Unsplash | Adam Winger

15 Women Share The Non-Sexual Things They Find Intimate With Their Partner

Intimacy and sex don't always go hand-in-hand. As most loving couples will no doubt tell you, the times that they feel most connected to their partner often occur while their clothes are still on.

Sexual chemistry is important but it's not the be-all and end-all. To illustrate my point, check out these 15 women as they share the non-sexual things they find most intimate with their significant other.

Being the big spoon is overrated.

Unsplash | Becca Tapert

"My boyfriend is a big guy with a lot of confidence, so it’s very adorable when he snuggles up to me like he’s teeny tiny. I’m also the big spoon 100% of the time. He can never know I posted this lol." - Reddit u/hellogoawaynow

Playing doctor.


Get your head out of the gutter — I'm talking about actually playing nurse/doctor when your partner is ill.

Reddit user theblondebuffalo says you know you've found a keeper if your boyfriend still wants to cuddle you even after seeing you become violently sick.

Just a little off the top.

It might sound strange to some, but Reddit user alleina13 says that she feels closest to her significant other when he allows her to trim his beard.

Conversely, she has grown to love and appreciate him taking out her cornrows/washing her hair.

Scritch, scritch, scritch.

Unsplash | Katherine Hanlon

"His grandma would scratch his head until he fell asleep. Ever since he told me that, I’ve been trying my best to stay awake long enough that he falls asleep from head scratches too, as he has trouble falling asleep." - Reddit u/phenli

Make sure to really get in there and scrub hard.

Unsplash | Hannah Xu

When is the last time you had a nonsexual shower with your partner? According to Redditor katiebuggc, one of her favorite pastimes is to wash her husband's various crevices — armpits and buttcrack included.

Falling sleep in one another's arms.

Unsplash | Damir Spanic

There's a big difference between sleeping with someone and sleeping with someone. Redditor aquilajo says that it's been a very long time since she felt comfortable enough to allow herself to be vulnerable in this manner.

"Draw me, like one of your French girls..." - Rose Dawson/'Titanic'.

Reddit user KeyworkBird explained that her boyfriend is a rather talented artist, and one of the things she enjoys the most is when he draws her — naked. Granted, it's usually a preamble to sex but not always.

Make me laugh.

Unsplash | Omar Lopez

Reddit user sqkypants believes that laughter is the best medicine. She says that some of her favorite moments occur just before bedtime when she and her partner start uncontrollably giggling at a silly joke, and then laugh themselves into oblivion.

Making up different nicknames for one another.

My fiancee Megan and I have been together for a little more than eight years. Some of the names she calls me include: Minky Tonkers, Mitsum, Meechum, Sneechies, and my personal favorite — Stink Ass. These days, she only ever calls me Jordan when I'm in trouble.

Sometimes, you need to make a woman feel safe.

Unsplash | Toa Heftiba

"One time, awhile ago, I had a very bad panic attack and he carried me into his car, drove me to his place, brought me upstairs, and cuddled and slept with his entire body encompassing me, just repeating 'you’re safe here'." - Reddit u/urtlebox1

Plucking and styling your partner's eyebrows.

Unsplash | Rune Enstad

Redditor sweetykay explained how her husband is extremely self-conscious of his bushy eyebrows. Awhile back, he began allowing her to pluck them for him and ever since, she's seen a drastic improvement in his self-confidence.

Crying together.

Unsplash | Claudia Wolff

In a since-deleted Reddit post, one user says that feeling safe enough to show emotion and vulnerability is the truest sign of intimacy. Shedding tears, they argue, isn't a sign of weakness but rather one of strength and comfort in the relationship.

Who farted?

I firmly believe that a couple who doesn't even feel comfortable or safe enough with one another to pass gas is destined for failure. I thought I was the only one — until I came across HugandPint's Reddit post.

Cooking a meal together.

Unsplash | Max Delsid

More often than not, couples tend to want to divide the housework. Instead, Redditor chelksea says that she and her husband try to do as many activities as they can together. Cooking and creating a meal from scratch being one of her favorites.

If you were a melody...

"He plays love songs on the piano while I stand behind him kissing the back of his head. I almost cry sometimes. He's autistic and doesn't do verbal affection, but he finds ways to show me that he loves me." - Reddit u/sicklemoon28

h/t: Reddit