Regardless of whether you’re an introvert , extrovert, or a mixture of the two, everyone needs to be alone sometimes.
This is a time where we can recharge and be completely ourselves. It’s also a safe space where we can get a little weird… whether that be dancing , f*****g, biting our nails, and more.
The truth is, we all do it! Come learn 19 other weird habits people do when no one is watching.
Talking to themselves

You used to laugh at your parents for this, but now you find yourself doing the same! Whether it’s talking about your to-do list or complaining about your day, you’re your own best friend!
Eating… a lot

It’s really difficult to eat a whole pizza when other people are around. So, when you’re alone, you can do what you want! Order pizza and Chinese food, and then crush a tub of ice cream for dessert without judgment!
Sniffing their armpits
Oh, c’mon, we all do it! Sometimes, even in front of other people. What’s worse? Sniffing your own armpit to make sure you smell nice or smelling awful around other people without knowing?

“Stop N F**t, I’ll go for a walk, I’ll stop and pretend I’m looking at something nearby or my phone, f**t, then keep walking.” – u/reverendgrebo. Some people would call this act “crop dusting.”
Picking their nose
A lot of Redditor’s admitted to this and even eating it! You would think this would be a childhood habit most adults have grown out of, but some people find it comforting and even fun.
Air drumming
“I’m an actual drummer but whenever no one is looking I’ll be air drumming the h**l out of whatever song is stuck in my head.” – u/Acquiesce95. Some people also love to do air guitar solos!

While some of us will dance anywhere (middle of the grocery store aisle, included), some people can’t dance in front of other people at all. Without alcohol, at least. So when they’re alone, they let their freak flag fly!
Peeling skin
Okay, this might be taking things too far! “I peel skin from the bottom of my feet. I know it sounds gross, but it’s so much fun and I’m quite open about it, I just don’t like other people watching,” this Redditor wrote.
Making up strange little songs to narrate their actions

How else are you going to do normal, everyday actions without singing about it? Like in Bob’s Burgers , when the kids sing, “buckle it up, or you’ll die!” when putting on their seatbelts.
Crying in the shower
It’s the best place to drown out our sorrows! “I have a smart bulb in my bathroom and have recently discovered crying on the floor of the shower with the light dimmed. I highly recommend it,” this Redditor wrote.
Making up imaginary interviews
“When I’m alone there’s always an imaginary interview in my head, and I talk I talk I talk, and sometimes I have imaginary sad scenes in my head, then I just start to acting really hard then cry a little bit (I really had real tears down, felt like a professional actress).” – u/HealthSeparate2409

You sound best when you’re alone! Besides, no one else is there to yell, “shut up!” or “you s**k!” Some Redditors even wrote that they pretend they are singing at their own concert to screaming fans.
Talking to their dogs
“I talk to my dogs, a lot. Probably more than most. And they talk back, in dog language. But they’re German shepherds, so if you’ve ever owned one, you know their dog language isn’t far off from human speak.” – u/poohspiglet
Picking wedgies

Hey, if it’s bothering you, it’s best to pick them out! A lot of male Redditors also wrote that they like to scratch their b***s when they’re alone. This is good since we prefer they do this in solitude!
Pretending they’re a host on TV
“If I’m cleaning my room or even doing my hair I’ll do it. It all starts out very normal and then I act like I’m on some kind of DIY show where I explain how to do every step. It’s kind of like I’m narrating what I’m doing.” – u/hahastopjk
Climbing the stairs in bear form

It’s the fastest way to escape the monsters in the basement, duh! Let’s be honest: it’s also a lot of fun and one of the best ways to let out your inner child!
Walking around the house naked

“I’m 6’2″ 225 pounds, so I’m not like a male model or anything. I can’t walk near the kitchen though because I never installed blinds on the door and I’m not sure what the legality of walking around your home n**e is.” – u/noodle-face
Talking with an accent

This is pretty fun to do and a great way to get better at different accents. For instance, this Redditor who’s American will talk to himself in a Scottish accent that actually sounds pretty good!
Biting their nails

“I bite my nails until I have a bunch of them in my mouth. The I use my tongue and spit to roll them into a little ball. Then I take a throw it into the garbage can like a basketball while in my head saying ‘Kobe!'” – u/sosly2190
Last Updated on December 7, 2021 by Sarah Kester