I Hung Up on My Panicked Friend After She BANNED My Bi BF From Her Baby 😤

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Diply | Diply

Buckle up, folks! 🚨 We've got a juicy tale of friendship, homophobia, and postpartum drama that's sure to get your blood boiling! 😡 When a long-time friend's biphobic behavior reaches a breaking point, our protagonist is faced with a tough decision. 🤔 But when a desperate cry for help comes in, is it too little, too late? 😱 Get ready for a wild ride as we dive into this messy situation! 🎢

🚨 Friendship Drama Alert! 🚨

proofinthepuffin | proofinthepuffin

😱 Homophobic Horror Show! 😱

proofinthepuffin | proofinthepuffin

🤬 Disgusting Discrimination! 🤬

proofinthepuffin | proofinthepuffin

😠 Biphobic B*tch! 😠

proofinthepuffin | proofinthepuffin

🙅‍♀️ Ultimatum Time! 🙅‍♀️

proofinthepuffin | proofinthepuffin

🖕 Friendship Over! 🖕

proofinthepuffin | proofinthepuffin

😭 Hysterical Help Request! 😭

proofinthepuffin | proofinthepuffin

🤷‍♀️ Sorry, Not Sorry! 🤷‍♀️

proofinthepuffin | proofinthepuffin

🆘 Family to the Rescue! 🆘

proofinthepuffin | proofinthepuffin

🔥 Burn in Hell? Really? 🔥

proofinthepuffin | proofinthepuffin

🤔 Am I the A-hole? 🤔

proofinthepuffin | proofinthepuffin

Biphobic BFF Begs for Help, Gets Burned!

Well, well, well... looks like Beth's homophobic chickens have come home to roost! After years of disgusting discrimination against our protagonist's bisexual beau, Beth dares to come crawling back for help when she's struggling with her newborn. Our hero gives her a taste of her own medicine, hanging up on her hysterical pleas. But don't worry, they still made sure Beth got the help she needed by contacting her family. Now, the internet is abuzz with opinions on this dramatic turn of events! Let's see what the masses have to say about this biphobic bestie's comeuppance!

Maturity wins. Reaching out to help your friend with postpartum.

LetterheadCheap9732 | LetterheadCheap9732

NTA caller ensures safety of child despite strained relationship. 💪

[deleted] | [deleted]

Protecting your family and setting boundaries. NTA 👏

coastalkid92 | coastalkid92

Blocking toxic people is self-care 👍

BulleDeLaurierRose | BulleDeLaurierRose

Cutting toxic people out of your life is necessary 👍

AdClear6278 | AdClear6278

Support for cutting off friend who banned bi BF from baby

Ok_Economics6053 | Ok_Economics6053

NTA. Setting boundaries is important, and you handled it gracefully. 👏

kilojewels | kilojewels

A commenter questions the friend's religious beliefs and suggests alternative help sources.

granite34 | granite34

NTA. You're not responsible for covering John's failures as a husband and father or rescuing a bigot from the consequences of her own choices. Dodged a bullet 😎

Slight_Flamingo_7697 | Slight_Flamingo_7697

Considerate OP asks for more context, deemed NTA by commenters.

Lazuli_Rose | Lazuli_Rose

👏🏼 Standing up against bigotry while showing maturity and reason. NTA.

ACorania | ACorania

Standing up for your partner, while being considerate. NTA 👏

Far_Opening2859 | Far_Opening2859

Cutting toxic people out of your life is self-care 🙌

Nouadhibou | Nouadhibou

Sarcastic comment sparks conversation about gender roles and religion

Routine-Pea-9538 | Routine-Pea-9538

You did everything to help your friend, NTA for sure 👏

DiggityGiggity8 | DiggityGiggity8

NTA stands up for her bi BF against friend's bigotry 🙌

[deleted] | [deleted]

Support for LGBTQ+ rights in godparent selection. 🏳️‍🌈

CommandantLuna | CommandantLuna

Sometimes being a good friend means knowing your limits 👍

swbarnes2 | swbarnes2

Being compassionate and blocking toxic people is self-care 👍

Celestia-Messenger | Celestia-Messenger

Compassionate response acknowledging the situation and offering advice. 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Calling out John's toxic behavior, an NTA stands up for mental health 🙌

Kab1212 | Kab1212

Religious intolerance called out with sass. 🔥👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Growing apart from friends is natural, NTA. 🤝

tryntryuntil | tryntryuntil

NTA for not helping friend who banned bi BF from her baby. Trust was broken and apology not offered.

