🚨 REAL DRAMA: Dad REFUSES to Let GF's Girl Drive After Texting Crash! 📵🚗

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Diply | Diply

🚨 Buckle up, folks! We've got a blended family drama that's sure to get your engines revving! 🏎️💨 Meet our main man, a loving boyfriend and father trying to navigate the tricky terrain of raising teens in a modern family. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 But when it comes to his girlfriend's daughter getting behind the wheel, he's hitting the brakes hard! 🚗🛑 Is he being overprotective or just cautious? 🤔 Let's dive into this family feud and see if we can steer our way to a resolution! 🧭👪

🏠 Meet the Blended Family: Sally, Dan, Grace, and Me! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

coolranchisnumber1 | coolranchisnumber1

👨 Dan: My Biological Son 🧒

coolranchisnumber1 | coolranchisnumber1

💰 Splitting Costs & Keeping Finances Separate 💸

coolranchisnumber1 | coolranchisnumber1

🚗 Sweet Sixteen: Time for a License! 🎂

coolranchisnumber1 | coolranchisnumber1

🚨 Concerns About Grace's Readiness for the Road 🚸

coolranchisnumber1 | coolranchisnumber1

😡 Accusations Fly After Voicing Concerns 🗣️

coolranchisnumber1 | coolranchisnumber1

🤔 Grace's Struggles: Attention, Chores, School, Sneaking Out 😕

coolranchisnumber1 | coolranchisnumber1

🎉 Grace Gets Her License Despite Concerns 🚗

coolranchisnumber1 | coolranchisnumber1

💥 Disaster Strikes: Grace Totals Mom's Car While Texting 📱

coolranchisnumber1 | coolranchisnumber1

🚗 Dan's Car: A Gift from Me and My Ex 🎁

coolranchisnumber1 | coolranchisnumber1

😠 Accusations of Favoritism, Sexism, and Flaunting Wealth 💰

coolranchisnumber1 | coolranchisnumber1

🚫 Putting My Foot Down: No More Driving for Grace 🙅‍♂️

coolranchisnumber1 | coolranchisnumber1

🤷‍♂️ AITA for Judging Each Kid by Their Actions? 🧐

coolranchisnumber1 | coolranchisnumber1

⚖️ Fairness in Question: Did I Go Wrong? 🤔

coolranchisnumber1 | coolranchisnumber1

❓ Where Did I Go Wrong? 🤷‍♂️

coolranchisnumber1 | coolranchisnumber1

🚨 Family Drama Hits the Road: Dad's Dilemma with Daughter's Driving! 🚗💥

Well, well, well... looks like we've got ourselves a classic case of family friction! 😬 Our main man was just trying to look out for his girlfriend's daughter, Grace, when he voiced his concerns about her readiness for the road. 🚸 But despite his best efforts, Grace got her license and promptly totaled her mom's car while texting! 📱💥 Now, Grace is asking to borrow her step-brother Dan's car or her step-dad's ride, but he's not having it! 🙅‍♂️🚗 Accusations of favoritism, sexism, and wealth-flaunting are flying, and tensions are running high! 😡💸 Let's see what the internet has to say about this family feud! 🌐👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

NTA. Allowing her to drive your car after texting crash is idiotic 🚨

Adalaide78 | Adalaide78

📵🚫 Texting and driving is dangerous. NTA for not allowing her to drive.

saltygreenmermaid | saltygreenmermaid

NTA for not letting GF's daughter drive after texting crash 📵

ChemMJW | ChemMJW

NTA calls out GF's daughter for texting and driving 📱🚫

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA dad suggests accompanying stepdaughter while driving to judge responsibility.

n7Angel | n7Angel

Dad takes a tough stance on texting and driving. 🚗

Environmental_Sand45 | Environmental_Sand45

Keeping Grace from driving is necessary and not sexist. 👍

lady-kdub | lady-kdub

🚗💥🚫 NTA- Driving is a privilege and she proved she can't handle it.

letsnotmeetbb | letsnotmeetbb

NTA for not letting her drive, but why was the discussion public? 🤔

firefly232 | firefly232

🚗💥 Daughter crashes mom's car due to texting, proves dad right. NTA.

agarrabrant | agarrabrant

NTA shuts down sexism accusation with witty response 👌

zenswashbuckler | zenswashbuckler

🚫📱NTA: Daughter's irresponsible behavior shouldn't be enabled by dad.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Dan and his girlfriend have different rules for their cars. NTA.

Pretend-Panda | Pretend-Panda

Being cautious with sneaky siblings is important. NTA.

BandicootBroad2250 | BandicootBroad2250

Mother wants daughter to drive after texting crash, accuses dad of being sexist and playing favorites. Commenter says NTA and expresses concern.

dart1126 | dart1126

No texting while driving policy. Good call! NTA 👍

mfruitfly | mfruitfly

NTA advocates for phone-nullifying devices in cars after tragedy.

MissMurderpants | MissMurderpants

Safety first! Commenter warns partner of potential danger of being a "cool mom" 🚫⚠️

Thejmax | Thejmax

🚫🚗 Irresponsible driver lucky to avoid serious consequences. Hold accountable.

Sleepy_felines | Sleepy_felines

Protecting his property and being responsible. 💪

Mission-Cloud360 | Mission-Cloud360

Safety first! NTA dad refuses to let GF's daughter drive.

the_last_basselope | the_last_basselope

Driving is a privilege, not a right. NTA for not allowing GF's daughter to drive.

misanthropydestroyer | misanthropydestroyer

A commenter points out a similar post on the topic.

kls987 | kls987

Valid point. Undiagnosed ADHD can affect driving ability 👍

Qjfomentl | Qjfomentl

NTA. GF's daughter texting while driving could have caused fatal consequences.

