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Marriage Quotes That Got Me Thinking 'Yup, That's Us'

Marriage is a sacred institution, one which celebrates the unabashed love between two kindred spirits. There is nothing more powerful, more beautiful, and sometimes — nothing more hilarious.

That's right, there's a lighter side to marriage that's seldom discussed but well worth mentioning. Have a look below at these marriage quotes that will have you thinking "Yup, that's us!"

What's yours is mine, what's mine is ours.

I used to have this old yellow sweater that I'd wear around the house; it was nothing special but boy was it comfortable. I lost my right to wear it a mere two weeks after my fiancee moved in.

A happy wife is a full wife.

Never presume that your wife doesn't want anything from the corner store. If she sees you with candy and chips and you have none to offer — your chips will quickly become her chips. It's an unwritten law of the universe.

Love requires personal sacrifice.

One question that every married man and woman should ask themselves at the beginning of every argument is, "Do I want to be happy or do I want to be right?" Remember that there's no hill on earth worth dying upon.

Whatever you do, don't touch the thermostat.

I would rather succumb to hypothermia than risk the unparalleled danger of adjusting the thermostat. I'm basically not allowed to be cold until my partner gives me permission — which is usually around the time when icicles begin forming in the windows.