Facebook | I Hate Coriander

There's A Facebook Group Dedicated To Hating Cilantro And It Has 200,000 Members

Everybody has at least one food that they just can't stand. For me, it's olives. I know some folks eat them like candy, but if an olive has ever touched a pizza, that pie is ruined for me. It's a write-off. Sorry, not sorry.

It turns out that for thousands of others, that one food is cilantro, and there's a good reason for that.

In fact, there's a Facebook group dedicated to hating cilantro, and it has more than 200,000 members.

Facebook | I Hate Coriander

It's a bit confusing because many use "coriander" and "cilantro" interchangeably, although technically speaking, they are slightly different. They come from the same plant, but at different stages in its development.

The early stage, which is just leaves, is the green bunches sold as cilantro at the supermarket.

Unsplash | Tomasz Olszewski

When the plant flowers and develops seeds, those seeds become the spice coriander.

It doesn't help anything that supermarkets also use the terms interchangeably, of course.

Facebook | I Hate Coriander

It's also a regional thing, where some areas refer to cilantro as coriander. It's all pretty odd, but the bottom line is, people out there freaking hate this plant, and no, hate is not too strong a word for their feelings.

Science backs it up, too.

Facebook | I Hate Coriander

If nothing ruins a taco for you like cilantro, you're not alone. About 10% of people are going to be pre-disposed to hating the herb, with a gene that enhances cilantro's soapy flavor.

Apparently, Julia Child famously hated cilantro as well.

Basically, if you have the gene, you are able to taste the aldehydes in the plant that those without the gene can't. Which wouldn't be so bad if aldehydes didn't taste like dish soap.

And if someone has the gene, you can be darn sure everyone around them knows it.

Not that you can really blame them, since entire cultural cuisines are cilantro minefields. It gets tiresome to check every ingredient list for a single herb that will ruin the experience.

So it's not really surprising to learn there's a group devoted to hating it.

Facebook | I Hate Coriander

If there's anything Facebook can do, it's bring a group of people with a shared hatred of something together so they can share their memes and agree with each other.

And, folks, the "I Hate Coriander" group is pretty impressive in its searing loathing for these leaves.

Make no mistake, people are dedicated to their hatred of cilantro.

Facebook | I Hate Coriander

It looks like many of the group's members are from Australia, and they're not even a little bit shy about stating their aversion.

Honestly, it's hilarious, and I feel their pain.

What do you think? Are you pro-cilantro or firmly in the hater's camp with at least 200,000 others?