Bride-To-Be STEALS Sister-In-Law's 30th Birthday For Wedding! 😱💔

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Diply | Diply

🎂🎉 Buckle up, folks, because we've got a birthday drama brewing! 😱 Our birthday girl is about to turn the big 3-0, but her brother's wedding plans are threatening to steal her thunder. 😤 Will she be able to celebrate her milestone birthday, or will she be stuck at the wedding, watching the clock strike midnight? 🕛 Let's dive into this family feud and see if we can untangle this messy situation! 🙌

🎂 Sis, It's My 30th! 😱

meganstephania | meganstephania

📅 Save the Dates... But Wait! 😳

meganstephania | meganstephania

🤨 Bro, Why'd You Book Around My B-Day?

meganstephania | meganstephania

😒 Gee, Thanks For Moving It... A Day! 🙄

meganstephania | meganstephania

🤷‍♀️ No Other Days in Summer? Really?! 🌞

meganstephania | meganstephania

🎉 Midnight Birthday at Their Wedding 😞

meganstephania | meganstephania

📅 Two Days of Wedding... Why?! 🤔

meganstephania | meganstephania

💬 A Heads Up Would've Been Nice! 😤

meganstephania | meganstephania

📨 Where Are My Save-the-Dates, Bro? 😠

meganstephania | meganstephania

🔮 I See This Happening Every Year... 😩

meganstephania | meganstephania

🌿 Extending an Olive Branch... Sort Of 😏

meganstephania | meganstephania

🎪 Venue Details: Marquee & Pub 🍻

meganstephania | meganstephania

🤔 Gaining Some Perspective... But Still! 😑

meganstephania | meganstephania

🇬🇧 In the UK, 30 is a Big Deal! 🎉

meganstephania | meganstephania

🎂🎉 Birthday Girl vs. Wedding Bells: Who Will Win? 🥊

Well, well, well... looks like we've got a classic case of birthday vs. wedding drama! 😱 Our birthday girl is feeling pretty miffed that her brother decided to box in her 30th birthday with his two-day wedding extravaganza. 🎩💒 She's got a point - couldn't they have picked any other days in the summer? 🌞 And a little heads up would've been nice, bro! 😤 Now she's stuck celebrating her big day at their wedding, watching the clock strike midnight like a sad Cinderella. 🕛👸 But hey, at least she's got a day in between to nurse her hangover, right? 🍾🤕 Let's see what the internet has to say about this birthday-wedding showdown! 🥊

Celebrate the wedding, skip the second day. NTA's advice.

PsiBlaze | PsiBlaze

Wedding planning can be tough, but stealing a birthday? YTA.

Neomerix | Neomerix

Bridezilla chooses sister-in-law's birthday for a mid-week wedding. NTA.

BusyLady8956 | BusyLady8956

Bride-to-be prioritizes wedding over sister-in-law's birthday. YTA.

grossly_unremarkable | grossly_unremarkable

Avoiding event clashes is key to prevent permanent reminders. NTA.

Opposite-Guide-9925 | Opposite-Guide-9925

YTA steals sister-in-law's birthday for wedding! 😱💔

neoprenewedgie | neoprenewedgie

Turning 30 can be a big deal for some 😱. NTA for feeling put off.

CrazyHistorian1939 | CrazyHistorian1939

You can have your birthday and wedding too! YTA 🤪

PoetRevolutionary160 | PoetRevolutionary160

YTA comment shuts down self-centered bridezilla. 🙄

DontRunReds | DontRunReds

Bride-to-be steals sister-in-law's birthday week for wedding. YTA.

coffeecoffi | coffeecoffi

User suggests compromise and prioritizing loved ones. 🙌

RedKittieKat | RedKittieKat

Friend's baby born on birthday, YTA for getting upset.

KintsugiMind | KintsugiMind

User calls out bride-to-be for stealing sister-in-law's birthday. YTA.

goodwima | goodwima

Choosing wedding date on sibling's birthday is insensitive. NTA.

Wrong-Construction40 | Wrong-Construction40

Sister-in-law gets upset over wedding on her birthday. YTA.

wwwyzzrd | wwwyzzrd

Acknowledgement of being TA makes for a self-aware comment.

Fangehulmesteren | Fangehulmesteren

Birthday is not a competition, YTA needs to chill 🙄

realhorrorsh0w | realhorrorsh0w

Choosing a wedding date is tough, don't whine about it 🤷‍♂️

gastropodia42 | gastropodia42

Celebrate triple! NAH thinks sister-in-law did nothing wrong 👏

tooreal4u_5101 | tooreal4u_5101

NTA, sometimes it's just bad planning 😅

Forsaken-Program-450 | Forsaken-Program-450

Bride-to-be steals sister-in-law's birthday for wedding. Commenter is NTA.

1234WhoAreYou | 1234WhoAreYou

Savage response shuts down complainant's birthday whining. 😂

[deleted] | [deleted]

Birthday bridezilla? Comment defends stealing sister-in-law's day for wedding.

ExplanationMaterial8 | ExplanationMaterial8

Birthday not important? Commenter thinks YTA in wedding clash.

Ok-Yogurtcloset-4378 | Ok-Yogurtcloset-4378

Existential comment advises to enjoy birthday without bride drama. 😅

foundthemobileuser | foundthemobileuser

Attend the wedding or decline. Birthdays happen every year. YTA.

