Instagram | @kalesalad

36 Savage People Too Funny For Their Own Good

Savages walk this earth in droves these days, as the internet has proven to us time and again.

Whether they are hairy trolls or just jerks caught in the act and put on blast, sometimes you just can't help but laugh.

Does it make you a bad person? Perhaps.

Does that matter? Perhaps not.

1. Just when you thought you had a set of tech-savvy parental units, this happens.

Instagram | @kalesalad

May these children recover swiftly and with high spirit after reading such a horror story. *shudder*

2. Oh, look! It's funny because he took the cooking instructions in a different way than they were meant to be taken.

Instagram | @kalesalad

I see what he did here. I get funny jokes, too.

3. This is cruelty beyond evil.

Instagram | @kalesalad

I would probably crumble into a million little pieces if someone did this to me. If a real acceptance letter comes, though, he's going to rip it up. A classic "boy who cried wolf" situation.

4. Hey — are there really any boundaries when it comes to trolling your partner's ex? 

Instagram | @gramgirl_blondie_kay

If the stab is laid out there for the taking, you'd best seize the opportunity, right?

5. What a good (wee) sport for posing for the picture.

Instagram | @kalesalad

Fast forward to eleventh grade when that kid is huge and comes a-knockin'. Careful who you pick on, my friends.

6. This kid left for college and forgot to follow his mom's very simple instructions. 

Scary Mommy | Scary Mommy

I guess she decided the most savage way to deal with him forgetting his chores would be to send him a very clear reminder.

7. And they say romance is de—

Instagram | @kalesalad

— never mind. It is a dead as a doornail. Two feet in the grave, come back to haunt ya, dead. RIP, love.

8. If we've learned anything from Kendall Jenner, it is how to make peace with virtually any crisis one could encounter.

Instagram | @kalesalad

Plot twist: Hurricane Irma prefers Coke and can totally taste the difference.

9. Well, if this isn't the cattest thing in the world, I don't know what is!

Instagram | @kalesalad

If I fits, I sits. If I don't fits, I still sits: the first law of cats.

10. What a smooth operator.

Instagram | @kalesalad

Be still, my beating heart. The sad thing is she might still have gone over. Let's pray she fled the scene, preferring to wait out a hurricane with the fam.

11. Why waste the space?

Instagram | @kalesalad

When my brother and I had left home, it took my mom .0000000001 seconds to replace framed photos of us with different shots of her cat.

12. Once in a while, you read something that totally changes your entire perspective on life and touches you in a profound way.

Instagram | @kalesalad

For me, today is that day. Today I have remembered how to live.

13. Why did this come down to threats?

Instagram | @kalesalad

No need for punishment! Just take a pic of your damn mama. She just bought this hat (that Karen thinks looks SHARP AF on her) and she wants to show it off.

14. In the world of office politics, this is pretty much as savage as it gets. 

Instagram | @will_ent

Nothing is more annoying than someone taking your food, so I appreciate that this person went above and beyond to get back at whoever was stealing the creamer.

15. Well, he's not wrong.

Instagram | @kalesalad

Time to build a big, beautiful, powerful, strong wall that reaches to the sky. That hurricane definitely wasn't born here. Okay, I'll stop with the ripping.

16. This guy is the ultimate savage, the ultimate entrepreneur, and the ultimate thespian.

Instagram | @kalesalad

Get this man a guest spot on Inside the Actors Studio pronto. We have so much to learn.

17. This UberEats driver who's clearly sick of this question.

Twitter | @iamalishajo

If I had to drive around smelling everyone's takeout all day and not be able to eat it, I'd be pretty salty too.

18. This person who gets their kicks by trolling the Starbucks crowd.

Twitter | @wellmanlaylah

In an age of unicorn fraps and mermaid macchiatos, this kind of trolling is more refreshing than an iced Passion Tea!

19. Kathy is an absolute savage for this comment. I mean, we were all thinking it, but it takes a special level of savagery to actually say it.

Instagram | Instagram

Props to this kid's mom for her awesome parenting, though. Let's hope she was a good sport about the comment.

20. This sicko who's out there ruining lives.

Twitter | @JustBasicDave

Layovers, jet lag, delayed flights, obnoxious customs officers — as if flying wasn't miserable enough, now we have this prankster making our airport experiences just that much worse.

21. This mom who knows how to deal with bullies 

Twitter | Twitter

Sometimes, you need to give them a taste of their own medicine! Or even better, a taste of something much, much worse...

22. What is going on here?

Instagram | @kalesalad

Is that kid OK? Does he need a doctor? Why is there clearly an adult just casually passing by as if everything is copacetic? Help him!

23. We all know that cats are the most savage creatures out there, but this guy is just taking it too far.

Instagram | @kalesalad

I, for one, am still too traumatized to handle this reenactment of The Lion King.

24. This guy is fed up with being told what to do around the house. 

Instagram | @kalesalad

Sometimes, the best way to handle a problem is to simply remove yourself from the situation.

25. This lady isn't ashamed of who she is or where she came from... no, actually, she's pretty darn proud of it.

Instagram | @kalesalad

I love how savage this entire caption is — it takes a special kind of person to tell your entire Facebook friend list to bend the knee.

26. Timmy, you are by far the most savage penguin out there.

Instagram | Instagram

It takes a special kind of penguin to make it onto the "naughty list," and he definitely has earned that spot.

27. This dad's good-luck text was well thought-out and totally savage.

Instagram | @will_ent

I'm pretty sure it's too soon to be making a joke like that, but for this dad, it was worth it to psych his kid out before an exam.

28. This mom who has no time for fakes. 

Twitter | @DancesWithTamis

If your friends ain't loyal, you've got to cut them right out of your life, literally. "Off with their heads" seems to be an appropriate sentiment here.

29. Palmer Paint with the ultimate troll!

Instagram | @kalesalad

Either something went awry during instruction reading, or this company has a bit of explaining to do. At least she's being a decently good sport about it.

30. The mom who sent this text to her kid.

oknope | oknope

You really have to look to see the utter savagery of this text. Can you imagine getting this from your mom? Shaking my head all day.

31. And this dad who added insult to injury.

Instagram | @the.bean.cult

Hey, vintage stuff always makes a comeback, and I'd say both the phone and the subject of that selfie are some pretty ancient specimens.

32. When your BFF finds out you're newly vegan...

Reddit | GoSioux14

Bacon is a fantastic name for a pet pig, wouldn't you agree? It will forever be a reminder of the fate you rescued him from!

33. What a thoughtful birthday card to receive.

Reddit | billnyeisjustok

It's always nice to have someone acknowledge and celebrate your life's achievements...or as an alternative, to point out the lack thereof.

34. There's nothing like a friend exacting savage revenge on your behalf.

Twitter | @XSilvas

It may have been a vicarious experience of satisfaction, but at least they got you back your prized possession.

35. And don't you forget it! 

Twitter | @BR1lliant1

36. This teacher has a special bin for late papers.

Reddit | MrMegaGamerz
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