20 Test Answers That Aren't Completely Wrong

Ashley Hunte
A student writing on a school worksheet.
Unsplash | Ben Mullins

Taking a test during school was always kind of a drag. Sometimes, even if you actually knew the material, you'd end up drawing a blank when it came time for that pop quiz.

If only we could've gotten points for any creative answers we might've come up with. Answers that might not have been what the teacher was looking for, but were technically still right. Answers like these hilarious ones.

If only it were that easy.

I mean, the kid technically isn't wrong. But the most important thing they left out was, uh, being good at basketball. I mean, you wouldn't want to be Michael Jordan just to look like him, right?

All you need is love. And maybe some gravity.

In an emotional sense, this kid is dead on. From a physics sense, not so much. I'm not really sure if any scientist would consider emotions to be stronger than the laws of physics.

I mean, the were right there.

Technically right, got some extra words in there, and showed that the kid knows how to read. And count. Clever. I think it's safe to say that this kid is going places.

The teacher walked right into that one.

I'm not gonna lie, if I ever had a math problem like this, I would've been just as concerned for poor Bob's health. Twenty-nine candy bars isn't good for the body. It isn't even good for the soul at that point.

Just break into dance in the middle of class.

Bonus points if you sang the song in your head just now (I know I did). Technically correct, though I'm pretty sure the teacher was looking for a few different verbs in there.

I mean, you technically can't see it anyway.

Unless Ghostbusters II is a lot different than I remember, I'm pretty sure that kid got cytoplasm mixed up with ectoplasm. Still, at least they were right in that you can't actually see it being used, since it's in our cells and stuff.

Their words, not mine.

Sure, Mark has the more reliable sample size. But I think that kid might be onto something. Mark would be, after all, more likely to mansplain his conclusions than Mary would be. Or so it goes.

Not what the question was asking, but also not a bad answer.

I will say, a second grader lifting 97 pounds is a little suspicious considering the fact that most second graders don't even weigh 97 pounds. If schools don't want clever answers, I guess they shouldn't ask unrealistic questions.

I'm sure someone in the universe liked Saturn.

Solid answer for sure, but what makes me laugh even more is the teacher's reply. I mean, Saturn isn't a single lady. The kid said it right there. God liked it so he put a ring on it!

Not homework, but still excellent.

First off, it's really cute that the kid wanted to help make his teacher feel better. And while this advice might not always work, at least he got the spirit of it. And who knows, maybe that's actually what the teacher needed.

You can't get it wrong if you were never asked.

The kid logic here is astounding. In fact, I feel like it should just be a rule in life. Don't feel like answering a question? Pretend it doesn't exist.

Technically, that works...

Absolutely not the answer the teacher was looking for, since this is a math test and all. But I can't believe the teacher wasn't at least amused by this kid's hilarious attempt to define PEMDAS.

That's generally how you find out, yes.

Look, math is hard. Being a clever kid is a lot easier. This may not get you full marks on a test, but any teacher with a sense of humor is gonna appreciate the attempt anyway.

A football is, in fact, one football long.

Technically, this is very correct. But funny enough, I'm pretty sure that's the actual correct answer too. A kid who's smart and clever? Probably going to take over the world at some point.

Sounds like a dad to me.

I don't think any of those answers would technically be wrong (except the part where the kid says their dad is 99 feet tall).

The last answer is especially relatable, because I, too, like to go home.

Jesus is the answer... in Sunday school.

Sure, your church may tell you that Jesus is the answer. But on a test about The Crucible, I don't think using Jesus is going to fly.

At least the kid got a couple right answers.

When you don't have a sister:

I'm sure the test wanted people to use an imaginary sister. But I guess trying to imagine a sister that doesn't exist can be tough for some people.

Or, it's just a clever excuse to get out of doing work.

You can definitely solve problems those ways.

Sure, there are specific methods to getting the right answer to a math problem. But when it all boils down to it, you're probably just using your finger or your head anyway.

Using your head to use your head.

Yes, technically our brains tell us the answers to things, which we then write down or tell other people. But I guess that begs the question: did we come up with it, or did our brains...?

Unfortunately, that isn't wrong.

In fact, that's scarily correct. Probably not what any teacher was expecting, but also not something a kid could get flunked for. And hey, it shows they have a pretty good understanding of how the body works too.