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UNO Says You Can't Stack + 2 And +4 Cards And Everybody Strongly Disagrees

One of life's great joys is getting back at someone who wronged you. Unfortunately, that's not always easy to do in real life, but on the card table, oh yeah, the revenge can come fast and furious. Bring on the absolute savagery. Especially when you break out the UNO deck, right? It might not have ended as many friendships as Monopoly, but if there's anything players seem to agree on, it's that you need to be able to be as gleefully and unrepentant a jerk as everybody else at the table to really make the game worth playing.

Knowing how passionately they take the game, the good folks at UNO tried to clarify a rule for their legions of fans.

They wanted players to know that, strictly speaking, it's against the rules to stack +4 and +2 cards. I'm not so sure anybody was all that confused about the rule, however.

No, they weren't confused — they were sure about how they wanted to play the game.

And UNO's many, many players wanted the company to know that, while they might have designed and published everything, that wasn't how anyone played the game.

The joy of slapping down a +4 when someone plays a +2 on you just can't be taken away.

It's the only response that makes sense, right? If you can't come back at your opponents with some firepower, what have you got?

I'm sure UNO just wanted to settle arguments with the rule clarification.

Unfortunately, now everyone's in agreement that UNO doesn't even know their own game.

How seriously do people take their UNO?

Someone made up a "Black UNO" Twitter account just to rebut UNO's official statement. I love it, and frankly, it's not wrong. House rules for the win!

What do you think? How do you play UNO?