15 Pics That Prove Working At Michaels Is More Than Just Glitter And Crafts

Working retail is a wild ride.

Between the customers' inexplicable behavior and the insanity of keeping a store organized, retail workers have the weirdest, hardest jobs out there. For Michaels employees, that's doubly true — with glitter on top.

Lucky for us, Michaels employees started a Reddit sub dedicated to documenting the chaotic things that happen at their stores. After reading through them, I feel confident that I never want to work at a Michaels — and that all of their employees deserve raises ASAP.

When the world's worst spills happen.

"Unicorn spit and acrylic paint intentionally poured out."

Oh, but it get worse. The same employee updated their post to share this discovery:

"Just found a bunch of slime and glitter dumped a few aisles down."

When thieves get creative.

"Slap one of these bad boys on there and said "yeah that'll do it" but the thief said:"

Well... at least it's a creative way of getting the lock off, I guess. People like this are why the friggin' Cricut stuff is locked in a cabinet at my store!

When you don't have the right coupon.

Guys... just Google "Micheals coupon" and your current date and follow the links to the Michaels site. There's a whole dedicated coupon page!

That's a tip from a pro Micheals shopper over here.

When people go wild in the toy aisle.

"The battle hath commenced.. and I just want to add we had been checking this aisle [maybe] 10 minutes before. It had to have been a group effort."

I'm torn between thinking this is so cute and feeling sorry for whoever has to put it away.


I censored the image, but I think we all know what it says. And to be honest, that employee is right for swearing. That would have been SO annoying to clean up.

When the holiday music arrives.

Sure, it's a nice treat for us to hear when we're browsing the store. But imagine working there for eight hours and hearing the same set of holiday songs all day, every day. For two months.


When customers mistake literally anything for a garbage can.

"Today is the day I commit arson," a Michaels employee wrote, and I cannot blame them. If you drop your ice cream everywhere, don't just ditch it and run. Who raised these people?

When customers decide this is an okay thing to do.

"I remember literally 30 minutes after I finished setting it, ONE customer managed to [expletive] it all up. I was raging," one commenter shared.

How hard is it to put things back where you found them?

When the closing crew gets creative.

"What I found in my store at 5 o’clock this morning, closing crew is either wild or lazy asf."

I'm gonna go with lazy. There's so many other unexpected things to spell with bubble letters. I'd go for "TAXES" just to terrify people.

When the customers create art.

"I love the people who shop here."

I'm trying to keep this mildly safe for work, so let's talk about our favorite nut! Mine is the classic peanut, which I'm SURE this display is referencing.

When the store has slime in stock.

"Truly some of the most cursed clearance items."

Oh, but the worst part is yet to come:

"I thought one of the bags had ripped, but no, when I inspected the empty one, it was perfect. Cap was left off, meaning someone made the choice to pour it all out [...]"

When things aren't labelled properly.

Ah yes, the famously blue shades of "Cadmium Red Hue" and "Ultramarine Pink."

I love little typos like this. They make no sense, but they're entertaining as hell. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to search up what Ultramarine Pink looks like.

When certain times of year hit.

"Can't wait till the graduation cap decoration season ends. Recovery and go backs are madness."

I definitely wouldn't have picked graduation season as a nightmare season for employees, but now it makes perfect sense.

When spray paint has a mind of its own.

"Throwback to when a green can of spray paint got dropped and busted on a lady."

The thing that is KILLING ME is the human-shaped dent in the paint where her feet were. Oh my god.

Let's finish off with a bang:

"Found this on a sweep. And no sign of the missing part..."

Okay. So someone definitely ate that banana, huh? Indigestion from the styrofoam is a fitting punishment for that crime.

(I'd say kids are an exception to that punishment, but what kid eats a banana sideways?)