PA_Archer | PA_Archer

YTA for stealing sister-in-law's birthday for your wedding. 🙄

maninthemoonpie | maninthemoonpie

A YTA comment suggests looking at the situation humorously.

MrTaxEvader | MrTaxEvader

Consulting with family before booking venue is key to success! NTA

[deleted] | [deleted]

Bridezilla steals sister-in-law's birthday for her wedding. Commenter calls her out.

come_what_may02 | come_what_may02

Frustrated commenter defends sister-in-law's birthday, calls out dismissive family.

Decent-Caramel-2129 | Decent-Caramel-2129

Turning the situation around with positivity and birthday love 🎂🎉

PremeditatedTourette | PremeditatedTourette

Turning 30 is a big deal, stealing it for a wedding 🤦‍♀️ #NTA

No_Limit_2589 | No_Limit_2589

Attitude towards sister-in-law's birthday is harsh, YTA.

WaywardPrincess1025 | WaywardPrincess1025

OP and family could have communicated better. ESH. 😒

TerribleResource4285 | TerribleResource4285

Embrace it! YTA, celebrate both, and change your mindset 🙌

Elegant_Spot_3486 | Elegant_Spot_3486

Celebrate your birthday even on the wedding day, YTA.

Diligent-Language-79 | Diligent-Language-79

Guest confused about two-day event and logistics 🤔

ExistenceNow | ExistenceNow

More info needed to judge if FSIL is a**hole or not 🤔

AlGunner | AlGunner

Birthday plans ruined by brother's wedding; commenter shares own experiences.

Princess-81 | Princess-81

Considerate response to a family conflict over a wedding date.

AffectionateHand2206 | AffectionateHand2206

Sharing a birthday with a wedding can be tough. 🤷🏼‍♀️

AbstractArtist5 | AbstractArtist5

NAH thinks celebrating on exact day isn't necessary, be flexible 😊

Kdejemujjet | Kdejemujjet

Sharing birthdays is frustrating. Brother could have chosen another day.

Plenty_Honeydew6532 | Plenty_Honeydew6532

Birthdays on weekdays should take priority over weddings. NTA 🎂

hxcn00b666 | hxcn00b666

Respect others' birthdays. Weddings can be planned around them. 🎂🙏

Willing_Curve_927 | Willing_Curve_927

YTA censored. Comment defends bride-to-be's decision with logical reasoning. 🤔

Swirlyflurry | Swirlyflurry

Sister-in-law stands up for herself against entitled brother-in-law 👏

Jsorrow | Jsorrow

Birthday overshadowed by wedding: NAH, but communication is key.

itscourtb | itscourtb

Bridezilla steals sister-in-law's birthday, called out for selfishness. 🎂

wowbragger | wowbragger

Wedding on sister-in-law's birthday? Definitely not the a-hole. 😜

WayiiTM | WayiiTM

Balanced view on importance of birthdays and weddings 👍

Pure-Relationship125 | Pure-Relationship125

Party the night before the wedding and get drunk! 🥃

BlacksheepNZ1982 | BlacksheepNZ1982

Don't be a bridezilla, consider others. YTA 😜

OkapiEli | OkapiEli

One-day wedding is enough, stealing a birthday is not cool 🙄

Unr3p3nt4ntAH | Unr3p3nt4ntAH

OP called YTA for starting a fight over stolen birthday

SimpQueensWorld | SimpQueensWorld

Birthdays: celebrate the day or the month? 🤔🎉

HiScoreHero | HiScoreHero

Is obsessing over your birthday worth ruining someone's wedding? 🤔 😯

Cheeseballfondue | Cheeseballfondue

You're acting like a child, YTA 🙄

hatetochoose | hatetochoose

Birthday or Wedding? YTA comment shuts down self-centered sister-in-law

rosworms | rosworms

Bride steals sister-in-law's birthday for wedding. NTA stands up.

M1ssM0nkey | M1ssM0nkey

No birthday priority in adulthood, plan celebrations accordingly. YTA. 🙄

Pianoplayerpiano | Pianoplayerpiano

Be flexible with birthdays, YTA if you steal someone's thunder 🎂

Saxfire2 | Saxfire2

Selfish bride-to-be steals sister-in-law's birthday for wedding. YTA

[deleted] | [deleted]

Birthdays are overrated, but stealing them for a wedding isn't cool 😒

redditsavedmelife | redditsavedmelife

Perspective check: Birthday vs Wedding. Not all about you 🙄

Happy-Atmosphere-914 | Happy-Atmosphere-914

You don't own the day 👍. If upset, grow up!

[deleted] | [deleted]

Skipping the wedding, sending a gift instead, petty but satisfying 😏

Thedarkfic | Thedarkfic

NTA's milestone birthday hijacked by bride-to-be without warning 🤷‍♀️

GoofyGooberzilla | GoofyGooberzilla

Planning a wedding on SIL's 30th bday, NTA explains anniversary conflicts 👍

Mykona-1967 | Mykona-1967

Adult birthdays aren't that important, but stealing is wrong. ESH 😒

Neither_Grab3247 | Neither_Grab3247

Suggests celebrating 30th before wedding to avoid bride's annoyance 😊

Practical_Place6522 | Practical_Place6522

Celebrating an adult birthday all day is weird and excessive 🙄

venturebirdday | venturebirdday

Entitled OP gets called out for selfishness. YTA 🤨

HourCaterpillar9927 | HourCaterpillar9927

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