20 Strange Pics People Uploaded To The Interwebs

Ashley Hunte
An emergency stop button on an unfinished wall. Multiple messages written on the wall either say it's a stop button, or ask what it stops exactly.
reddit | rolfeadog

One of my favorite genres of things people post online has got to be the weird stuff. It's amazing what kind of strange things and coincidences people come across.

And because people love those sweet, sweet internet points, they always upload pics of the strange things they find online. Yeah, the internet is kind of a goldmine when it comes to oddities.

"I saw my door in a book."

A door in a room with a distinct wooden pattern. A similar door can be found in a book held up next to the real door.
Reddit | Fashion__ThrowAway

Wait, that's actually crazy. I'm sure most of us have found doors in picture books that were similar to the ones in our own homes. But this one's so distinct. It feels like so much more of a rare find.

"A sign of the times."

A guideline for what you should and shouldn't do after an operation, including avoiding posting to social media for 24 hours.
Reddit | Wonderful_Fishing857

I mean, they're right. You probably shouldn't post to social media if you're still loopy from the anesthesia. But wow, who would've thought they'd actually recommend against it in a form like this?

"This bacon started off as normal strips and I’ve never seen bacon shrink so much before."

A pan with two tiny bits of bacon and a lot of grease.
Reddit | kels2212

I know that bacon usually shrinks when you cook it, but this is ridiculous! Like, there's pretty much nothing left at this point. I wonder if it was bound to do this, or if it's just overcooked.

"A few years ago I caught the fog blending almost seamlessly with the water."

A long dock with a bench at the end. The water and the sky almost look like one, thanks to the fog in the air.
Reddit | Kubikake

This looks like something out of a video game. Like, the part of the game where the hero almost dies and has to talk to their dead relative or something. So pretty, in a really ethereal way.

"My microwave is asking for a sacrifice."

The right side of a microwave. In the display, the word Child can be seen.
Reddit | oand6034

I don't know why any microwave would have to have the word "child" on its display, but I don't like it. Maybe it really does want some kind of child sacrifice. Spooky.

"Grocery store in Sweden keeps things organized."

A display of potato chips. Each bag is turned to its side, rather than facing forward.
Reddit | Stindo

I'm not really sure how to feel about this. Sure, it looks kind of nice, but how do you know which brand and flavor you want if you can't see all the labels?

"This broken sign at McDonalds makes it look like they are advertising in the 90s."

A picture taken out of a car window of a McDonald's drive thru menu in the snow. The display is malfunctioning, showing everything in bright, iridescent colours.
Reddit | throwingplaydoh

This is honestly super distracting. But at the same time, I'm kind of into it. It would make for a pretty fun decoration at a '90s theme party, that's for sure.

"One of my friends deleted social media and is attempting to stay in contact VIA mail…"

A letter written to Brittany from Ryan, with an accompanied stamp.
Reddit | BrittanyBabbles

This is honestly such a cute idea. Social media can be pretty exhausting, but sending letters to your friend is always exciting. Maybe we should all try this.

"My beer has a beer in it."

A beer can with the tab open. Underneath, a second can is visible.
Reddit | actuallyarobot

I think it's more that OP's beer has a beer on top of it. I'm not even going to bother asking how they're going to get the can open, because I don't think I want to know.

"This baking soda in my gf's mom’s house still has a Blockbuster movie rental."

A box of really old baking soda that has a coupon for a free Blockbuster rental on it.
Reddit | Transman5000

You can tell this baking soda is old because of the Blockbuster coupon on it (which, sadly, won't work anymore). I guess the best thing to do is just throw it away.

"This foldable stop sign at an intersection."

A stop sign next to a road, that has its two side ends folded into one another, making it unreadable.
Reddit | Legend_of_Piss

It looks like this stop sign doesn't actually need to be used, which is why it's folded. But man, would this ever stress me out. I'd probably always stop, just in case.

"A single window on this wall."

The side of a large building with a single, small window in it.
Reddit | PradaWny

This is just plain creepy. I don't know what that building is supposed to be, and I quite frankly don't want to know. Anything with such few windows (basically none) can't be good.

"The way this drain slowly froze over with a trickle still running out."

The end of a drainpipe. Water that was flowing out of it has frozen, creating a solid waterfall.
Reddit | mcparksky

You know it's cold cold if running water like that gets frozen. On one hand, it's pretty neat. But on the other hand, I seriously don't want to be anywhere near there (because of how cold it probably is).

"This pack of multivitamins with an odd one out. Won’t be taking that one."

A pack of multivitamin tablets. While they almost all look identical, one has strange black dots on its brown body.
Reddit | lufc_atw

Yeah, I don't blame OP for not wanting to take that one. Even though it's probably harmless, it just looks suspicious, and sometimes that's enough to be off-putting.

"This icicle I found standing next to my neighbour's truck."

An icicle sticking out from the ground, taking the shape of the curve of a truck bumper. The truck it probably got its shape from is parked a few inches behind, with space between itself and the ice.
Reddit | chrisdaley519

My guess is that the ice formed around the truck, and then the neighbor moved it and parked it in a slightly different spot.

Or it's a ghost icicle. It's one of those two things.

"This emergency stop button at my workplace."

An emergency stop button on an unfinished wall. Multiple messages written on the wall either say it's a stop button, or ask what it stops exactly.
Reddit | rolfeadog

Yeah, I'd also like to know what kind of emergency it's for...

According to OP, it pretty much stops everything in the workplace. You'd think the other workers would know that, though.

"This parking garage says 'Remember' below every floor number."

A brick wall next to a fence and a door. A green sign on the wall has a number 2 and the word, "Remember."
Reddit | backindenim

I get that it's probably to help people remember what level they parked in, but I can't help but feel like it's giving off some sinister energy. I dunno, it just doesn't seem right.

"My mother in law's outfit accidentally matches the restaurant's flooring."

A woman's shirt dress with a plaid pattern that matches the pattern on the floor beneath her.
Reddit | bobob1993

What an odd coincidence! I don't usually try to dress like the restaurant I plan on visiting (as I'm sure most people try not to do), so this hasn't happened to me before. But the fact that it could someday is kind of scary.

"My fruit snack came with a gummy finger."

A package of Welch's fruit snacks. One of the gummies from the package is actually a pink gummy finger.
Reddit | Scat_Olympics

This is honestly the most random thing I've ever seen come out of a pack of Welch's. Or any gummy package, for that matter. Like, it isn't even close to being a fruit snack.

"Smiling cheese."

A pack of Swiss cheese slices. Rather than have holes throughout, the cheese has two holes side by side, and a small slit underneath, resembling a smiley face.
Reddit | arr11235

Food with faces is so strange to me. On one hand, the smiley face is kind of cute. But on the other hand... someone's gonna have to eat that.