Kit Harington Hasn't Watched The Final Season Of 'Game Of Thrones'

Honestly, Mr. Harington, I think all of us Game Of Thrones fans wish we hadn't seen the final season.

At least then we wouldn't have this lingering bitter taste in our mouths.

The final season of 'Game Of Thrones' was a wee bit of a disaster.


Well, to say the least.

Fans really didn't like it. They have been going on about how they didn't like it ever since it ended on May 19, 2019.

Yeah, it was that bad.

So, obviously when it came time for the Emmys, some were asked to address the controversy.


We got showrunner Dan Weiss, one half of the most hated pair in America, say that: "he doesn't know how people are going to feel in 5, 10, 20 years".

He hopes they'll like Season 8 though.

And sure, absence does make the heart grow fonder.

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So maybe after not having Game Of Thrones for so many years, we'll start to appreciate the things we do have.

However, Dan Weiss aside, there was one really baller answer from one of the cast members about the controversy surrounding season 8.

Well, you read the title. You know who it is.


Kit Harington said in response to all the backlash people have about the final season:

“I still haven’t seen the show. So that’s how I dealt with that controversy — I haven’t seen the final season but I know what it took to shoot it. It was hard and all of them put their love and effort into it. Controversy, I think for us, we knew what we were doing was right, storywise, and we knew that it was right for the characters because we lived with them for 10 years. Controversy for us didn’t really affect us.”