Should a Dog ALWAYS Have Food & Water Outside? 🤔 Neighbors' HEATED Debate

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Diply | Diply

😱 Buckle up, folks! We've got a tail-wagging tale of drama, conflict, and a whole lot of doggy love! 🐶💕 When a concerned neighbor tries to play hero, all h*ll breaks loose! 🙀 Our furry friend's owner is left chasing their pup through the streets, gasping for air and wondering where it all went wrong. 😩 But wait, there's more! Accusations fly, tempers flare, and the threat of animal control looms on the horizon. 😲 Will this pawsome parent be deemed unfit? 🤔 Or will they prove their undying love for their canine companion? 🥰 Let's dive in and find out! 🐾

🐶 Furry Friend Fiasco! 😱

caprine-evisc | caprine-evisc

🏃‍♂️ Chasing Chaos! 😩

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😠 Smug Neighbor Strikes! 🙄

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🍽️ Scheduled Feeding Frenzy! 🐶

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💧 Water Woes! 🥤

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☀️ Weather Worries! ⛅

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🚨 Threat of Animal Control! 😲

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😡 Tempers Flare! 🔥

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🐕 Undeserving Dog Owner?! 😤

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🛌 Snuggle Session! 🥰

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🤔 Pondering Pooch Care! 🐾

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🚽 Bathroom Break Clarification! 💩

caprine-evisc | caprine-evisc

😱 Doggy Drama Unfolds! 🐶💥

Well, well, well! 😏 Looks like we've got ourselves a real ruff situation here! 🐾 Our furry friend's owner is caught in a whirlwind of neighborhood drama, all because they dared to let their pup out for a quick 20-minute bathroom break! 🚽💨 With accusations flying and tempers flaring, it's hard to know who's really in the doghouse here. 🤔 But one thing's for sure, this pawsome parent loves their canine companion more than anything! 🥰 They've got a vet-approved feeding schedule, plenty of snuggles, and a whole lot of heart. ❤️ So, what does the internet think of this tail-wagging tale? 🤔 Let's see what the top dogs have to say! 🐶📢

Dog owner defends responsible pet ownership; sparks agreement

slyest_fox | slyest_fox

Security camera as proof against neighbor letting dog loose. NTA.

Doctor_HooLock | Doctor_HooLock

Neighbor dispute over dog's food & water, suggests security camera use.

voluntoldwife | voluntoldwife

Neighbor lets kid endanger dog but worried about food/water? NTA 🙅‍♂️

AccessibleBeige | AccessibleBeige

Report the neighbor to the police for dangerous interference 👮

FoolMe1nceShameOnU | FoolMe1nceShameOnU

Defend your dogs and property with cameras and fencing 🐶📹🚪

CakeisaDie | CakeisaDie

Debate over dog safety and food/water access sparks controversy.

Isawonline | Isawonline

Neighbor disapproves of dog's outdoor time, gets shut down. 🐶

Almond409 | Almond409

Report the neighbor for trespassing and endangering the dog 🐕

[deleted] | [deleted]

Protect your furbaby from a**hole neighbors with cameras and evidence 👁

Avebury1 | Avebury1

Check local laws before leaving dogs outside without water 🚧

curien | curien

Neighbor lets dog loose, NTA for protecting pet 🐶

Sagerie | Sagerie

Neighbor feud escalates to legal action. 🐕🚫👨‍⚖️

sysadrift | sysadrift

Neighbor's hazardous actions outweigh dog going without water 20 mins. 🐾

GlassSandwich9315 | GlassSandwich9315

NTA suggests involving authorities for animal welfare. 👏

Emergency_Ad_5935 | Emergency_Ad_5935

Neighbor's dog causing trouble? Call the cops for backup! 🐶🚔

Plan_ahea___d | Plan_ahea___d

Dog owner not at fault according to commenter. 🐶

maximumkush | maximumkush

Suggestion to install cameras and secure yard for dog safety 🐶

Isawonline | Isawonline

Protecting your property with cameras and fences. Call authorities if necessary.

Tricky_Dog1465 | Tricky_Dog1465

Debate on leaving water for dogs outside sparks opinionated response. NTA

Ritehandwingman | Ritehandwingman

Dog owner criticized for endangering pet, debate sparks worker rights.

Crystal225 | Crystal225

Neighbor poisons dog's water, NTA suggests installing cameras. 👍

Mundane-Grape9985 | Mundane-Grape9985

Neighborly dispute over dog's food & water turns trespassing threat 🐕🍲

Cheesygirl1994 | Cheesygirl1994

Keeping your dog outside is fine as long as it's legal.

MostSeaworthiness | MostSeaworthiness

Neighbor suggests drastic action in heated pet debate 🔥

truisluv | truisluv

Suggesting a police report for stolen dog food sparks agreement.

