
People List The Real Life Double Standards That Drive Them Nuts

As much as it sucks, we're subjected to double standards almost constantly. Some of them are a lot more common than others, and I think it's safe to say that people have had enough of them.

In a recent Reddit post, people answered the question, "What double standard are you tired of?" that user WistfulNightSky posed. And their answers were pretty relatable.

"As a woman it frustrates me to no end when women objectify men in a way that, if it was the other way around, would cause outrage." - RollsuckSupreme

Unsplash | Nathan Thomassin

Yeah, that is kind of annoying. You can't really have it both ways. And has anyone ever stopped to think how men feel when people objectify them?

"The way employers react to pregnancy announcements depending on which half of the couple it’s coming from." - BigDaddysDayCare

Unsplash | Damir Spanic

"My husband got a raise, an extra week of PTO, and a bottle of scotch for 'becoming the man of the house,' and I got shafted from a promotion I had been promised for a year because I had 3 months 'off' coming up and 'wasn’t going to be able to work as much.'"

Wow, how about we don't punish moms for having kids.

"Prologue: not hating on anybody. But I get so annoyed by needing a legit sick day and having management complain." - zzzkitten

"All the while, people with kids can say 'my kid is sick, need to go' without the same standard applied. Just asking for equal days available."

Why do I feel like employers forget that adults can get sick, too.

"People assuming I can not be emotional or do not have feelings as I am a boy." - blackycatty

Unsplash | Nik Shuliahin

"That got me into depression once. Now I just joke about it because society won't change anytime soon."

Yeah, it'd be nice if we let boys know from an early age that it's okay to talk about their feelings when they need to.

"My partner getting annoyed with my loose hairs in the shower but somehow has no problem with his beard hairs all around the sink when he shaves." - MiaLba

As someone with a lot of hair, I feel this. It's a lot easier to clean shavings out of the sink than it is to get every strand of hair out of the shower.

"Young adult women: old enough to decide that they permanently want to have/raise a child, not old enough to decide whether they want to permanently NOT have children." - grocerygirlie

Unsplash | Charles Deluvio

We get punished for having kids, we get punished for not having kids. Being a woman sure is fun, isn't it?

"Maybe it’s just me, but I’ve noticed that women are expected to be way more positive all the time." - Redqueenhypo

"If I don’t accept food I did not order, make even a mildly deprecating joke, or have a neutral face that isn’t 🙂, I’m branded as being negative." And yet, no one complains if a man isn't smiling. Just saying.

"Parenting double standards." - f_this_life

"The gender of the parent does not make the parent. Dads are not 'babysitting' their children, they are parenting."

It's almost like people forget their own fathers exist or something. You don't have to be a mom to be a good parent, people!

"People that say ‘don’t worry about what other people think, be yourself’ but make judgments about people based on behavior they don’t understand." - wheresmywang710

"I wish more value was placed on learning/understanding people’s intentions vs. what you see on the surface. And don’t say things unless you really mean them."

Also, when people put no effort in trying to understand you. Why even bother telling someone to be themselves?

"How it’s perfectly okay for a potential employer to ask your salary expectations even before an interview..." - CrieDeCoeur

Unsplash | Scott Graham

"But a candidate asking what the job pays is somehow a red flag for HR and a big no-no."

Is it just me, or do jobs always give you a salary range that's too low for the skill level.

"When companies say they are family friendly but don’t want you to work from home or help with child care." - Pewcachan

That's probably more a case of the company being dishonest than upholding a double standard, but you know what? I'm sure this is still really annoying for parents who need childcare!

"Basic laws not applying to people with money or power." - Spodson

"I thought the US was based on an idea that nobody was above the law."

It would be nice if, you know, there weren't two sets of rules for people with power and people without. Just saying.

"Star student athletes are nearly untouchable. If they make the school look good the school will almost never take action against them." - HonoraryCanadian

Unsplash | Braden Collum

I always thought this was something that only happened in movies and TV shows. But nope, it's real. And to be completely honest, it feels kind of wrong, putting these athletes on a pedestal and all.

"I have to be exactly on time for an appointment or risk a fine and no appointment." - cutiegirl88

"Yet a doctor can make you wait hours sometimes without even a 'thank you for waiting' or 'sorry about the wait.'"

Doctors love to forget that we're busy people with things to do. Sigh...

"Why is dental insurance different from 'health insurance,' aren't teeth part of my overall health?" - talwen69

And on top of all that, dental procedures ain't cheap! Having good teeth isn't just aesthetically pleasing; it's kind of incredibly important. But hey, what do I know?

"Your boss getting angry if you're a couple minutes late but then expects you to have no problem regularly staying on 2+ hours after your shift is meant to end." - Entire_Ad9420

Sometimes, it feels like employers want us to work for free. Oh, who am I kidding? That's exactly what they want! But I guess they'll settle on constant overtime with no real incentives.

"In my experience the bosses who got mad if you were late were never on time themselves." - schuma73

You know how it goes. If you're late, it's basically the end of the world. But if your boss is late, it's suddenly no big deal. If only life could actually be fair.

"Customers being able to verbally and sometimes physically assault workers while the worker just has to stand there and take it or they’ll be fired." - lydiaj02

I worked retail once. Customers love yelling to get what they want, and always seem to get away with it. It's almost like service workers don't deserve respect or something.

"'Entry level' jobs that require experience." - Arctinii

I thought the whole point of an entry level job was to get experience in order to be qualified for more advanced jobs in the future? If only employers took the time to actually train new hires these days.

"My principal taking days to read and reply to my emails, if ever, versus me being told at 8 in the morning that I should have known something because he sent me an email at 10 in the evening the night before." - mljb81

Oh, so you don't have to read my emails, but I have to read yours? In what world is that fair?

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