The Perry Bible Fellowship

16+ Unexpected Comics That Your Dark Side Will Find Hilarious

The Perry Bible Fellowship is one of the funniest webcomics I have come across in a long time. No matter how sure you are of how a comic will end, you will absolutely be surprised by the dark twists and turns that each panel takes.

This is no surprise, considering that the comic is going into its 15th year of being made! I think we can safely say that Nicholas Gurenwitch, the mastermind behind PBF, is a pro.

Gurenwitch describes his style as “the clarity of obscurity,” and I have to say, in my experience of his work, that is pretty spot on.

If you want to see more of his work, check out the The Perry Bible Fellowship website or follow Gurenwitch on Instagram.

Honestly, what good is love if you're poor and don't have a flying space craft?!

The Perry Bible Fellowship

Kidding, obviously. I'm sure in the end he will feel like he made the right choice.

This is actually pretty clever. 

The Perry Bible Fellowship

Because forts are awesome and school sucks, but honestly if my parents had pulled this on me as a kid, it would have destroyed my love of forts.

Science can be super tricky and a real bummer sometimes.

The Perry Bible Fellowship

Splitting up sucks even when it's mutual — kind of ruins a bunch of things you thought were going to happen.

Is it possible to enjoy anything anymore if the whole internet doesn't know you're doing it?

The Perry Bible Fellowship

What good is going to the beach if there aren't selfies and over-filtered sunset pictures?

If you're a regular MacOS user familiar with the term "beachballing", then this is extra hilarious.

What a faker! 

The Perry Bible Fellowship

This is kind of what getting a new job is like. It seems like it's gonna take you where you want to go and then just sucks the life out of ya.

Well, this kind of sucks for everyone. 

The Perry Bible Fellowship

You want the people you care about to be happy even if it bums you out, but it's rare I see someone leave their partner for someone else and not regret that decision.

Thank you to every sci-fi movie ever for this plot. 

The Perry Bible Fellowship

We get it — humans are trash and we ruin literally everything we touch! At least this tells the story quickly.

Be careful what you wish for?

The Perry Bible Fellowship

Is that what we're supposed to take away from this? It does suck to feel left out, though, so I would have wanted to be included, too.

I don't know if I could marry someone my family didn't like.

The Perry Bible Fellowship

I wonder how many parents feel this way and keep it under wraps and just gossip when they're not around.

These things are so hard! 

The Perry Bible Fellowship

I actually do believe that anyone who sees the little shapes and animals right away may have a brain that just works better than mine.

After you turn 25, it pretty much starts to feel like this. 

The Perry Bible Fellowship

Birthdays are the worst! Do you know how fast a year goes by the older you get? It's crazy.

Real talk: I think everyone is a little hard on themselves.

The Perry Bible Fellowship

But that's probably because everyone is good at being someone they're not or feeling like their definition of who they are isn't good enough.

Isn't this exactly what you want to happen when you read a book?

The Perry Bible Fellowship

Or at least when you write one. If I ever wrote a book that made someone feel like they were doomed for eternity, I would feel pretty accomplished.

Humans are probably like chicken pox. 

The Perry Bible Fellowship

You get them one time and you have it forever, but they don't really bother you until they flare up way later and become shingles.

Be all you can be — let your dreams take flight!

The Perry Bible Fellowship

If some kid wants to be a bear, who are we to tell him he can't be? Apparently, it's very dangerous to do so.

We've all awoken after a falling dream at least once in our lives.

The Perry Bible Fellowship

Thankfully for most of us, the dream is far less literal.

They may be turtles, but even they know how to spin.

The Perry Bible Fellowship

I mean, this isn't that different than what we see at human political rallies.

Reunions are supposed to be happy, aren't they?

The Perry Bible Fellowship

Maybe Rudy will become a hammer handle and he and Barbara can stay together.

Did I mention that a lot of these comics are dark?

The Perry Bible Fellowship

Because a lot of these comics are really freaking dark! Yet somehow still funny.

Do you think the creators of Dominoes planned for the toppling part?

The Perry Bible Fellowship

I mean, there is actually a game you're supposed to play with those tiles, but no one ever does.

Isn't this how all family disputes are decided?

The Perry Bible Fellowship

If I was Rock, I'd just headbutt Scissors. I think that's how the game works, right?

I feel you, kids. My parents were the same way.

The Perry Bible Fellowship

Oh, you thought a snow day meant a day free of learning? Thank again! Extra homework and chores!

Sweepstakes mail will never die out.

The Perry Bible Fellowship

Is it even dumber that I keep receiving these wastes of paper in 2019? Yes, yes it is.

I guess this sort of counts as having a happy ending.

The Perry Bible Fellowship

I mean, they didn't want the eggs, so the fact that they're all about to become omelettes isn't that big a deal.

I wouldn't be surprised if games like Whack-a-Mole date back pretty far.

The Perry Bible Fellowship

I'm sorry, but I cackled at "Thou art too slow." I'm not even sure why it tickles me so much.

Sad, but also likely.

The Perry Bible Fellowship

Though I'm less convinced by the dog not trying to pass the message, but by the human's complete misunderstanding of it.

Well, this certainly changes the ending of 'Moby Dick', doesn't it?

The Perry Bible Fellowship

This is one of those ones where my laugh is incredibly awkward. I laugh to hold back the tears.

See also: many modern relationships.

The Perry Bible Fellowship

It's all lovey-dovey until someone is crying and the relationship is over.

Yes, I'm still bitter about the last one.

I'm certain that any person who wants to be some kind of artist has parents who would definitely try this. 

The Perry Bible Fellowship

It's always good to have a back up plan, right?

Here's a palate cleanser.

The Perry Bible Fellowship

Personally, I think I like Barkelangelo's version better. The colors are very lively!

I guess I'm leaving you on a downer, huh?

The Perry Bible Fellowship

It's hard not to these days, what with so many natural disasters. Hopefully, we're able to save the bees before this becomes reality.