Ex-Husband EXPLODES Over Teen Daughter's Abortion Decision - But Is He Really a "Dad"? 🤔

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Buckle up, folks! 🚗💨 We've got a doozy of a story for you today. Meet our fierce mama bear, a 38-year-old woman who found herself in a whirlwind of young love, unexpected pregnancies, and a rocky marriage. 💍 But that's just the beginning of this rollercoaster ride. 🎢 Get ready for a tale filled with drama, difficult decisions, and a once-in-awhile dad who just can't seem to stay in his lane. 😬 So, grab your popcorn 🍿 and let's dive into this juicy story! 🍿😋

🍼 Young Love, Unexpected Consequences

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😅 Oopsie Daisy, Broken Condom Blues

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💔 Divorce, Custody Battles, and a Disinterested Dad

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🕊️ Keeping the Peace for the Kids' Sake

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❤️ A Loving Stepdad Steps Up

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💔 A Devastating Revelation: Zoe's Trauma

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😰 A Missed Period, A Difficult Decision

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🤐 Keeping It in the Family

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😡 Jonah's Outrage: "Disrespecting His Role as a Father"

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🤬 Mama Bear Snaps: "Your Opinion Is Worthless!"

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📱 Jonah's Fury: Blowing Up My Phone

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🚿 Overheard in the Bathroom: Adam's Take

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🔥 Internet, We Need Your Verdict! 🔥

Well, well, well... what a mess we have here! 😱 Our fierce mama bear is caught between a rock and a hard place, dealing with her daughter's traumatic experience and an ex-husband who suddenly wants to play the concerned father card. 🙄 The audacity! But wait, there's more! When mama bear finally snaps and tells her ex that his opinion is worthless, he has the nerve to blow up her phone with texts about how cruel she is. 😤 Can you believe it? Now, her current hubby thinks she should apologize to keep the peace. 🤔 But what do YOU think, internet? 🌐 Let's see what the masses have to say about this juicy drama! 🍿👀

Ex-husband has no say in daughter's abortion decision. Lucky to be informed.

Old_Beach2325 | Old_Beach2325

NTA. The ex-husband's anger over the abortion is appalling. Zoe made the best choice for her and I hope her rapist gets punished in prison. 👏

AForAgender | AForAgender

Bio dad informed without Zoe's consent. Potential drama ahead. 🤦‍♂️

concernedforhumans | concernedforhumans

Supportive commenter defends daughter's right to choose, shuts down ex-husband's control

HunterDangerous1366 | HunterDangerous1366

Legal adoption means no obligation to inform ex-husband. NTA.

Careless-Ability-748 | Careless-Ability-748

Keeping the ex in the loop was a mistake. NTA though 👍

Thewhirlwindblitz | Thewhirlwindblitz

Father prioritizes his own rights over daughter's safety. Disgusting behavior. 😠

Sheshcoco | Sheshcoco

Daughter raped, Jonah upset he didn't control abortion decision. NTA.

No-Illustrator1441 | No-Illustrator1441

Savage takedown of absent father and support for abortion rights 🙌

Front_Rip4064 | Front_Rip4064

Ex-husband's involvement in daughter's abortion sparks heated debate 🗯️

slendermanismydad | slendermanismydad

Stepdad's legal adoption trumps sperm donor's opinion. 👏

Lizardgirl25 | Lizardgirl25

Block the deadbeat dad and go back to court 💸

No_Use_9124 | No_Use_9124

Supportive comment applauds not apologizing for speaking truth.

Mountain-Key5673 | Mountain-Key5673

Protecting daughter from abusive sperm donor backfires, sparks argument.

DaniCapsFan | DaniCapsFan

Supportive comment, wishing the daughter a swift recovery and justice. ❤️

LaVidaMocha_NZ | LaVidaMocha_NZ

NTA. Her body, her choice. Ex has no say in this 👏

RNGinx3 | RNGinx3

Intriguing question about sharing daughter's abortion decision with ex.

trishanne123 | trishanne123

Supportive comment encourages pressing charges against rapist. 👏

MrGreyJetZ | MrGreyJetZ

Full custody, full control - DNA doesn't make a Dad 👨‍👦

JuniorFix3344 | JuniorFix3344

Protecting privacy is key to avoid toxic parenting 🚫

www_dot_no | www_dot_no

Ex-husband's abortion opinion shut down by stepdad supporter. 👏

Silver_Struggle_8115 | Silver_Struggle_8115

Ex-husband has no say, distant uncle at best. Daughter needs therapy.

Katarina12312 | Katarina12312

Supportive comment for a mother defending her daughter's abortion decision.

PsychologicalHalf422 | PsychologicalHalf422

Supportive comment encourages setting boundaries with entitled ex-husband.

