Reddit | LadyJane17

14+ People Who Really Need To Tone Down The Sass

There are some people who are born to be sassy. Whether it is by writing passive-aggressive notes (a personal favorite of mine) or by just having a generally sarcastic approach to life, a life of sassiness can be awfully liberating.

However, it is quite easy for some people to take it a little too far. So, here are 14+ people who really need to tone down the sass a notch or two!

But Does It Work?

Reddit | Monvixelaaz

How many times have they heard someone murder their way through "Chopsticks" or "Piano Man" before they decided this was necessary?

Mother Of Sass

Reddit | Ovv_Topik

I'd give it ten minutes before those kids are just photoshopping crackers into an old clean photo.

Wow Domino's, Too Close To Home!

Reddit | EToutta_da_world

They're just going to casually call out everyone crying into their pizza like it's nothing? This is personal Domino's!

"Words can hurt"

Reddit | swaiinnyy

Does this card come with a gum shield by any chance?

Toilet Cake, The Best Type Of Cake!

Reddit | silentonc

I've never been so impressed by toilet paper in all my life. I dread to think what flavor it is.

RIP Club Penguin


How long will it be before Club Penguin will be forgotten? I seriously think that the legacy of Club Penguin, a shut-down game, will outlast most of the literary cannon.

"I can't send my family pictures of my cat as they end up editing her into raw chicken every time."

Reddit | MySafewordIsCacao

You know what one way to stop this happening would be? Don't buy a cat that looks like raw chicken.

"I came home last night to find this thief just standing there menacingly."

Reddit | JohanKaramazov

Give me all your trash now!

"A bit of sass was on display when twin polar bear cubs were revealed to the world this week in Germany."


There's so much sass and cuteness in equal measure, they're almost perfectly canceling each other out.

"Actual road sign in my town because too many people get lost in someone’s driveway"

Reddit | Y0sh1F1r3

Hmm, but the GPS says to go right, think I'll trust technology over some sassy sign thank you very much!

"I broke the toilet seat. This is how I broke it to my wife"

Reddit | boogerknows

This guy could be the new mascot for husbands who make terrible life decisions which they're certain their wives will see the funny side of.

Neighborly Sass

Reddit | OneBadJoeFoe

I can understand the anger at someone's dog urinating on your yard, but I'm fairly certain this isn't the way to go about it!

"The hero we need."

Reddit | pogue23

That ought to make you super popular on the road! Just do what everyone else does and shout generic obscenities and slowly internalizing your anger like a normal person.

"When the instructions give you sass."

Reddit | the_desert_fox

Wow, okay Ikea, of all of the places I'm going to take sass from, you are not one of them!

What Kind Of Car Park Is This?

Reddit | judmaster05

I think I'll just find somewhere else to park, after all, I dread to think what happens if I'm late back to collect my car.

"Kill them. Kill them all."

Reddit | teleporterdown

When your cat stares into the soul of the fire, and the soul of fire stares right back out.

Seems Like A Legitimate Excuse

Reddit | KillerButt3rfly

Way to go teaching your kids it's okay to ding stuff while teaching them swear words.

Try My Friend

Reddit | Nebulousnebula12

If the two signs got married, would they have a child named 17 minutes only?

Don't Tell Me What To Do

Reddit | Victor_Vicarious

Um, well now I feel the need to panic.

All Of The Above

Reddit | treslittlebirds99

Tag yourself, I'm "Mommy still cleans up after me."

The Sass Is Too Strong

Reddit | ItsAMankey

We get it rover, water sports aren't your cuppa tea.

Sorry Not Sorry

Reddit | ferg220

At least they're being honest. Kinda.

Party Like Its 1995

Reddit | granitestate6

Well how do you check your Etsy store Karen? With an ethernet cord?

Fake It Till You Make It

Reddit | Catlover95

Does your coffee cater to your imposter syndrome?

My Anaconda Don't Want None

Reddit | Antonio_Margheriti_

This tree has more sass in its backside than I have in my whole damn body.

Who Let The Dogs Out?

Reddit | Whospitonmypancakes

Obviously it was this fella, who really knows his angles.

Happy Anniversary

Reddit | cincybearcat

That one right there is poised to become a professional sass master.

Hot Mama

Reddit | JamesandtheGiantAss

I don't need my Tabasco telling me off thank you very much.

I'm A Little Teapot

Reddit | staplebutton

I wouldn't tip her over and pur her out if I were you.

No, I Didn't Get It

Reddit | richyhx1

Okay Google, can you um, turn down the sass?

Mrs. Pots

Reddit | panda_nectar

Gimmie Beauty and the Beast, but make it very sassy.

Sit Like A Lady

Reddit | insanechronic05

This cat wants you to know that he's taking up two seats on public transit regardless of how you feel about it.


Reddit | mialenore

They sass up so fast.

Among Those With Preference

Reddit | Zeenal

Sass' Ahoy, amiright? Sorry, that was a bad one.

Free Ride

Reddit | yourcoldeyes

And serving jail time is kind of like free room and board!

Thanks Chopsticks

Reddit | ChristianComa

This is definitely an instruction manual format that Ikea can get behind.

"Here in Italy bars are starting to use pasta as straws to reduce plastic use. Our technology amazes the world another time."

Reddit | Tmfwang

Yeah, shame the whole cup can't be made out of pasta as well though isn't it? I mean, not to let the air out of your balloon or anything.


Reddit | LadyJane17

Honestly, the fire that broke out had absolutely nothing to do with all of those candles, butter, and several copies of Designer Living.

Is It An Emergency?

Reddit | EthanHohman

If you are planning on having an emergency, please have your emergency in one of the designated emergency areas!