I always want to smash something when I do." - u/scrodytheroadie

When you drop something and it bumps into even more things on the way down


You get to a certain age where having to bend down for anything gets annoying. So it's even worse when you're left picking up several items or when an item rolls underneath something and you have to reach your arm in to get it out.

Losing something

Digital Spy | NBC

"When I put the thing in a specific place, and then I go to get it from that specific place, and the thing isn't there. Where's the [expletive] thing? I put it there, I know I did. No one knows anything about the thing or its whereabouts. Drives me insane." - u/Stander1979

Mosquito sounds


As much as we love summer, we are not looking forward to these pesky buggers coming out again! The sound is enough to drive anyone up a wall.

Trying to open a package

Unsplash | Mediamodifier

"Those little tabs at the corner of packets of cold meat that are supposed to peel the whole thing open but instead, just completely detach! RAGE!!!!" - u/VonAshley

When someone won't stop talking

youtube | Disney

They give you no chance to speak, which is infuriating on so many levels. This leaves you feeling like the rude one when you're forced to interrupt just to get a word in.

Being voluntold

Unsplash | Ryan Snaadt

"It’s even worse if they orchestrate it in a way that makes it seem as though they’re giving you a choice…except if they actually were they wouldn’t be going into details, they would just ask 'hey, would you be able to do this?' and have it just be a yes or no question." - u/GrooverShowes

When you're wearing socks and step onto something wet

Unsplash | Gabrielle Henderson

It's truly a gross feeling, especially when you don't know where the moisture came from. Then, you're forced to change the pair of socks for a new one.

Being treated like a child

Giphy | The Office

"If it happens while you're literally maturing in front of people as a teenager it ruins your [expletive] confidence and so you end up thinking you're not an 'adult' yet even though you're doing everything 'adults' do." - u/_Kadera_


Bustle | HBO

Is it really that much more trouble to throw your trash in the garbage? We think not, so make the extra effort to get it done.

Being told you're upset/mad about something when you're not

Unsplash | Obie Fernandez

"Happens with my mom all the time. Sometimes I just need to be left alone with my feelings. I’m not mad, just don’t want to bother explaining my feelings about something." -u/Negative_Shake1478

Getting comfy in bed and realizing you have to pee

Giphy | Shameless

Ugh, the worst! It's not a feeling you can just magically wish away. And if you decide to stay in bed, you'll undoubtedly be woken up during the middle of the night by your bladder.

Accidentally biting your cheek/tongue

Unsplash | Julien L

"Teeth are sharp and jaws are strong, it hurts really bad right away and then continues to hurt every time something touches it for the next day or so." - u/earbud_smegma

People who lie

Bustle | HBO

White lies or not, there really is not justification for this. Especially if they're lying for no reason! These people need to find better things to do.

Dog owners who don’t pick up their dog’s poop

Unsplash | Victor Grabarczyk

"Witnessed this during my walk in the park today… owner watched their dog [expletive] right in the middle of a soccer field and did nothing. That instantly pisses me off." -u/Sir_Winsalot

When your headphones get ripped out of your ear

Unsplash | Joel De Vera

The culprit could be a person pulling them out to get your attention or them falling out on their own. Either way, it's the little things that piss us off most.

Hurting animals or children

Giphy | The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

"This is the only one that will truly, instantly, brings on rage in me. I'm a pretty laid-back person, hard to anger. But that one right there is instant. Also, any other person unable to defend themselves, adult or otherwise." - u/Mollybrinks


Giphy | HULU

"I understand that it’s everywhere, in every industry. Being in construction, it’s frustrating watching the big bosses entire family, who can’t even read their tape measures, get promoted and unlimited overtime for simple tasks. There was a crew on a job I was on, and our only job was to fix everything that they touched, to make it right. Nepotism pissed me off." - u/landon_masters

H/T: Reddit