Quotes About That Last Glass Of Wine Most Of Us All Feel

If you're a fan of drinking wine, you know that it's not a hobby but a lifestyle. Drinking wine is basically like a social club. Those who do it know that you can always find a friend at the store, at the restaurant, or at the bar if you're ordering a white wine instead of a beer or vodka soda.

Flowers < Wine.

I'm not trying to ask my husband to bring me home a dozen roses, I'm asking him to bring him home one dozen bottles of rosé. I want my phone to know I would always rather get romantic rosé and not romantic roses.

Just, chill.

Whenever you feel stressed, remember that chilling is the best thing for you to do. Think of your life like white wine, you want it to be chilled in order for it to taste good. So, chill, life will be better.

If that!

Don't ask me how much wine costs because I'm not concerned with that. I barely spend more than 20 minutes drinking it, so what's the difference with how much it costs? I'll take it cheap, expensive, whatever it is.

My friends need specificities.

Don't put my photo on a milk carton, no one will find me. Just put my face on a bottle of wine and all of my friends will know 100% that I'm a lost cause. But, they definitely will be too drunk to find me.

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