
Quotes For Women Who Know Their Beauty Routine Is The Real Struggle

From skincare all the way to the final dusting of finishing spray, your beauty routine is intense... and sometimes, it's a pain in the butt.

Allow these quotes to express the frustration you feel at getting glam!

It be like that sometimes.

Self-care can be going through your entire beauty routine, including doing elaborate eyeshadow and using false lashes, just to stay at home. It's nice to feel fancy sometimes, okay?

Hold. It. In.

No sneezing, no crying, no laughing — no moving until the liner and mascara are dried.

If it happens, though, wait until the mascara has dried before removing it. It's easier that way!

Nothin' wrong with getting excited about beauty.

VIB comes with perks, okay? A house comes with maintenance, cleaning obligations, yard work... nah. Get you those sweet VIB discounts and free tiny samples at the checkout counter. You deserve it.

It's the seratonin.

See, that hit when you checkout at Sephora is just so satisfying. Plus, the makeup is glittery and shiny. Honestly, I don't know what it is exactly, I just know I relate to this a lot.


Y'all mind if I block everyone out and just focus on making my cheekbones look as good as possible? It's an art and I truly can't be distracted at this time. Thank you.

This is what selfies are for.

The worst part is when you look in the mirror and realize your makeup looks the best right before you take it off. Come through, natural oils creating the ultimate glow!

This haunts me.

Everyone's skin is different, I get it. I totally get different things working for different people. But holy crap do I long for a shorter skincare and beauty routine, you guys.

No part of this tweet is a lie.

Taking care of high-maintenance hair is a universal challenge, okay? We need that education in schools. And maybe a course on makeup removal, since a lot of people think that's optional.

Makeup truly is camouflage.

I can confirm this, as people still don't recognize me without a full beat. Years of training eyes to associate your face with flawless skin, winged liner, and big lashes always pays off.

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