24 Harmless Pics That Will Still Leave A Mental Scar

Even perfectly innocent things will leave you rattled sometimes if the circumstances line up just right. What seems on the surface to be terrifying often has a harmless explanation behind it.

Mind you, by the time the explaining happens, the damage might be done. The best remedy? Sharing the pain with others. So, send these pics along to a friend and see what they say!

1. This firefighter was left crusted over with ice after battling a mid-winter blaze.

Reddit | Reddit

You know you've had a rough day at work when you need someone to chip you out of your gear.

2. A lot of people would have a tough choice to make in the event of a fire in this building.

Reddit | CompleteChaosPodcast

When the fire escape is 40 stories of spiraling stairs outside the building, it's going to be interesting.

3. No, this mannequin doesn't actually have a cheesy '70s mustache.

Reddit | Lord_Flippy-Floppy

It's just a matter of how the light is shining through the glasses. Although, maybe the cheesy 'stache isn't a bad idea.

4. This clock looks like it has started sliding down the wall, taking a layer of paint along with it.

Reddit | i_was_a_lemur_once

However, it's an art installation by Daniel Arsham — and a pretty effective one at that!

5. Hard to tell for sure, but it looks like something might have happened to this jet's engine.

Reddit | Nergaal

You know, something that might inspire the passengers to update their wills, even if they make it through okay.

6. Doesn't it look like the dog on the left has a man's face?

Reddit | emceegrath

The eyes are just so human. Sorry if you can't unsee it now, but why should I be the only one?

7. Dogs need their beauty sleep too, but I'm not sure that sleeping in this sleep mask qualifies. 

Reddit | im_an_ATLien

There's just something about dogs with human eyes that belong more in nightmares than sweet dreams.

8. Speaking of unintentionally creepy eyes, the way this girl's socks lined up with the holes in her shoes is pretty disturbing.

Reddit | Reddit

They would be much more appropriate if they were Hannibal Lecter themed.

9. A colony of wasps found a profoundly creepy spot to set up their nest.

Reddit | SquishyHumanoid

Nature's going to do what nature's going to do, but we really wish it wouldn't sometimes.

10. Faces don't belong on pillows, and they don't belong on Amazon's Alexa, either.

Reddit | bio

Not only a shoddy rendering job with severe eyes and a pink bow for some reason, but it's also completely unnecessary.

11. Based off of an already hilariously weird online comic, a high school artist made this picture frame in clay.

Reddit | gondor333

If nothing else, we're all calling honey "bee syrup" from now on, agreed?

12. This person can cross her legs to the point of confusion.

Reddit | Tropical_YT

Seriously, the more I stare, the less I understand how she's doing that. But hey, as long as she's comfy, right?

13. We all know what a hard-boiled egg looks like, but what about a frozen egg?

Reddit | sibelince

Of course, when would you ever need to freeze an egg? Now that you've seen what one looks like, probably never.

14. On the subject of weird eggs, this.

Reddit | chickenwrangler45

Apparently, strangely shaped eggs aren't uncommon and can come from a chicken with a shell gland abnormality, stress, or they can just happen randomly.

15. Trying to come up with a creative gift for a relative? Take putting the kids' faces on custom pillows off your list.

Reddit | sir_dancelot

It's been tried already. It did not go well.

16. Somebody scratched the "dad" out of this car's cheesy stick figure family.

Reddit | KallisteDia

And you just know there's a sad story behind it. Can't help wondering what went down, and can't help hoping for the best for them.

17. Something else nature will do? Go for the Doritos, just like everyone else.

Reddit | toirtle

These happy critters are isopods, and although they look like giant potato bugs, they're more closely related to shrimp and crabs.

18. Just in case you've always wondered how big an eagle's talon is in real life, here's a human hand for comparison.

Reddit | louiebaur

In this case, I much prefer the mental scar to a real one.

19. Don't worry, she's not actually having her soul devoured by a specter of death.

Reddit | im_an_ATLien

She's just shaking out a blanket on her balcony. But you have to admire the great timing on the pic!

20. When the Leela cosplay is a little too good.

Reddit | im_an_ATLien

I mean, she really brought the character to life here, but maybe we should just keep her animated in the future.

21. When dinnerware shatters, it's usually dangerous, but it doesn't typically split up into a dozen literal knives.

Reddit | dodo95pr

The good news is that it shattered in the sink and not underfoot, thank goodness.

22. This shirt has eyes for buttons and eye sockets for button holes.

Reddit | thebayallday

Can you imagine wearing this to a meeting with your boss? Does wearing an unsettling shirt qualify as a power move?

23. This is just a jar of pickles. This is just a jar of pickles. This is just a jar of pickles.

Reddit | snakeiscranky

No matter how many times you repeat it, doesn't it look like something terrifying wants out?

24. It's just like this dirty ice formation that looks like it wants in.

Reddit | stangytangy

I feel like this creepy ice formed up like a person could be the next big horror movie villain.