You’ve heard that people come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. But what about when friends leave your life?
Friendship breakups are quite common . While most are caused by growing apart , some people were forced to end a friendship due to the other person’s very, very bad behavior.
Here, Redditors share the one instance that changed their BFF to enemy status.
The swap

One of the easiest ways to end a friendship is to try to come between a couple. That’s what happened with one Redditor whose friend kept suggesting that they exchange partners for a night because he really wanted to sleep with his wife. He even made advances at her when they weren’t around.
The crack habit

“Drugged me at a rave (without my consent) and left me to die in a parking lot while he stole my laptop, some of my parents’ jewelry, and money from my home. In his defense, crack is expensive.” – u/ Ebvardh-Boss
The underage girlfriend

Yikes. That right there is enough to end the friendship with a person. But sadly, it gets worse. This “friend” also murdered this underage girlfriend WHILE she was pregnant. Clearly, he wanted no one to find out.
The group chat

“Helped her get a well paid job at the massive corporate I work at. She then made a group chat of all of our mutual friends and would send photos of me in the office to laugh at my posture/physical attributes etc. I only found out because she messaged the wrong group chat.” – u/ milkmanjpg
The pregnant wife

Another yikes! This Redditor had the right sense to end his friendship with his friend after he knocked up his wife while he was away at work. One has to wonder if he’s still with the wife.
The backstabbers

“Not one friend but multiple, smashed my girlfriend all 5 of my friends while we dated, only found out because one of them had gotten her pregnant and she aborted it, I found the email on her phone.” – u/ ChocMilk0614
The carnival

Being left out is something that no one should do to another person, let alone a friend. After a Redditor’s friend said she couldn’t go to a carnival, the Redditor went with her mom instead.
But when she got there, she saw the “busy” friend with their friend group.
“When she saw me she whispered to the others and they all tried to hide,” they wrote.

They came up with an excuse that it was a last-minute thing, but this friend had a pattern of ostracizing them from their other friends.
The lice

“Came to my house for three nights, four days and had lice but didn’t tell me until after she already left. I had to strip everything in my house and take it to a laundromat.” – u/ JenaeOlson
The snob

People change. The person you were friends with as a kid may be entirely different as an adult. That’s what happened to one Redditor’s friend who grew up from modest means. But after he got rich as an adult, he became a j**k.
According to the Redditor, he started acting like he was better than anyone else.

“I remember a friend of mine really liked a dining set that would go with her diner, so her husband got them for her for her birthday present. The first thing that came out of this guys mouth was ‘why’d you get these because they’re cheap as [expletive].’”
The liar

“I talked to her because she was new and people picked on her, we actually became really good friends really fast, she was secretly telling lies about me to my other friends to try and get them to hate me/pick her over me.” – u/ Constant_Dig9746
The fair weather friends

A Redditor’s group of friends ghosted her when she needed them most; after her husband of 27 years left her. Since she was always known as the “life of the party” type, they couldn’t handle her being depressed.
The fake friend

“Most of the best friends I’ve had throughout my life were always fun, silly and totally themselves when it was just us hanging out, but as soon as we got in a group, they acted like I was annoying and turned on a whole different persona. It’s actually sad how many times it’s happened and probably explains why my only friend now is my wife.” – u/ Greyjoy91
The cheater

“My best friend cheated on his wife. We were all great friends. I was the best man at their wedding. But when it happened, it sickened me and made me see all the other ways he was manipulating us all. My wife and I are still good friends with the one who was cheated on. I haven’t spoken to him in almost 15 years.” – u/ Sirnando138
The warning

This next one is really rough. A Redditor had a “friend” warn their r****t that they were going to the police station because they believed that he had the right to know. This is 100 percent grounds for a friend breakup.
The low blow

“Had a close friend who had wealthy parents. He knew mine was financially struggling. Every time we had a disagreement about something, he would start saying things like, ‘At least my family is not [expletive] poor’ as well as insults about not being able to afford certain things.” – u/ Melon-Kolly
The childhood best friend

If you’re still close friends with your childhood best friend, bravo! That’s a hard feat. Sadly, one Redditor didn’t get the response they wanted when they told theirs, “I consider you my best friend since childhood.” They responded harshly with, “Yeah… well, we’re no longer children.”
The bridezilla

If you’re not already aware, weddings can bring out the worst in some people. That’s how one Redditor lost her best friend. She turned into a bridezilla who would have horrible tantrums.
At one event, she insulted the Redditor in front of everyone, saying, “You’re just my California friend.”
H/T: Reddit
Last Updated on July 20, 2022 by Sarah Kester