
Food Service Workers Are Sharing Their Worst Customer Stories

There's a golden rule that all people should live by: never mess with anyone who handles your food. It seems straightforward, yet for some reason — so many people fail to grasp it.

As someone who spent the better part of a decade in customer service, I can attest to how grueling it can be. Have a look below and check out these food service workers sharing their worst customer stories.

Clearly, they tasted better than you originally let on.

Unsplash | Erik Mclean

"Had a woman shouting over the entire restaurant over how my bbq chicken wings were [expletive] after she ate all 12 of them, leaving nothing but the bones. She also commented on the bad smell of the sauce, it's full of blue cheese you idiot, what did you expect?" - Reddit u/deleted

What do you call a cheeseburger without cheese?

Unsplash | Dan Gold

Back when srrw4fallen was working at McDonald's, an order came through the system for a cheeseburger, without the cheese. The customer became irate when the employee handed them a hamburger wrapper and tried to accuse the worker of ripping her off.

A slightly cold reaction.

"I had a customer call the store claiming that she had gone through the Drive-Thru earlier that day and asked for a Large coke with light ice. She told me there was definitely the normal amount of ice in this drink and she demanded a refund, a new coke, and a milkshake for her inconvenience." - Reddit u/JBray1018

Actually, the total opposite is true.

Unsplash | Emerson Vieira

Reddit user JediMasterEvan5 once had a customer start screaming due to the fact that her well-done steak was too tough. She swore up and down that the more you cooked a steak, the more tender it became.

Don't worry, I brought my own bagel and cream cheese.

"A super-yoga soccer mom started coming in every morning to buy a coffee. She would bring in her own bagel and her own cream cheese. She would purchase the coffee and then ask us to toast her bagel and put her cream cheese on it for her." - Reddit u/deleted

There's a time limit for these kinds of things.

Unsplash | Shahbaz Ali

When Redditor cinnamonspider was working at McDonald's, they once had a customer come into the store and try to return his Big Breakfast — that he bought the day prior. You can't make this stuff up.

A terrible joke at the drive-thru gone wrong.

"The persons[sic] oreders[sic] about $50 worth of food from the Brazier (kitchen) in addition to about $25 worth of ice cream products. As the car pulls around to pay, it's one of the employees drunk off his [expletive] thinking this is all a big joke." - Reddit u/deleted

This isn't a joke at all.

Unsplash | Samuel Regan-Asante

Redditor mcgibber was asked by a customer for a certain brand of scotch. When she asked if there was anything he'd prefer in the event that they didn't have it, he instructed the server that she could go and hang herself from the rafters.

Weren't you ever told never to look a gift horse in the mouth?

Unsplash | Denis Tuksar

"Lady comes in at 9:57 (close at 10) and orders a smoothie with a coupon that allows her a free kids[sic] smoothie. When my co-worker doesn't do a good enough job making her smoothie, she makes me remake it. Three times." - Reddit u/cheesepuff311

People are actually the worst.

Reddit user MissCinder recalls one customer who racked up a bill of nearly $150. After receiving impeccable service, the customer left a $0 tip behind and smiled maliciously as he walked out of the restaurant.

Is this some kind of sick joke?

Unsplash | Mario

"A couple orders food together. Man gets a plain hamburger and the female gets a hamburger ketchup only. They come back up together and the man says he ordered it plain but got ketchup and the girl says she wanted ketchup but got a hamburger plain." - Reddit u/HidingNow42069

Just because it's pink doesn't mean it's raw.

Redditor IW1911 was working in a burger van when a young boy asked him for a medium-rare steak burger. The boy's mother returned a few minutes later threatening to sue the burger company for serving undercooked meat.

Is the server just supposed to read your mind?

Unsplash | Jay Wennington

"I've been stiffed before by people who don't tell me they have an allergy or a religious exemption from eating certain foods and then are incensed when it shows up in their order." - Reddit u/Fulker01

I don't get paid enough for this [expletive].

When DeLaNope was working at a rundown chain restaurant, a customer came in and emptied their colostomy bag into a glass on the table. To make matters even worse, their manager tried to make them clean it up.

Could this be the worst customer interaction of all time?

Unsplash | piotr szulawski

"While getting ready to close up for the night at Subway, a guy came up to the counter, pointed a gun at me, and told me to put all of the money from the register into a plastic bag. He was my least favorite customer." - Reddit u/crayola_magic

h/t: Reddit