Avebury1 | Avebury1

NTA commenter shares personal tragedy and advises against letting Grace drive.

LibertyUnderpants | LibertyUnderpants

NTA's point is clear: Sally is at fault, not dad. 🚨

TypicalManagement680 | TypicalManagement680

Safety first! Commenter advises caution for dad's girlfriend's daughter.

Nobody_Nearby | Nobody_Nearby

👍 NTA stands firm on decision to not let reckless driver behind wheel.

Bluntly-20 | Bluntly-20

Teaching responsibility: Let her work and buy her own car 💪

mochiko_noriko | mochiko_noriko

📱🚫 NTA says texting and driving makes her irresponsible.

pretendtobeworking | pretendtobeworking

📱🚫 NTA refuses to let GF's daughter drive after texting crash

whynousernamelef | whynousernamelef

NTA comment shares personal experience and supports dad's decision.

luv2gethigh | luv2gethigh

🚫📱 NTA says the girl shouldn't drive after texting crash.

moonlettuce13 | moonlettuce13

Texting and driving is dangerous. NTA for not allowing her.

BeachMom2007 | BeachMom2007

NTA stands his ground after entitled girl's request 🚗

TheDukeOf_Donuts | TheDukeOf_Donuts

No sexism here, just consequences. 🚫👩‍✈️

RollingKatamari | RollingKatamari

🚫📱NTA says Grace was irresponsible for texting and driving

Few_Story3588 | Few_Story3588

Respect for boundaries and responsibility. 🙌

qshak86 | qshak86

NTA. Stand your ground and prioritize your son's safety 👍

kacastro | kacastro

Clear boundaries set by dad in complex family dynamic.

Electrical-Ad-1798 | Electrical-Ad-1798

Teaching responsibility to a texting driver 📱🚫🚗

KnightofForestsWild | KnightofForestsWild

NTA for not letting GF's daughter drive after crash 🚫🚗

kaaybaaybaay | kaaybaaybaay

🚗📵 Set clear boundaries with consequences to prevent unauthorized driving.

BeingDiligent4724 | BeingDiligent4724

Being responsible by not letting reckless driver endanger others. NTA 💪

Jigglyp0fff | Jigglyp0fff

NTA commenter suggests teaching consequences by making GF pay for increased insurance premiums if she wants to drive son's car at 16.

NotSoAverage_sister | NotSoAverage_sister

Fair point. It's not playing favourites to face consequences 😕

Chaarleymarie | Chaarleymarie

🚫 Don't text and drive! NTA for not lending car 🚫

Oh_No_Its_Dudder | Oh_No_Its_Dudder

NTA commenter defends dad's decision not to let GF's girl drive

starri_ski3 | starri_ski3

NTA suggests a compromise for driving privileges with logical reasoning.

Bizzy1717 | Bizzy1717

🚫🚗 Dad refuses GF's daughter's driving after texting crash.

Knittingfairy09113 | Knittingfairy09113

Offer to help settle car situation but do NOT let daughter drive 🚫

Due-Marionberry8707 | Due-Marionberry8707

Texting while driving is as bad as drinking and driving 😱

shalomf0x | shalomf0x

NTA Dad's reasonable decision with a warning for sneaky girlfriend 🛡

n0sl33p4m3 | n0sl33p4m3

NTA comment: Safe driving is a must 🚗

Job_Moist | Job_Moist

Suggests using trackers to prevent theft and condemns texting while driving

Organic-Neck5585 | Organic-Neck5585

Hide your keys! Dad refuses girlfriend's daughter after texting crash.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Driving age shouldn't be a punishment, some kids aren't ready 🙏

TaKiDaLo | TaKiDaLo

Separate finances means separate cars. NTA for not lending.

[deleted] | [deleted]

NTA for not letting girlfriend's daughter drive after texting crash 🚨. Commenter emphasizes the seriousness of texting while driving and the potential consequences. Financial and safety concerns are also mentioned.

Inner-Nothing7779 | Inner-Nothing7779

NTA: Commenter advises dad to break up with girlfriend.

[deleted] | [deleted]

Dad refuses to let GF's daughter use his car for driving. NTA

BelliAmie | BelliAmie

Texting while driving is dangerous and unacceptable. NTA.

melympia | melympia

Safety first! NTA dad refuses to let GF's girl drive.

StarieeyedJ | StarieeyedJ

Set a plan for Grace to prove herself to use car 💪

Chasingdragons39 | Chasingdragons39

🚗 Protect your keys with a lock box. NTA for setting boundaries.

Bee5431 | Bee5431

NTA defends son after GF's daughter crashes car while texting.

shades-of-gray312 | shades-of-gray312

🚗📵Texting while driving caused a wreck. NTA with reasonable consequences.

BryceKatz | BryceKatz

NTA suggests drastic measures to prevent girlfriend's daughter from driving.

rainbowesparkle | rainbowesparkle

NTA, insurance wouldn't cover GF's daughter. Harsh, but responsible.

jetttward | jetttward

NTA defends girl involved in texting crash, suggests dad buys car

Sugarpuff_Karma | Sugarpuff_Karma

NTA comment: Texting while driving is dangerous and irresponsible 🚫📱

randomnurse | randomnurse

Concerned commenter agrees that Grace is a dangerous driver. NTA 👍

daquo0 | daquo0

👍 Being responsible and not letting a dangerous driver borrow a car.

Wardog008 | Wardog008

No obligation to let her use your car. NTA 👍

SplitDowntown9917 | SplitDowntown9917

👍Agree, no one should drive after texting and causing accidents. NTA.

Krytan | Krytan

🚗💥 NTA. GF's daughter's lack of responsibility calls for supervision 🧐

jaelythe4781 | jaelythe4781

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