AorticMishap | AorticMishap

Reporting animal neglect to the cops 🚔🐶

Himkano | Himkano

NTA refuses to share dog water bowl, threatens to call police 🚫🐶

LittleRedCarnation | LittleRedCarnation

🚨 Call the cops! Neighbor's admission demands immediate action 🚨

generic_bitch | generic_bitch

Neighbor's ulterior motives suspected in dog incident. 🤔

Cappthepotato | Cappthepotato

Encouraging trespassing: NTA or ESH? Legal consequences debated. 🤔

nomoreroger | nomoreroger

Setting boundaries with neighbors over dog incident 💪

Accomplished_Area311 | Accomplished_Area311

Suggests using a camera to catch neighbor, warns about rodents 🐽

Sad_Gold7305 | Sad_Gold7305

Neighbor's child trespassed, threatens to call animal control. NTA.

platinumdogmom | platinumdogmom

Dog owner advises on neighbor's potential harm to pets. 🐕

HinSoCal | HinSoCal

Protect your property! 🚫🚪🚶

wind-river7 | wind-river7

Neighbor accuses dog owner of neglect, but is it justified?

fourjoys99 | fourjoys99

Neighbor suggests police report for dog's safety. Is it reasonable?

ohsogreen | ohsogreen

Leaving water outside for 20 mins? NTA, better safe 😊

[deleted] | [deleted]

Neighbor trespasses, but NTA for questioning legality 😎

Brilliant_Salt7558 | Brilliant_Salt7558

Neighbor frees dog, NTA presses charges, concern for dog's safety

Witch_Dagger | Witch_Dagger

Let your doggo run free, but don't forget the water! 💦🐶

YesterShill | YesterShill

Dog owner explains feeding routine and access to water. 🐶🍽️

GraveDancer40 | GraveDancer40

Taking legal action to protect your dog 🐶 NTA

delkarnu | delkarnu

Neighbor advises calling cops if dog owner neglects responsibilities.

Trina608 | Trina608

Letting dogs choose their outdoor time based on preference 🐶

sassyandsweer789 | sassyandsweer789

Keeping dog food outside can attract wild animals to yard 🐾

HotFinickyMattress | HotFinickyMattress

Make sure to follow local zoning regulations to avoid neighbor disputes 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Dog owner defends letting pet out briefly, neighbor dispute escalates

[deleted] | [deleted]

Neighbor considers alerting police for potential animal cruelty/harassment.

Theaz13 | Theaz13

Dog owner defends leaving dog outside, argues with neighbor. NTA.

Intrepid-Artichoke25 | Intrepid-Artichoke25

Dog owner criticized for no food, water outside. NTA for food.

TeeKaye28 | TeeKaye28

Husky owner defends leaving dog outside for hours without breaks 🐶

psyche1986 | psyche1986

Neighbor's PETA stance puts dogs in danger and kids at risk 😱😡

Constant-External-85 | Constant-External-85

Keeping dog's food and water 20 minutes away is unreasonable. NTA.

No-Respect9263 | No-Respect9263

Neighbor's suspicious behavior towards dog without food and water discussed.

InterminableSnowman | InterminableSnowman

Dog owner criticized for not leaving water outside. NTA response.

Go-Brit | Go-Brit

Leaving dog outside for 20 mins is NTA. Neighbor is unhinged 🤪

hereforbaloney | hereforbaloney

Neighbor steals dog's food and water, NTA calls police 🐶🚔

ayyja | ayyja

Protective dog owner threatens to call cops on intruders 😈

theo23rd | theo23rd

Neighbor's kid trespasses, police called. Check local laws. NTA 👍

YeeHawMiMaw | YeeHawMiMaw

Standing up to neighborhood harassment 🙌

Zupheal | Zupheal

Reporting neighbors for neglecting their dog? 🤔

ca_agent | ca_agent

Protect your dog and your property. NTA, call the police 🚨

RandomSleepyPanda | RandomSleepyPanda

NTA shuts down nosy neighbors with fiery response 🔥

JennerikUse | JennerikUse

Neighbor defends leaving dog outside, calls out accuser's logic 👀

MaybeIwasanasshole | MaybeIwasanasshole

NTA suggests calling cops on neighbor, criticizes parenting skills.

TalaLeisu2 | TalaLeisu2

Passionate reply with extreme solution proposed.

freddiemacdawson | freddiemacdawson

NTA. Call cops and animal control. Neighbor is dangerous 🚔🐾

BetterBrainChemBette | BetterBrainChemBette

Neighbors' heated debate over dog's water and safety 🐕🥵

[deleted] | [deleted]

Neighbor warns of animal control and rules for outdoor dogs.

AdvantageSudden2837 | AdvantageSudden2837

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