20 People Whose Days Probably Couldn't Get Any Worse — We Hope

Ashley Hunte
The front hood of a car. A gun bullet is embedded in the metal.
Reddit | HomesickArmadillo

Nobody sets out to have a bad day. They just kind of happen for whatever reason. And as much as they suck, they're kind of a part of life.

I have to say, I really feel bad for the people who had to go through these truly unfortunate things. On the plus side, it can probably only go up from here.

"I put aluminum foil down in the oven to make cleanup easier after cooking pizza. The foil melted and got stuck instead."

A black pan with melted aluminum foil stuck to its surface.
Reddit | paintedshrubbery

Just when you thought you wouldn't have to clean up, this has to go and happen. I guess that oven was just too hot, even for aluminum foil.

"Closed the dishwasher and the cabinet decided to kill itself."

A woman standing in the middle of a kitchen, looking down at a pile of shattered dishes on the floor. Next to her, a wall cabinet has fallen onto the counter beneath it.
Reddit | joshuambrose

Looks like whoever installed that cabinet did a really, really bad job of it. Which sucks, because the whole point is to be able to use them without worrying that they're going to fall at any second.

Looks like it's gonna be takeout for a little while.

"So I was heading to job interview and accidentally spilled coffee all over me just before interview. Not the best first impression I suppose…"

A person's lap. A spilled drink stains the person's crotch area, and a steering wheel is in view.
Reddit | Mikrobeast

The one really nice thing about Zoom job interviews is that you don't have to worry about spilling things on your pants, since no one would know.

But in-person interviews are different. That's absolutely going to be the first thing someone sees when they welcome you into your office. Yeesh.

"I went to replace a switch and found the previous worker used tape instead of wire nuts. Time to check the whole house."

An open electrical light switch box. The live wires inside the box are held together with tape instead of wire nuts.
Reddit | ButtKylerJr

This is very obviously the work of a previous homeowner who had no business doing any kind of electrical work themselves, but did so anyway. Hopefully they didn't completely ruin OP's house.

"Walked off the train after a nice day of taking photos and slipped on black ice in the parking lot. Thankfully my $400 lens broke my fall."

A camera lens with a crack right in the middle of the joint.
Reddit | rivibird

Breaking an expensive camera really sucks, but it's probably still better than breaking a bone, or worse. At least a camera can be replaced and doesn't cause you excruciating physical pain (just emotional pain, I guess).

"2 hours into a 10 hour shift when a passenger asks if I know about the stowaway on my bus."

The inside of a bus. Along one of the windows, a large spider sits idly.
Reddit | El_Dief

It's all fine as long as the spider doesn't decide to move. If she does decide to start moving around, then you'll have no choice but to leave the bus immediately and call for back up. Or just get a new bus.

"Pulled my earbuds out of my pocket like this..."

A pair of wired earbuds. One side is intact, while the other side is broken.
Reddit | Zallarion

I realized the other day that I haven't bought a new pair of headphones or earbuds in a long time, and it's literally because they aren't wired. Those wires, man. Why do they break so easily?

"My entire wheel came off going 75mph down the highway."

Two images. The first shows a spot on a car where a wheel should be, and the second shows the wheel on snow.
Reddit | DenverNuggetz

I always hate hearing about things like this because it's so scary! Luckily, it seems like no one got hurt, and OP got the tire replaced. This still sucks, but it could've been so much worse.

"Found on my way home. Someone's day got a little bit worse this evening."

The top of an escalator. A shoe sits at the edge, its shoelace stuck in between the edge and the steps.
Reddit | minikelzke

I honestly wonder what happened to the person who lost this shoe. Did they just, like, walk away with only one shoe on? Did they happen to have another pair handy? Did they... do this on purpose? So many questions, and literally no answers.

"Almost one bite too far."

A pickle with a bite and slice taken out of it. Inside the bite/slice, a magot sits, having burrowed itself in the middle of the pickle.
Reddit | hlross20

I can't look at this picture without cringing. Like, this is the kind of thing that would probably make you cry if it happened to you.

