Reddit | DwedPiwatWoburts, GallowBoob

15+ Viral Pics That Have More Going On Than You Think

Haven't we all encountered an oddly arresting pic on the internet and thought, "Okay, I need to know what's happening there"? Happens all the time, right? But the explanations and the background info you're looking for isn't always readily apparent.

Not to worry, we've done some of the work for you here. Hey, we were curious too!

Reindeer herders in Finland spray painted the antlers of their animals with highly reflective paint to reduce accidents.

Facebook | Paliskuntain yhdistys - Reindeer Herders' Association

With up to 4,000 of the animals dying each year in Finland, especially during their long, dark winters, it seems like a worthy idea.

So, until recently, this was a beautiful vine-covered wall.

Reddit | beeranden

But it was a victim of its own success, collapsing under its own weight and peeling off the wall like a week-old sunburn.

When you need to seek shelter in a storm, trees are not shelter.

Reddit | shearsy13

This serves as an excellent graphic reminder. It doesn't matter whether this was caused by wind or lightning or what, you would have regretted standing underneath it during the storm.

A ball has to hit a window pretty perfectly to create a hole instead of shattering it.

Reddit | pferd69

I've seen it happen before, but it's awfully rare — rare enough that it's worth taking a picture of it.

This little creature tagged along in a bag of shrimp someone brought home from the market.

Reddit | Klipse11

No idea if they're as tasty as shrimp, but these odd looking fish are called armored sea robins. They tend to live in deep, tropical waters.

You could be forgiven for celebrating upon first seeing this tower of currency on your desk.

Reddit | 1poundbookingfee

That is, until you find out that it's a stack of Venezuelan bolivars, which, according to this photo's poster, can be exchanged for about $10 U.S.

History is always under foot, but seldom do you get to see it so clearly.


In Manchester, England when the roads get worn down, the old streetcar tracks buried under the blacktop will show through.

Not to worry, the ominous clouds gathering over this quiet neighborhood have nothing to do with paranormal activity.

Reddit | coolclay1300

They're just plain old stratocumulus clouds, but the way they're breaking up into lines suggests that the area might get some interesting weather.

You want some good natural camouflage? Check out the buff-tip moth.

Reddit | Zokins

Sitting on a pile of birch sticks, you'd hardly know it wasn't made of wood. It's a great trick to keep from getting eaten!

Who knew salt mines could be so colorful?

Reddit | N8theIngr8

You'd never guess judging by the stuff that comes out of your salt shaker. This salt mine is in Belarus, and it's beautiful.

You know those sequined pillows that change color when you rub them different ways? Nature did it first.

Reddit | grandmasaurus

This colorful little guy is a hummingbird, and after its harmless photo session, it was released back into nature.

There's a variety of apple with dark skin called the "Black Diamond."

Twitter | @TheTribe254

They're actually a dark purple, not black, and they only grow in Tibet, so apparently they can cost up to $7 an apple.

This woman is playing the violin during brain surgery.

Reddit | xenasblood

That's right, no general anaesthetic during brain surgery! The brain has no pain receptors, and playing the violin provides immediate feedback about the state of her motor, cognitive, and sensory abilities.

This chicken did not get a perm — it's just a curly haired chicken.

Reddit | GallowBoob

They're called frizzles, and as a breed they've been around since at least the 1600s.

Transition lenses aren't just for glasses anymore.

Reddit | camerontylek

Yep, you can get them in contacts, too. This is what they look like before and after going into sunlight.

When a tree is determined to grow, nothing is going to stop it.

Reddit | twojayzeee

Check out what this specimen is doing to the sidewalk around it. You can clearly make out the root pattern where it has pressed the pavement up.

This kind of looks like a golf course graveyard, and it sort of is.

Reddit | DwedPiwatWoburts

A burst of frost pushed all the broken and abandoned tees up out of the ground here.

Not that I ever understood the appeal of smoking, but I really don't understand why anyone would smoke a cigar through a pipe.

Reddit | Sctim

Turns out it's not uncommon in Asia and among cigar smokers who want to get all they can out of their stogies.

Coleus plants are known for their striking colors and patterns, and this one has grown in an interesting way.

Reddit | adabean

Situated next to a window screen, its colors have come in in a distinctly screen-like pattern.

Radiators aren't uncommon at all, but this tiny radiator is definitely different.

Reddit | Arre90000

Why even bother with something so tiny? Apparently "It's in the hallway, next to the stairs. It mostly keeps the area from getting cold, but doesn't really heat anything up." Okay then.

What a thing to find inside your hard-boiled egg — a bonus egg!

Reddit | Pit_Mosh

As one commenter explained, "When raising chickens for eggs, expect the unexpected. Though quite rare, it is well-known that occasionally a hen will lay an egg inside of an egg. The cause of this phenomenon is called a counter-peristalsis contraction and occurs while the hen is in the process of forming an egg in her oviduct."


If you're getting some distinct Van Gogh vibes from this log, you're not alone.

Reddit | beerlyqualified

It's most likely a burl, which is a growth deformation that's actually highly sought after by woodworkers and furniture makers.

Genetics are cool! Just looking at these three shoulders, you can tell they're related.

Reddit | AceManCometh

The two kids both inherited their father's shoulder dimple. No DNA testing needed here!

This plain, ordinary rock has a decidedly cool story behind it.

Reddit | barneyrubble82

It's no plain, ordinary rock, but a meteorite that's older than the Earth. The poster said that an astronomer passed it around at his child's school. "It was heavy for its size," he said.

Why would anybody cram so many coins into an old tree stump?

Reddit | DaRkeSst-MaTTR

Apparently it's the forest hiker's version of a wishing well. Instead of tossing a coin into a fountain, you jam a coin into a stump and make a wish.