
10+ Smart Laundry Hacks To Simplify Laundry Day

I have to admit laundry is not one of my favorite chores. I mean what chore really is? But laundry day is especially tiring and time-consuming. There's all that loading and unloading, sorting and folding... I'm getting a headache just thinking about it.

So wouldn't it be amazing if you could simplify laundry and make it that much more bearable? With these tricks now you can.

1. Wash Darks Inside Out

This is a must-try trick if you want the color to last longer. Doing so will prevent clothes from fading. Try it and see.

2. Do Up Zippers

Unsplash | Andrii Podilnyk

And while you at it, make sure you zip up all those zippers because those pesky teeth can wreak havoc on other clothes. I do this.

3. Get A Good Hamper


A good hamper is a must especially if you can get one that separates whites from colors. This one is a great find.

4. Keep That Washing Machine Clean


If you're lucky enough to have laundry facilities in the house, make sure that washer stays clean by using cleaning tablets such as these.

5. Avoid Build-Up With Wool Dryer Balls


These nifty wood dryer balls are just as good as liquid softener or sheets and don't leave any nasty build-up. Hooray!

6. Get Rid Of Lint In A Jiffy


I absolutely can't stand lint on my clothes and towels so I love that this handy brush comes to the rescue.

7. Get A Laundry Guard


Sorting laundry is painful enough but if any of it drops on the floor that's so annoying. Prevent that from happening with this laundry guard.

8. Protect Your Delicates


Who likes washing delicates like bras by hand? Definitely not me. I must invest in these special mesh bags so I can stop doing that immediately.

9. Wash Those Sneakers


And speaking of mesh bags. Who knew you can use them to wash your smelly sneakers? What? How did I not know about this?

10. Save Space With Wall-Mount Folding Rack


Who else thinks this folding laundry rack is pretty genius? I gotta find a spot for this baby in my house.

11. Make Folding A Breeze


OMG, they do exist. I think I've seen one of these in a movie once but I thought only stores had them. I need this.

12. Make Trecking To The Laundromat Easier


I have to do my laundry at a laundromat and I admit that's not always fun. This carry bag does make it easier.

13. Remove Stains With Vinegar And Lemon


Apparently washing your clothes in vinegar and lemon is powerful enough to get rid of stubborn stains and it makes clothes smell great.

14. Add Wheels To Your Laundry Basket

Better Homes And Gardens

You can upcycle old toy cars and give your laundry basket some wheels for easier mobility. So clever!

15. Stop Creases In Their Tracks

Better Homes And Gardens

Use a pool noodle on your drying rack to cushion your clothes and stop those annoying creases.

I hope these cool laundry hacks with make your next laundry day a total breeze. I know I'm going to implement a few of these as soon as I can.

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