On the plus side, OP noticed before taking a big chomp out of that maggot...

"I’ve lived in this house for 5 years. I took one of the outlet covers off to do some painting and this is what the back looked like."

The back of an outlet plate. There are scorch marks around the bottom of the first outlet hole, right around the screw hole.
Reddit | TurtleBarn

Electrical fires are no joke. This person's lucky that whatever happened behind this plate didn't end up turning into a whole fire. They should probably think about getting an electrician to come and check things out, though.

"My slippers arrived! And they came with an extra accessory."

A black slipper with fur-like details along the edges. A store security tag is stuck to the side.
Reddit | hyliaidea

On the plus side, you can go to pretty much any clothing store and ask them to take the tag off for you. But... that kind of defeats the purpose of shopping online, doesn't it?

"Triple washed the lettuce before making salad for my family. Nobody noticed these little guys until we got to the bottom of our bowls."

Several pieces of lettuce on a yellow mat. There are small bugs all over the lettuce.
Reddit | badmotivator11

I don't care if bugs in my salad would mean extra protein, something like this would make me sob like a small child. Too bad they didn't realize until after they pretty much finished the salad off.

"I tried making garlic bread today these are the pieces I cut from the baguette. Wasn’t successful."

Four cut pieces from a baguette. The centers of the pieces are hollow, rather than having bread.
Reddit | No_Journalist754

Baguettes that are all hollow in the middle are the worst. Like, you get all excited for some nice French bread, only to find out that there's way less there than you were expecting. And you can't do anything with it!

"Is it okay to cry over an entire gallon of spilled milk in the garage when it's 5 degrees and I can't clean it right now?"

A garage floor, in between the back of an SUV and some shelving. Two jugs, one of milk and the other of detergent sit on the floor. The milk has spilled out of the milk jug, which broke on the floor.
Reddit | TheAnxiousLady

Well, that's certainly one time I'd probably cry over spilled milk. Maybe if it freezes, it'll be a little easier to clean? Or maybe you just have to wait until it gets warmer and spray it down with the hose.

"A wild turkey flew out of the ditch and right into the windshield of my garbage truck at about 50 mph. It also left little muddy footprints."

The front of a truck. On the windshield, muddy footprints sit next to a section that's completely cracked.
Reddit | stationaire

You know, I'm thinking that the little muddy footprints are the least of this person's worries. Like, that windshield is gonna need to be replaced.

And if that's what the truck looks like, I'd hate to see the turkey.

"Got an incredible amount of rain and wind. This 60 lb bag of concrete got wet in my garage. Now it’s a solid piece of concrete."

A back of quick set concrete. The bag looks like it's been expanded, signalling that the concrete inside has set.
Reddit | LordsofGastone

Whelp, now OP has a 60 pound weight that they absolutely shouldn't try picking up or working out with. Or doing anything with, really. Because it's useless.

"I've been looking for my glasses for 3 days."

A melted pair of glasses along what looks like an oven rack, set over a kitchen sink.
Reddit | sh4ggyguy

This is tragic for more reasons than one. Like, this person lost their glasses (which they probably need) and they basically ruined an oven rack.

I'm not even going to ask how this happens.

"My new laptop battery arrived today. Apparently at some point while making the Pavilion 15 series, HP decided they'd move the contacts over about an inch."

Two laptop batteries with plugs in different spots. The laptop itself sits next to them, showing which battery will fit and which one won't.
Reddit | DramaGuy23

Whelp, at this point you might as well replace the whole thing. I'm sure HP didn't plan for that at all...

"Living in Texas."

The front exterior of a car. A bullet is embedded in the metal.
Reddit | HomesickArmadillo

Don't you just love it when someone decides to practice shooting right in front of your car? Or, maybe they decided to use the car for target practice. How nice of them to leave a souvenir behind.

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