20 Pictures People Shared That Show Something Most Of Us Have Never Seen

Sure, there are some planets out there that are way bigger than ours, but the Earth is still a pretty big place. So big, in fact, that we probably won't see everything it has to offer in our lifetimes.

That doesn't mean we shouldn't try, though. How about starting right here, with all of these pictures showing some pretty unique sights.

"This plant growing out of spray foam in the basement laundry room."

Plants grow in a bunch of unexpected places. I'm sure we've all seen plants randomly sprout up in concrete, or from gardening tools like shovels.

But this is a new one. Who would've thought plants could get through spray foam?

This concrete with some leaf marks in it.

Sometimes, when you're walking down the sidewalk, you might see a random footprint, or a name that someone wrote while the concrete was still wet. But have you ever seen leaf prints in concrete before? Yeah, that's a new one for me too.

This teeny tiny fire alarm

Don't get me wrong, fire alarms are important and serious. You don't set one off for fun. Emergency use only.

But this one is just so dang cute. Why did it have to be tiny like that? I still wouldn't activate it willy-nilly, but I'd probably stare at it for too long.

This stack of coins that's perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

Apparently, there are exactly 664 coins in this coin tower. And... that's a lot of coins. I'm not going to ask how one goes about getting hundreds of coins at once, but hey. At least it's an interesting (and rare) sight to see.

"Couple of days ago, I got stung by a jellyfish and it imprinted itself on my skin."

Ouch... that must've hurt big time. If the sting was so strong, it left a mark after a few days? Yeah, does not sound very fun if you ask me.

But at least it's a decent travel story?

This hybrid between a watering can and a spray bottle.

I can safely say that I've never seen anything quite like this before. It's a watering can and a spray bottle at the same time, which makes no sense but also makes perfect sense. It would get some good use out in the garden.

"Static electricity from work today."

I'm going to go ahead and assume that this thing is in some kind of power plant. And honestly, it's so cool to look at! It's like seeing lightning, but without the storm that usually goes along with it. And it's probably a lot more useful than lightning anyway.

"This bus stop has a digital poster space which gives the time, day, date and temperature."

This is incredibly mundane, since plenty of signs and stuff post this kind of information all the time. But it's so cool at the same time. It feels oddly futuristic, like this is how all bus shelters are going to look in a few years.

"Mini sword crafted out of Laguna crazy lace agate blade with juniper ridge fire opal & obsidian handle."

Wait, this is so cool! All the different gemstones that were used to make this tiny sword look really pretty together. I'm not really sure why someone would need a sword this small, but I'm not about to complain.

This abnormally long shopping cart full of sale items.

Grocery stores usually keep random sale stuff near the registers in little baskets. But this store went above and beyond and used a super long cart for some reason. But I can't even complain. In fact, I kind of love it.

"The floor in the design building at my college is the basketball court it used to be."

Well, that's one way to renovate an old gym. Just turn it into a whole new building, complete with rooms. But leave the floor as-is.

It's weird, but it's also kind of cool. It's like the building has history.

It's a chicken... crossing the road.

We can ask why the chicken crossed the road until we're blue in the face, but it's honestly kind of a question that doesn't need to be asked.

Until now, that is. Seriously, how often do you actually see chickens crossing the road? Not often, I'm guessing.

"Vines slowly taking over this abandoned building in Buffalo, NY."

Based on how dense the vines on this building are, it's probably been abandoned for many, many years. And it's only a matter of time before the whole thing becomes a lush, green structure. Which would actually be so cool.

"My uncle unearthed 4 petrified trees."

For a second, I thought these were giant dinosaur bones that some dude found in his yard. But no, they're just petrified trees. Probably the last thing anyone was expecting to see.

Still, that's actually really cool. They're probably, like super old. Thousands of years old, maybe.

This sign from a very different time.

Remember when you used to carry around a cellphone, iPod, and camera? It wasn't that long ago that this was the case. Now, we have all of those things plus the internet, plus little gaming devices, and so much more. Oh, how time change.

A street sign with a typo.

This street sign in San Francisco, California, bears its home state's name. But the sign underneath it bears a slightly different name, "Calfornia." It's amazing how one missed letter can completely transform a word. At least you can still tell what they were going for.

This entire family that's riding on one scooter.

Now that's something you don't see every day...

As weird as it is, it's also kind of worrisome. There's no universe where something like this isn't incredibly dangerous. They aren't even wearing helmets. I'm not going to lie, it's kind of stressing me out.

"This bike at a museum with no chain, just pedals that directly turn the back wheel."

I... don't know how to feel about this. It just seems so odd, so forbidden. Bikes shouldn't look like this. They shouldn't be able to move without the chain. It's fascinating, but I hope I never see anything like it again.

"In the Netherlands, Cool Ranch Doritos are called 'Cool American Flavour.'"

I guess ranch flavor is a distinctly American thing? It just seems so normal, but I guess it's something you don't really think about until you venture outside of the continent.

Cool American, though. That's actually a really funny name.

"I accidently [*sic*] triggered a Man Overboard Buoy we found on the beach this morning."

Now there's something you don't see a lot. In fact, most of us will hopefully never have to use one. But now that this one's been activated, there's nothing left to do but stare at it. And hope no one sees it and thinks there's an actual emergency.