15 Before-And-After Pics That Actually Inspired Us To Clean Around The House

I don't know about you, but I love a clean and organized house. Just last week, I tackled one of our major problems in the kitchen — the dreaded under-the-sink area. I tell you, it was a mess.

Now that it's all taken care of, I can breathe better. And you will, too, when you see these amazing before-and-after pictures.

1. This Epic Mess

Oh my goodness! Who can even live like this? Can you believe this was once somebody's living room? To say that it got an upgrade would be an understatement for sure. I bet they breathed a sigh of relief when this clean-up was done.

2. This Kitchen Clean-Up

When you let go of something for a long time, it's hard to tackle it again. Am I right? This person neglected their kitchen for far too long, but now they finally put an end to it. Now that all the clutter is cleared up, it looks like a bigger kitchen than before!

3. This Car Job

Wow, I've never realized that headlights could look so bad. This person worked hard to correct 287k miles of neglect. They sanded, buffed, and clear coated it, and now I think it looks pretty darn great.

4. This Closet Clean-Up Job

A small closet is not easy to keep organized. I know something about that. I don't know what this person did with all their stuff, but I suspect they enjoy this view a lot more now. There's no better feeling than clearing our your closet and donating old clothes to someone who needs them more.

5. This Deck Fix

Can you believe this is the same deck here? Oh, I can. If you neglect something for about 10 years, it will look like this, too. But it's so satisfying to see all that dirt go away in minutes.

6. This Fridge Disaster

I have to confess something: our fridge has a few spills that we didn't clean. I better get on it before it looks like this. Oh no! I definitely don't want to see that happen to ours. The lesson here is to not forget about cleaning your fridge, especially when it comes to big spills!

7. This Spruced Up Wall

I bet this person completely forgot what this wall even looked like before. Now that they gave it a power wash, they can admire the beautiful colors again. Wow, it's quite a difference. Isn't it, huh?

8. This Stained Grout

One of the things I hate the most is cleaning tiles the grout. So, it's best not to let it all get caulked up, that way, you don't have to scrub the entire house. Oh boy, that's not fun. At least this person was able to bring their grout back to life — I bet it took a lot of elbow grease!

9. This Outdoor Stairwell

A lot of people tend to neglect the parts of the house that are outside. I'm here to tell you why that's not a good idea. You will only end up dealing with a clean-up job like this one. So, save yourself the trouble and make sure to routinely clean outside, too!

10. This Shower Nightmare

Can you imagine if you had a shower that looked as filthy as this one? Yuck! How did it even get that gross? Okay, never mind. I don't think I want to know after all. I'm just glad it's clean now.

11. This Power Wash

My fiancé has done cleaning jobs like these, and I bet they're so satisfying to see. All that grime is gone in just about 20 minutes. Wow, doesn't this look like it's new paint or what? I'm amazed.

12. This Gross Stove

I have to admit my oven has seen better days, but I'm happy to report the store is still clean as a whistle. This gross situation finally got taken care of, and I'm sure it's quite a relief.

13. This Messy Situation

It's not easy dealing with depression. The last thing you want to do is clean your bedroom. So let's not be too harsh to voice our opinions on these types of messes. I'm happy to see this person was finally able to deal with it.

14. This Old Bench

Who knew you could give an old outdoor bench a new lease on life? But now that I see it, I do believe it. It's going to be such a pleasure to sit here and read a book. Hooray for power washers!

15. These Cups

"Used clean freak on my grandma’s old wine glasses and teacups. 20+ years of dust and smoke build-up. For the longest time, I didn’t know they were supposed to be clear," one Reddit user shared.

It's photos like these that remind us to clean the little things around the home, too!

See? I told you these photos would be oddly satisfying to look at.

I felt such relief when I cleaned my kitchen. I can't tell you how better I felt about myself. Have you ever done any cleaning therapy before?

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