Netty1420 | Netty1420

Being a good friend means standing up for your loved ones 👏

TimelySecretary1191 | TimelySecretary1191

Choosing love over hate, and getting criticized for it. ❤

mekareami | mekareami

Supportive commenter advises blocking toxic friends and family 👍

AvailableAudience360 | AvailableAudience360

Ending a homophobic friendship mid-crisis, NTA 👏

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA. Reminding her why your friendship ended was pertinent.

JazzyKnowsBest13 | JazzyKnowsBest13

NTA, but is banning fair? Engage in respectful conversation.

I_luv_sloths | I_luv_sloths

Standing up to bigotry and questioning our own relationships. 🤔

Daveyyyyyyyyyyyyy5 | Daveyyyyyyyyyyyyy5

A fiery response to accusations of not understanding words used.

Impossible-Cattle504 | Impossible-Cattle504

Cut off toxic friend who banned bi BF from baby 😤

CruciasNZ | CruciasNZ

Block them both and move on 💪 NTA!

canuckleheadiam | canuckleheadiam

Supportive comment, stands up for friend's bi BF 🌈

MrsVashalgrim | MrsVashalgrim

Reaching out for help is always the right thing 🙏

ColdIllustrious5041 | ColdIllustrious5041

NTA stands up to friend's bigotry. Good riddance to trash. 💯


NTA comment stands against bigotry and cutting toxic people.

nejnoneinniet | nejnoneinniet

Being a good person is hard, but you nailed it 👏

KawaiiOnikuma | KawaiiOnikuma

Setting boundaries is important. OP did the right thing. 💪

HistoricalFashion | HistoricalFashion

Cutting off toxic friends can be tough but necessary 👍

[deleted] | [deleted]

Supportive comment acknowledging NTA's actions and John's lack of empathy.

Calm_Opinion_7112 | Calm_Opinion_7112

Friend bans bi BF, expects support after being awful. NTA.

Nice_try-fbi | Nice_try-fbi

You're not the a-hole for calling out her unacceptable behavior 👏

MariaInconnu | MariaInconnu

Setting boundaries can be tough, but necessary for self-care 🙏

[deleted] | [deleted]

Supportive comment shuts down friend's homophobic behavior. 👍

Reindeer-Street | Reindeer-Street

Supportive reply defends OP and calls out friend's hatefulness. 👏

SunMoonTruth | SunMoonTruth

Questioning the truth, but NTA for supporting bi BF. 😎

TheActualAWdeV | TheActualAWdeV

Cutting toxic friends can be tough but necessary. 🙅‍♀️

ribbonsofgreen | ribbonsofgreen

Handling a panicked friend's unreasonable ban on bi BF 👍

Andrew5329 | Andrew5329

Defended bi BF from homophobe, activated support network. NTA. 👍

DiTrastevere | DiTrastevere

Cutting off toxic friends is sometimes necessary 🙌

ParamedicSilent2097 | ParamedicSilent2097

Being NTA, it's good you tried to get help for her 👍

OpulentStone | OpulentStone

NTA, a toxic friendship is not worth keeping. 🚫

Additional_Day949 | Additional_Day949

You deserve better than a friend who bans your partner 😞

Lorraine221 | Lorraine221

NTA for sticking up for bi BF against toxic friend 😭

Secure-Shoe-3916 | Secure-Shoe-3916

Cutting out toxicity and standing up for your partner 💪

MollyTibbs | MollyTibbs

Feeling guilty for passing on a problem? NTA, you did your best! 🙌

[deleted] | [deleted]

Cutting off homophobic friend: NTA! Handled it brilliantly. 🙌

dandelionlemon | dandelionlemon

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