20 Things That Didn't Go Anywhere Near According To Plan

Scissors in a vacuum sealed bag
reddit | ShotArtist8

Life isn't always fair. Sometimes things just don't go according to plan, no matter how well you think you've planned things out.

Then again, sometimes life is completely fair and punishes us accordingly for our shoddy work. We'll let you decide whether the following images are examples of bad luck or simply people getting their just desserts.

"Upgraded all the TVs, boss!"

TV placed in a cabinet that's too small
reddit | abegosum

Those older TV units in hotels, the ones that were designed for big tube TVs, aren't the best for mounting newer, flatscreen TVs. That doesn't mean that hotel workers haven't tried, though. Maybe they should have gone with a 32" TV instead.

"Someone at the Fox channel gonna be fired for this."

TV name graphic just says 'Name here name here'
reddit | Heavy-Ask-828

Putting graphics templates into a news broadcast without editing them first is actually a pretty common error. That doesn't mean we shouldn't laugh when it happens, though. Should we call this guy Mr. Here, or does he go by Name?

"It’s literally outlined where it should go."

Manhole cover placed outside of intended space
reddit | Heavy-Ask-828

If you're obsessive about things needing to be in their proper place, this would absolutely drive you nuts. I wonder whether the manhole cover or the outline for said cover is in the correct place.

"Labeled the fruitables boss."

Box of watermelons labeled as onions and potatoes
reddit | Skaitavia

I love how the labels on this box had two chances to get things right, and totally biffed it on both accounts. Fortunately, watermelons are easy enough to recognize on their own. Still, they ain't potatoes (or onions).

"The cable railing at my hotel is an Ethernet cable."

Cable railing at a hotel is an Ethernet cable.
reddit | SourceWebMD

Ethernet cables are fairly strong, and can be used for all sorts of non-Ethernet purposes around the house. But when it comes to preventing a deadly fall, I'm not sure they're quite appropriate.

"Cappy things for children on the slide."

Tic-tac-toe game with only six components
reddit | AdAggressive4407

Technically, it's still possible to play a game of tic-tac-toe here. The only caveat is that one can only win by going horizontally, not vertically or diagonally. Looks like tons of fun.

"Shady tennis court."

Gazebo placed on tennis court
reddit | peppernipples

Placing a gazebo that provides zero shade directly on the surface of a tennis court is a great way to lose the functionality of both the gazebo and the tennis court. I mean, it doesn't even look good.

"This department store's accessible lift is up a set of stairs."

Route to elevator is up a set of stairs
reddit | kiddsky

Plenty of older buildings weren't built to be accessible, and incorporating ramps and lifts can be a challenging process. Still, most of them do a slightly better job than this.

"Imagine being such a bad designer you can destroy a child’s ability to count by them merely looking at your design."

Playing cards with incorrect numbers
reddit | theWildBore

Did the person who designed these cards realize that the number of designs on a playing card should match the number of the card? Also, what are the suits here?

"This manual with two contradictory pictograms and no other information."

Manual with two contradictory pictograms and no other information
reddit | FormicaRufa

If you follow things in sequential order, you should first look at the scale to acknowledge that it's a scale. Then you can step on it. Then you should absolutely never step on it ever again.

"Haha got your nose."

Picture in book squished by fold of pages
reddit | da_real_kib

I don't know what the job title of the person who designs book layouts would be, but this book layer-outer needs to realize that placing images over the fold of the book can be a risky proposition.

"I couldn't wait to see Top Gun: Maverick in Imax..."

Desktop error on movie theater screen
reddit | SU55

It's kind of a tired gag by this point that those desktop updates always come through at the worst possible time. But it's only a cliché because it's completely true.

"A pigeon managed to lay an egg on top of my anti pigeon spikes!"

Pigeon egg laid on anti-pigeon spikes
reddit | SnooWoofers1252

Pigeons aren't capable of flipping us off, so they have to do the next best thing: thwart our plans to contain them by defying anti-pigeon spikes.

"This is where Amazon left our package. We live on the third floor. They put 'left in a safe place.'"

Amazon package balanced precariously on railing
reddit | anxiouslymute

This actually is a safe place, if you remove all variables, including air circulation, human error and the laws of gravity.

"Glass pot lid exploded into the pasta."

Glass pot lid exploded into the pasta
reddit | LatestLurkingHandle

A glass-half-full type might see this as some added flavor for the dish, as a chance to try something new. That person would also wind up in the hospital for eating glass.

"The amount of turmeric wasted because my girlfriend doesn't own a funnel."

Results of turmeric-pouring mishap
reddit | nickaa827

Of all the spices to spill a bunch of, turmeric might be the worst. She's going to be washing turmeric off of her skin for the next three weeks.

"Now time for something actually mildly infuriating."

Pack of Duracell batteries where one battery is upside down
reddit | inksonpapers

Functionally, it makes no difference which direction the batteries are facing. But the lack of attention to detail makes me question whether these batteries are truly up to the challenge.

"Gave specific, easy to follow instructions, on how to deliver to my unit. They decided to just leave the delivery in the main lobby."

Frustrating DoorDash chat
reddit | RelationshipNo3977

At this point, I've just given up on trying to give instructions to DoorDash drivers. They just wind up doing whatever they want.

"In recognition of Memorial Day, Lowe's blocked veteran only parking."

Memorial Day display taking up veteran-only parking spot
reddit | bumblebee_blasphemy

Did no one think through the optics of taking up a veteran-only parking spot to create what looks like a grave for Memorial Day? I mean, this is just ridiculous.

"My brother vacuum sealed the only scissors in the house."

Scissors stuck in a vacuum sealed bag
reddit | ShotArtist8

For someone who enjoys puzzles and problem-solving, this might present an opportunity to think through a problem. For everyone else, though, it's probably time to use some teeth to break this bag open.