30 Times Life Found New And Aggravating Ways To Ruin Someone's Day

Given the nature of our world and the people in it, every day there are infinite possibilities regarding what can happen to a singular person. Sometimes those possibilities are positive, while other times, they're wholly negative.

This list focuses on the latter, deciding to display the unique by showing off 20 times life found new and aggravating ways to ruin someone's day.

"Happened at a law firm FYI. At least it's Friday..."

It's good to know that no matter how high-end or classy the job, there are still some people who stoop this low. How do the people that steal others' lunches justify it in their minds? Or do they simply not care? What does on in that head of theirs?

"My bike I guess."

Well, what's left of it anyway. With enough ingenuity, surely you could find a way to ride that single wheel home. It might not be comfortable, but it'd get you there, and right now, that's about all you can ask for!

"Housemate's dog got into my 6 hour Butter Chicken. No dinner for me tonight."

No, no, you can still have dinner, but it's going to be your housemate that buys it for you.

Is it their fault? No, not technically, but you can't expect a dog to pay for a meal, so you're moving up one in the chain of command.

"Happy Monday to everyone except for the tiny glass bottle that collided with the sink this morning."

For something like this to happen right in the morning would already mark the end of the day for me. A start that bad can only get worse, or at the very least, it'd sour my mood for the day. Time to get back into bed and try again tomorrow.

"$80 Christmas gift applied directly to my driveway."

That's not usually where wine is applied to, but maybe they know something I don't. Maybe it's healthy for the paved areas of your home to ingest a little alcohol from time to time to help them relax a little.

"Touched my hot glass stovetop with a microfibre towel. It won’t come off."

If you scrolled below this photo looking for an explanation on how to solve this should it ever happen to you, I'm happy to deliver.

The top comment recommended any glass top cleaning kit that includes a razor scraper. It might be a bit tough, but it'll get that residue off eventually.

"Having my bathroom remodelled and they installed my shower at less than knee height."

Did the guys who installed your shower meet you at all? Or were they greeted at the door by your household leprechaun and they just assumed that's who would be using this shower? I really want to know what got them here.

"Someone secured their bike through mine.. making it impossible to take it out…"

Do you have any enemies? Because this feels not only targeted but unnecessarily cruel.

At that point, screw the rest of my day, I'm going to sit right by my bike so I can shame whoever got me stuck there.

Lost in translation.

"My friend just got a tattoo. She says that's how judgment used to be written before and it's still written like this in British english, but I have my doubts. English is not our native language," reads the title of the post showing off this nearly perfect tattoo.

"Coworker’s kids left the van door open before a storm."

Leaving a car door open at all would be a reason to get in a lot of trouble as it's a safety hazard, but doing so right before a snowstorm? That's almost worse than the car being ransacked or stolen.

"Someone flying out of DFW is going to have a rough time in a few hours."

Perhaps this is a little cruel, but seeing this would reassure me that someone else has taken the bad airport luck today, and I'll be comforted knowing this won't be happening to me.

Probably, anyway. Airports are dens of bad luck, so there could be more floating around.

"My shopping bag broke at the top of the stairs and the lettuce made a run for it."

As did your bottle of whatever that is on the upper step, and your cat made a run for them both. He was trying to be opportunistic when he noticed human food being dropped, but alas, it's only lettuce, not a delicacy for cats.

"My brand new skateboard snapped in half immediately after standing on it."

Most people believed that this board was missing a reinforcement plate on the bottom as they tend not to be this weak, but if this happened to me, the damage would already be done. I'd be too ashamed to ever step on a board again.

"Got this in my fortune cookie."

If some fortune cookies contain no fortune, then it seems some fortune cookies are scams! Some would argue that all fortune cookies are scams, but I like to believe there's a little magic left in my adult life, okay?

"The view from my apartment when I moved in vs. now."

Someone pointed out that this will keep happening as buildings keep going up, then someone else replied to that comment with this, " I used to live right across from OP on that building on the right. And I hated seeing THEIR building go up lolol. And so is the curse of development."

