Reddit | doogles

12+ People Who Get An A+ In Cleverness

There are some people who are simply born to be pioneers of intellect, whether it be in the fields of science, engineering, philosophy, or anything else which seeks to understand more about and advance the human experience.

However, too often in today's society genius is overlooked. So, I have gathered here 12+ people who deserve an A+ in all of the cleverness that you ought to know more about — and be sure to strap on your irony safety jacket.

"Car AC broken? Just get some PVC pipes!"

Reddit | Pantelima

Mario: Heavy breathing

Lego Hands

Reddit | angstyteens

Anything that means you can justify having Lego on your desk is all right in my book. They could have picked a Lego figure who doesn't look so furious at having to hold your phone charger though!

"My friend just bought a new house. The old owners must have been geniuses."

Reddit | AlliumVineale

I'll be right back, I just need to shoot out to the DIY store.

With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility!

Reddit | FlySupaFly

I have never seen such clear talent being used for such menial, yet hilarious ends.

They're Tears Of Joy

Feddit | Agithor311

If they're laminated, it also means that they won't get covered in blood when you resort to sacrificing a small woodland animal to the gods in an attempt to get a better grade as there is nothing else left to do. Just a heads up, it doesn't work and can get you in real trouble.

"Genius on the beach. Why build sand castle when you can build sand sofas."


Someone needs to make a giant bucket in the shape of a couch so that you can make these in the same way that you can make sandcastles. Imagine seeing someone walking to beach with a bucket that large.

"This kid is a genius."

Reddit | romz7

Such a revolutionary approach to algebra, truly they are the next great mind of our generation.

"How to bake two pizza's at once in one pizza sized oven"

Reddit | KingPin300-1976

Or you could just order in extra pizzas, surely that would be easier? And then you don't even have to cook anything yourself.

Have You Got Those Files?

Reddit | LeahM324

Ahh, delicious, delicious, anti-oxidant rich work documents.

"I'm studying in an engineering college. This is the ceiling of our classroom."


When was that classroom built? Hot damn this college needs some money for renovations!

"But don't eat while driving"

Reddit | GreyXor

Why do you need two dips? BBQ sauce is the only dip you need, anything else is just superfluous. Still though, pretty good idea I guess!

"The hero we need."


This one would be completely genius, if the person who that message was aimed for was behind you not in front!

"Yesterday was the last day I search for a lost remote."

Reddit | Ilikecuttinggrass

Yes, now you can spend your time looking for a hideous Frankenstein remote instead, well done!

"Need a trolley but don’t have a coin? A round key tends to fit most"

Reddit | mrpetrolbomb

This is a fantastic idea until you're using a trolley to let yourself into your house because you can't get your key back.

"Drilling a hole in a ceiling? This saves from dust debris!"

Reddit | cableguysmith

I would probably use this if I ever had any cause to drill a hole in the ceiling. I put up a shelf once, and realised then that DIY was not a world I was meant to be a part of.

The Sink Hack

Reddit | voy_conlag_mental

Sure, this is a technically genius idea. However, is filling up a bucket really something which requires such a complicated solution?

An Attempt Was Made

Reddit | evankk

You hardly need to be Danny Ocean to figure out this particular heist.

"Put your burrito in a pint container, no tipping contents, pull on foil to raise it, no dripping, no utensils"

Reddit | doogles

I like the idea of there being no leaking sauce; however, I think part of the experience of eating a burrito is the mess and feeling of slight disgust at yourself for the quantity of carbs that you've just consumed.


Reddit | Debuchin

If you know what this doorstop is referencing, then right now you're probably awkwardly chuckling.

Get Those Tips!

Reddit | TwoBitesAtTheCherry

If asking a pointless question that pretty much everyone has strong opinions about works to get more cigarette butts out of the gutter then it probably works for loose change too.

A Groan-Worthy Pun

Reddit | BrkIt

Did you get it?

It's a UFO caught on tape.

"My dad's friend brought him a clever birthday cake"

Reddit | jonbenta

I need to remember this when my dad's birthday rolls around next year. Because I'm totally stealing this.

"I've never seen anyone work so hard at being lazy"

Reddit | 4pointingnorth

To be fair, a couple of rubber bands is hardly a lot of work. I have a voice assistant in my home and regularly use it to change the thermostat temperature because I'm too lazy to use the app on my phone.

No One Will Notice

My only critique is that he looks too excited to learn in the photo. He needs to be a little less eager to be believable.

"My coworker forgot her contact lens case, so she improvised"

Reddit | eleanor61

I mean, it's not a great solution, but for one night it'll do. Sometimes, you just have to MacGyver something from hotel supplies.

"Didn't have a stand, so I improvised"

Imgur | captaingator

Never throw away your old Lego. Even if you never have kids to pass them down to, Lego is always useful.

Not Sure It's Food Safe

Imgur | AcrophobicOwl

I mean, it works, but if you don't have a mixer then a spoon will do. Plus, that whisk is the wrong tool for cookie dough. You need a beater or paddle attachment.

"Did not have the money for a standing mixer, so I improvised..."

Reddit | Tytar

This is actually pretty decent. It won't have the power of a real stand mixer, but it definitely leaves your hands free to work on the next steps.

"The lack of lumbar support was starting to take a toll, so I improvised an ergonomic chair with what I had in hand"

Reddit | Zequez

And if your manager complains about how it looks, just tell them to buy better chairs next time.

See Also: This Chair Hack

Reddit | boomboomsaIoon

If you are too cheap to replace a broken office chair, then you're just going to have to put up with employees solving the problem themselves.

"Couldn't find my candle holder, as a musician I improvised the best I could"

Reddit | Gordondel

I actually love this. It's clever and far more memorable than a basic candle stick.

"I wasn't sure if my package was under 16 oz for mailbox use. No scales at home, I improvised"

Reddit | Pedipalp

Who needs a fancy kitchen scale when you have a coat hanger and a little know-how?

Another Good Use For A Coat Hanger

Reddit | Psycochem

You would have to make a lot of homemade pasta to make buying a drying rack worth the cost. This works!

"Didn't have a cork screw. Stuff happened"

Reddit | guyver_dio

Been there. I used a screw and pliers. If you can manage to push the cork down into the bottle, that's usually the best way.

"I forgot my fork at home...does this count as a hack?"

Imgur | PhillipSewell

Yes, it counts and I hope you gave those paperclips a quick cleaning before eating off them.

"The shirt I'm going to start wearing on Monday."

Reddit | yinelisse_

I think these should be mandatory in all jobs, even ones where you're working with the general public. In fact, especially for people working with the general public, just get rid of the bit about self control and leave the, "Please don't talk to me."

"My girlfriend needed a light box"

Reddit | eddiethellama

For the occasional tracing project, a window works, but you can't always depend on there being sunlight. This is a handy alternative.

I'm Stealing This Hack

Reddit | JimmyRickyBobbyBilly

"Nice soccer game"

Reddit | Ssemmi53

That woman does not give a damn about your flag! Never get in between an elderly woman and her footy game!