We Hope This Tiny Crochet Bob Ross Makes Your Day Better

If you grew up watching The Joy of Painting with Bob Ross, you likely remember him as a talented artist with a soothing voice who lived his life doing what he loved. Shouldn't we all aspire to be like Bob?

Ever since Netflix added various Bob Ross painting shows to their catalog, people have been falling in love with the artist all over again.

He definitely brings back a lot of childhood memories.

And even if you didn't watch him as a kid, it's fun to sit back and watch him paint even now.

Anyway, we stumbled across this tiny crocheted Bob Ross and it was too pure and adorable to not share.

YouTube | Louie's Loops

He was created by Louie Mensinger, who makes tons of adorable crochet video tutorials for fellow crocheters to follow along!

We hope it solves all your problems today.

Don't forget to SHARE this gemwith your friends to make their day better, too!