CuriousPenguinSocks | CuriousPenguinSocks

Support for NTA who stands against rape and AH Jonah

GlacieredMoss17 | GlacieredMoss17

Adoptive father's involvement questioned, support for rape victim acknowledged. 👏

knintn | knintn

Outrage over ex-husband's misplaced anger and lack of empathy. 😡

FreeCalligrapher3049 | FreeCalligrapher3049

Protecting daughter's privacy: NTA for not valuing ex's opinion. YTA for sharing.

sassychubzilla | sassychubzilla

Being a parent goes beyond DNA. Don't be a deadbeat 👍

Danivelle | Danivelle

Protecting Zoe is top priority, not catering to ex-husband's ego 🙅‍♀️

MadamnedMary | MadamnedMary

Adopted kids = no rights. OP is TA for involving ex.

ZookeepergameOld8988 | ZookeepergameOld8988

"Keep the peace" is overrated. NTA for speaking truth. 👏

Oddly-Appeased | Oddly-Appeased

Supportive comment suggests reporting rape and testing fetal remains. 👍

Snowybird60 | Snowybird60

Supportive comment defends a girl's right to choose. 👏

wp3wp3wp3 | wp3wp3wp3

Why did you even reach out to the bio dad? 🤔 ESH

AwayStructure2313 | AwayStructure2313

Legal and emotional complexities arise in adoption and assault case.

AlpineLad1965 | AlpineLad1965

Opinions on abortion: His is worthless. It's her body. 🤐

LacaBoma | LacaBoma

Supportive comment calls out insensitive father. NTA.

FarOutUsername | FarOutUsername

NTA for defending daughter, but YTA for sharing her privacy.

Moose4523 | Moose4523

Reporting the rape to police may protect Zoe's reputation. 💪

Haunting_Green_1786 | Haunting_Green_1786

NTA. Sperm donor prioritizes abortion over rape? Adoption invalidates involvement.

The_Sound_Of_Sonder | The_Sound_Of_Sonder

Cutting ties with toxic people is sometimes the best decision 👌

Maker_of_woods | Maker_of_woods

No need to apologize, he's not interested. Your husband is dad ❤

Bookaholicforever | Bookaholicforever

"He may be her father, but he sure as hell isn't her daddy" 😂

Accomplished-Clue733 | Accomplished-Clue733

Heartbreaking situation with a clear verdict. 😢

Pale_Pumpkin_7073 | Pale_Pumpkin_7073

"Dad" prioritizes himself over daughter's trauma and health 😡

cmuratt | cmuratt

Stepdad defends daughter's abortion decision against biological father's objections.

Particular-Try5584 | Particular-Try5584

Parenting boundaries questioned in comment section. 😐

Impossible_Balance11 | Impossible_Balance11

Supporting a victim and recommending therapy for her daughter

Mortica_Fattams | Mortica_Fattams

Mixed opinions on whether ex-husband is entitled to abortion news 💭

ravenlyran | ravenlyran

Adoptive dad vs biological dad debate. Who gets a say? 🤔

[deleted] | [deleted]

Supportive comment praises parent for protecting daughter's decision. 👍

FortuneWhereThoutBe | FortuneWhereThoutBe

Savage defense of daughter's privacy against ex-husband's outburst. 🔥

Endora529 | Endora529

NTA. Stand your ground and protect your daughter 👏

PsychologicalJax1016 | PsychologicalJax1016

Privacy violation or genuine concern? Debating ex-husband's reaction.

ghjkl098 | ghjkl098

Supportive comment section with NTA verdict and condolences. 👏

Lazy_Lingonberry5977 | Lazy_Lingonberry5977

Daughter's body, daughter's choice. Ex is a fool. #NTA

Sweet-Salt-1630 | Sweet-Salt-1630

Daughter's privacy violated, deadbeat dad has no say 😑

MariaChequita | MariaChequita

Heartbreaking story of a child rape survivor and unsupportive father 💔

Worried-Horse5317 | Worried-Horse5317

NTA: Parent to have a say, don't apologize to keep peace. 💪

Autumn_Forest_Mist | Autumn_Forest_Mist

Encouraging seeking professional help after sexual assault trauma 👍

mkmoore72 | mkmoore72

Ex-husband's lack of involvement invalidates his opinion on daughter's abortion. NTA.

indi50 | indi50

Protecting your daughter comes first. Don't apologize for that. 💪

Pair_of_Pearls | Pair_of_Pearls

NTA commenter applauds Zoe's maturity and strength post-abortion.

turboleeznay | turboleeznay

Stepdad adoption and cutting out toxic ex-husband 👏

WellyKiwi | WellyKiwi

NTAH! Ex-husband mad he was told, not asked. Protect your daughter! 👏

ur_bigtitty_waifu | ur_bigtitty_waifu

NTA for calling out Jonah, YTA for sharing daughter's story.

katiekat214 | katiekat214

Firm NTA response to intrusive question, but where's justice? 😕

OkManufacturer767 | OkManufacturer767

Protect others, report to police. NTA, absent parents irrelevant.

Gr8zomb13 | Gr8zomb13

Supportive comment defends daughter's abortion decision and condemns rapist.

Nerditall | Nerditall

Supportive stepdad helps stepdaughter with birth control and abortion decision 👍

CelticCynic | CelticCynic

Supportive comment for a father standing by his daughter's decision 👏

blucougar57 | blucougar57

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