Quotes That Can At Least Make Us Laugh On A Monday

Mondays are the worst, let's face it. We're exhausted from the weekend and the last thing we want to do is get up in the morning with our alarm and head out to work to see people and deal with our job. If there's any time we need a good pick me up, it's on a Monday for sure, without a doubt.

Why is this so painfully true?

It was only yesterday that I was young and wild and free, partying my life away. But, now, all I can do is sit on Pinterest and scroll through recipes to make in my air fryer. I want to air fry everything. That's more excited than 1/2 price drinks at happy hour.

It's all a facade.

I may look fun on social media, like I have so many friends and so much going on in my life, but in reality, I have no friends and I'm an introvert. I like to take photos in fun places, but 99% of the time I'm on the couch.

Mind your business!

Being in quarantine and remote teaching with my children, let me get some peace and quiet a little during the day. Sure, they should be doing math, but it's a fire drill like a regular school day—gotta stand outside aimlessly for a bit.

I need 5 GPS's.

Don't tell me that I will find it really easily and I won't miss the turn, because chances are, I'm going to miss the turn. I need Waze and Google Maps and someone should also find MapQuest and print me directions, too.

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