
Netflix's ‘Big Mouth’ Getting Heat For Their Pansexuality Scene

Wow! It really took this long for a show like this to be "under fire". Well, I guess it was bound to happen, considering the show's subject matter.

Now, what are they under fire for?

Well, 'Big Mouth' season 3 is out.


And lordy lordy, we couldn't be more excited.

One of the funniest adult animated cartoons to hit the market since... well, probably since Rick And Morty started, to be honest.

They cover a lot of controversial topics.


They do show a whole lot of naked kids in the show, which you'd think would be controversial, but on the other hand, no one seems to mind.

Well, they minded a bit for this scene...

Okay, so Ali Wong plays a new character on the show.

She's a pansexual, which means she's into anyone regardless of their gender.

See? Was that so hard Big Mouth? I managed to describe pansexuality (weakly, albeit) that without putting down the "B" in LGBTQ.

Yeah, she kind of ripped on bisexuals a whole bunch.

Don't take my word for it though, see for yourself in the tweet below.

Needless to say, bisexuals all over the world were pretty pissed off. They were pissed off at both the men and women who make Big Mouth.