Small world!

"[Soooooo] close."

This is where you, now ashamed, ask the server for a broom or something else with more reach than your arm to drag out your poor, disgraced phone. You then also recommend that they install some sort of bumper to prevent this from happening again.

"I live in a series of unfortunate events…"

Something about the title really gets across the feeling of hopelessness here. Paint is an absolute pain to clean out of anything, but car interiors? Forget it. Just wipe up as much as you can and learn to love the new white blotch in your car.

"Day 2/18 at the resort in Puerto Vallarta for our Honeymoon and my fatt [sic] ass walks into the balcony door."

How did you manage this, exactly? Because that looks like a solid door and a sizeable explosion for just having 'walked' into it, don't you think? Perhaps a few drinks were involved, and it was less walking more falling, right?

"The cheese won..."

Well, another way to put "tough luck" is "hard cheese." I guess that must be a slice of super sharp cheddar to take a nick out of a knife. No way havarti would play you like that.

"When it's your stop and the doors open to this"

Well if this isn't a good advertisement for life a little closer to the Equator, or at least the tropics, I don't know what is. You don't have to worry too much about this in Honolulu. Just sayin'.

"Withdrew a roll of loonies from my bank to do laundry. Just opened it days later at home."

For those not familiar, a loonie is a one dollar coin in Canada. No, they don't typically come with holes in the middle — worthless slugs do. I guess the question now is, does the laundry machine accept slugs? Not really, though. That's probably how this whole mess got started.

"I guess it was windy last night. A 6'x10', 1200lb. Granite slab."

Though it doesn't appear to be broken, the uploader assured everyone in the comments that it most definitely is. They were a good sport about it, taking full ownership of the accident, but that doesn't make it hurt any less.

"Heating emergency during Christmas. But not the kind you think of."

Nope, a heating emergency definitely brings to mind a broken furnace leaving a house too frosty, not having to move anything remotely ignitable away from the radiator. For the record, that's 60.1° C, not 601, which still translates to a toasty 140° F.

Um, wouldn't that have sloshed around?

"Purchased a [Oculus] for hubby’s x-mas gift and he just opened it up to play….. I’m at a loss for words," the uploader of this post explained. "Called [Target] and was told it would take 3 days to investigate. How do they even investigate this sort of thing? Has anyone ever heard of something like this happening?"

It's a new one for me, good luck!

"Heard my dogs getting rowdy in the other room & didn’t think much of it… this WAS their dog bed."

That must have been one huge dog bed, and two huge dogs to fit on it!

All things considered, this mess could have been way worse, at least it's mostly in one cohesive pile. Thanks for keeping the destructions neat, puppies!

"Couldn't even get top billing on my own birthday cake."

Well, there are a couple of options here, as I see it: insist on alphabetical order in the future, or change your name to Jesus. You already had to leave room for him at grade school dances, so maybe steer into it?

That's kind of impressive, in a way.

"Anyone else ever have an iPhone 13 Pro Max [impale] their Tesla while driving 70mph on a freeway? It bounced once on the pavement in front of me, and this is what happened," explained the poster of this pic.

Sooooo close to a free iPhone 13 though.

"When they put in the new fiber optic line they bored through my sewer line."

So, what you're saying is, they really put the "fiber" in "fiber optic"? Bet you could smell that one coming a mile away.

Seriously though, all I know is, I'm glad it's not my problem to fix. What a mess.

"My neighbors convertible top collapsed under all the recent snowfall."

So it's basically gained a third convertible mode: top up, top down, and top inside. Again, it's a pretty good argument in favor of tropical living. Or, if not that, at least a garage.

"I waited nearly 4 months for these cosplay swords. Slashed the air with them once and they snapped."

I wonder if that's a safety feature and not a bug? But either way, you expect a bit more from something you've been waiting four months to play around with. Preeeeeetttty weak, sword maker. Pretty weak.

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