Unsplash | Helena Lopes

15 Of The Best Insults That Didn't Need Swear Words

Don't hear what I'm not saying: swearing can be incredibly useful. At the right time and in the right place, a good curse word here and there drives the point home in a manner that remains unmatched.

However, there are those rare moments where wit cuts deeper than any profanity ever could. Have a look and check out these 15 insults that absolutely didn't need 'swear words.'

“I can explain it to you, but I can’t understand it for you.”

Unsplash | steffen wienberg

In other words, you can lead a stupid horse to water but you can't make the dumb beast take even a single sip. This sounds like something that my old English teacher would have said.

"Anyone who ever loved you was wrong."

Unsplash | Tyler Nix

This is one of those straight-to-the-point quips that cuts to the bone. You're not just insulting one person, you're insulting everyone they've ever known all in one breath.

Best be sure to use it wisely.

Have you ever danced with the devil in the pale moon light?

"I once saw a comment that read, 'The bar was so low, it was practically a tripping hazard in hell, yet here you are dancing limbo with the devil.'" - Reddit u/give_it_a_vodkashot

"Straight from Shakespeare: 'I wish we could become better strangers.'"

Unsplash | Birmingham Museums Trust

Absolutely no one knows how to burn quite like The Bard. This is one of, if not the most articulate and intelligent insults that I think I've ever come across.

A pungent remark.

"A guy who sat behind me in English class let out a fart that reverberated off the wooden seat. The whole class heard it. The teacher said, 'That’s the most intelligent thing you’ve said all year.'" - Reddit u/melbers22

"You sound like a pizza cutter — all edge and no point."

Unsplash | Brett Jordan

I like a good simile insult and Reddit user BlueAndMoreBlue's is without a doubt one of the better ones you're likely to come across.

It'll really cut you up...get it?

"Your face looks like the human embodiment of period cramps."

Damn. This one hurts me and I've only ever experienced period cramps second-hand. How could you even attempt to clap back at someone if they came at you with this?

"Someone once called me 'weapons-grade stupid.' That made me laugh pretty good."

Unsplash | Michal Matlon

That does sound dangerously stupid. I wonder what Redditor MightyBeforeGod was doing at the time to warrant such a cutthroat insult being hurled in their direction. We want the context!

"Some cause happiness whereever they go; others whenever they go." — Oscar Wilde.

Unsplash | Taylor Wright

Few insults are more poetic than those of the great Oscar Wilde. It's precisely this kind of deep philosophical lament that it is likely to fly over the head of the unsuspecting dullard you're thrusting it upon without notice.

"To think you were the fastest sperm."

This is an absolute classic that never gets old. As mean as it sounds, my dad used to say this to my brother and me growing up all the time. Which explains a lot, now that I think of it...

"I would challenge you to a battle of wits, but I see that you have come unarmed."


This is one of my own personal favorites to throw at someone. Feel free to use it the next time you come face-to-face, just be ready to duck should the victim of your verbal onslaught decide to throw a punch.

"You're impossible to underestimate."

This is what I like to call a "complisult" — it's a half compliment, half insult.

Say it quickly and with enough conviction, you may be able to walk away with the person thinking you were praising them.

Putting a green thumb to good use.

Unsplash | Nick Fewings

"My favorite is, 'I think you should carry a potted plant to replace the oxygen you waste,'" Reddit user Cooldudeyo23 said.

Most of the people I know would need an entire forest.

When teachers tell it like it is.

"I had a teacher tell some kid "Nothing you have to say is of any consequence...to anyone." He was an odd teacher who kinda talked like that, but it was his version of savage. The room lost its [expletive] in unison." - Reddit u/glib_battling

"If my dog was as ugly as you, I'd shave his butt and tell him to walk backwards." - *The Sandlot*

I will go to my grave believing that The Sandlot has the greatest insult scenes in the history of film. Not a single curse word is spoken, but by god does it still pack a punch.