Adopting a child is a life-changing decision, and it’s not always an easy one. One couple found themselves in the middle of a heated debate after they shared their opinion on their friends’ adoption plans. The friends, who were considering adopting a 9-year-old boy, were told they should look for another child to adopt due to the boy’s siblings. The advice didn’t go down well, and now their entire friend group is divided!
Adopting Four Siblings
Friends Seeking Adoption Advice
Adoption Struggles
Meeting a 9-Year-Old Boy
Sibling Situation
Housing Concerns
Sharing Our Experience
Unexpected Reaction
Friend Group Fallout
Taking Sides
“Check Your Privilege”
Standing by the Opinion
Adoption Advice Ignites Friend Group Feud
When one couple shared their adoption experience with friends who were struggling to adopt, they didn’t expect the backlash that followed. After suggesting their friends look for another child to adopt due to the 9-year-old boy’s siblings, the friend group became divided, with some accusing the couple of being insensitive and privileged. Now, the couple is left wondering if they were in the wrong for sharing their honest opinion. Let’s see what the internet has to say about this sticky situation…
NTA commenter defends OP’s stance on not splitting up siblings ❤️
NTA. Siblings should stay together. Kudos for adopting 4 siblings!
Adopting a child is not like buying a car
Putting the child’s well-being first
NTA prioritizes child’s wellbeing over adoptive parents’ emotional desire
Friend expected different answer, but NTA for keeping siblings together
Adopting a human being is not like adopting a pet
Adopted commenter shares importance of keeping siblings together ❤️
NTA friend faces adoption drama, friends split up kids.
Splitting siblings is wrong, NTA gave valid opinion
Giving honest advice doesn’t make you the bad guy
NTA. Don’t answer adoption questions from oversensitive friends.
Adoption agency presents one kid, hides siblings. NTA for questioning.
Adoption is tough, but expecting a happy kid is ignorant
NTA. Shocked by ‘check your privilege’ comment. Friend’s behavior unacceptable
Putting children’s well-being first. Honest advice over sugarcoating.
NTA commenter defends sibling bond in adoption drama.
NTA, but it’s important for siblings to have a relationship
Adoption agency’s transparency questioned over sibling revelation.
Adopting a kid without their siblings sounds traumatic. Love is letting go. #NTA
NTA- Adoption isn’t a race, kids aren’t commodities
NTA. Giving an honest opinion without being r**e.
Can a 9-year-old reject adoption to stay with siblings?
NTA. Friends treating adoption like buying furniture. Stress importance of siblings.
Commenter defends friend’s privilege, receives support from reply.
NTA for giving honest thoughts when asked by friends.
Not the a**hole for giving an honest opinion on adoption.
Adopted child feels resentment towards parents who wanted a baby only
Passionate comment denouncing selfish adoption practices.
Kid’s wishes not considered, commenter NTA.
Adoption isn’t about having an accessory. NTA for standing up.
Heartbreaking experience of a foster child. NTA for the commenter.
Friend asks to adopt siblings, gets truth, and no judgment. NTA.
Heartbreaking situation for a 9-year-old, let the kid decide
Being honest doesn’t make you the a****e. NTA.
NTA stands their ground on giving honest advice
Putting the needs of a family over entitlement
NTA stands up for keeping siblings together in adoption drama
Standing up for what’s right: Calling out absurdity and privilege.
NTA stands up against breaking apart siblings for selfish adoption.
Choosing a child to adopt shouldn’t be like picking furniture ️
Can kids refuse adoption? Yes, agency prioritizes their wishes and family.
Dividing a child’s family for adoption? NTA calls out selfishness.
Heartbreaking adoption story with a glimmer of hope
NTA. Standing up for your beliefs and being criticized unfairly.
Heartbreaking separation of siblings in adoption system. NTA offers advice.
NTA, standing up for the well-being of the child
Adopting a child but ignoring their well-being? Not cool
NTA. Your friends should not adopt that boy. Be patient
Not the a**hole for calling out potential harm to kids.
Being honest with a friend about adoption leads to backlash
Heartbreaking story of separated siblings. NTA for speaking up
Brutal honesty: NTA told to face the music
Friend asks for opinion on adoption, ignores it completely. #NTA
NTA. Brutal honesty hurts, but it’s better than fake support.
Adopting a child and severing him from his siblings? Not cool. #NTA
NTA. Don’t ask questions you don’t want honest answers to.
Cut off toxic friends. NTA suggests they shouldn’t have kids.
Adoption is not shopping for a child . NTA, friends are.
Adopting siblings is important, NTA won’t tolerate separation.
Not the a**hole for wanting to adopt the child.
NTA for suggesting to keep siblings together, but is it really bad to adopt one of the kids if they can’t afford to take them all?
NTA: Friend didn’t ask for opinion, but wanted a pass
Honesty is the best policy. NTA for telling truth.
Heartbreaking situation, friends suggest splitting up orphaned siblings. #NTA
Adoption drama: Friend wants to adopt a kid but cut off contact with their siblings. Commenter suggests keeping siblings in touch with regular meetups. Replies point out the couple’s stance on cutting off siblings.
Last Updated on June 4, 2023 by Diply Social Team