10+ Problematic Things Ross Did On 'Friends'

This was one of the easiest lists I've ever had to write. Ross is, in a couple of words, the worst.

You'll be hard-pressed to find a Friends fan who thinks Ross is the best. If they're out there, please ask them if they're okay.

Before anyone tries to come for us, don't worry, we totally know that this show was a product of its time. But that still doesn't mean everything Ross did was okay!

If the characters were getting mad at him for his actions, then we can get mad too!

*Friends* might be one of the greatest shows to ever play, but that doesn't mean it doesn't come with problematic moments.

Ross Geller may just be the most problematic character of them all, as his decision-making skills are really not the best.

1. Lying to Rachel about getting the marriage annulled


Just a weird, very cringey move on the part of Ross. Oh, and it seems like it should be illegal?

I know that if it had been me, I would have lost my mind!

2. The reason why he didn't want to annul the marriage


Because he didn't want to be "that guy." You know, "that guy" with three divorces?

News flash, Ross: this annulment isn't actually about you. It's about Rachel not wanting to be married to someone she is not in love with!

3. His reaction to Rachel working with Mark


Talk about insecurity!

This is one of the creepiest things that Ross has done on the show, and it doesn't set a good example for boys...especially his own son.

4. When he hid the message meant for Rachel from the bar guy


This was a total manipulative, abusive boyfriend move. And here's the worst part, folks: they weren't even dating!

Seriously, how did Rachel end up with this guy after he pulled moves like this?

5. When he dumped Bonnie after she shaved her head


Alright, so she didn't look up to your high standards, Ross.

You do realize it's hair, right? It will grow back! So what if you think she's not pretty now, she'll be pretty again soon!

Putting her appearance aside for a moment, was he so shallow that he couldn't get over the way she looked and still date her?


We know he ultimately left her for Rachel, but it's safe to say that he would have broken up with her either way after that move.

6. When he said Rachel's name instead of Emily's


Okay, to be fair, this is one of the best plot lines on the show, but that doesn't make it okay!

Poor Emily! No matter how much you didn't like her as a character, no one deserves this!

7. When he wouldn't let Phoebe believe her mom was a cat


The woman is going through a crisis here, Ross.

She believes her mom is a cat. And your solution is to yell at her and tell her that she's wrong? Your friend needs you to be supportive!

8. When he stopped Rachel from going to Paris


He convinced her away from her dream job just to have a life with him.

A New York life where they lived in fancy, spacious apartments, but still. Paris would've been nice.

9. When he was upset that Ben was playing with Barbies


Unfortunately, a lot of parents don't like it when their children (who don't yet have a concept of society's gender norms) just want to play with toys that they like!

Ross was one of those parents.

10. When he bragged about how many times he had sex with Rachel

Not to mention, he did this to a complete stranger.

While it was a small bump in one of the most hilarious episodes, even Rachel got mad at him in the shop! What does that tell you?

11. When he tried to hook up with his cousin


While this might have been okay for the world of Game of Thrones, it's not exactly something people do in modern times.

But Ross didn't seem to care. He really tried to go for it.

12. When he thought the girls couldn't protect themselves


Alright, to be fair, Ross was really trying to make sure that the girls would have been able to protect themselves.

But their annoyance was justified, as he just wouldn't admit that they had the upper hand on him.

13. When he didn't want a male nanny


Again, society sometimes has a problem when people break gender norms. Ross was one of those people.

He didn't like the idea of a man being a nanny, and Sandy lost his job because of that.

14. Ross was just never supportive of Rachel having a career

They constantly got into fights over this very fact back at the start of their relationship.

Ross wanted more time dedicated to him, but Rachel was a modern working woman!

15. When he filmed Rachel having sex with him


Was it by accident? Yes.

Does that make it okay? No! Why's that, you ask? Well, he never told anyone about it AND he never got rid of it! What does that tell you?

16. When he dated a teenage student.


We really have to unpack this one, because it was a lot for us, even when we were watching it for the first time.

Everyone knows that a teacher and a student can't date! It doesn't matter that she's legal, it's not allowed!

Not only did Ross not care, but he also, of course, took this relationship a step too far when he followed her on her spring break!


He very obviously has some serious trust issues, as he didn't even like the idea of Elizabeth being away from him for a week.

17. He didn't want to take responsibility for his own actions.

Back when Chandler was trying to make a good impression on Monica's parents, it's revealed that the reason why they don't like him is because they thought he peer-pressured Ross into doing drugs.

Ross didn't want to admit it was him all along and wanted Chandler to continue taking the fall.

18. When he slept with someone else

While this is clearly the debate that will tear Friends fans apart until the end of time, the fact of the matter is that the same night, he slept with someone else, instead of trying to get back together with Rachel.

Come on, man!

Can you think of any other problematic moments from *Friends* that involved Ross?

Or are you more of a viewer who just takes every character as they are and enjoys the comedy?

Let us know down below in the comment section!